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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 14 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    The weird thing is an official edit exists of BTTF. They recorded non-PG lines twice for that very reason. In that version he says "you're going to see some serious stuff." See also: "what, do we become jerks or something?" 

    I also remember a TV showing of it many years ago where he said "some serious cheese". I remember it vividly because he says fucking cheese.

  2. Not disputing any of that, and I'm not calling for radical reform or anything. I'm just saying there wasn't enough of it for me to get more excited than I already was because it was the season opener.  We will hopefully see much more exciting races before the season is over. 

  3. Most of the season was a two horse race between the two finest racers of this generation in the two fastest cars in the sport's history. That would be enough for me to not be bored but I also got to witness Vettel being punished spectacularly for his petulance on multiple occasions, which is always fun. And even after the title race was essentially wrapped up, I enjoyed watching Verstappen giving us a taste of what's to come. 


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