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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. I'm not a big metalworker but, with all cutting/grinding tools I've ever used on other materials, they've stopped cutting/grinding so well. I appreciate it happens over time so it's hard to notice an actual change but at some point it normally becomes obvious. Worst case scenario if you're not sure, change it and see if it cuts better. If not, you've got a spare.

  2. 8 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    It's likely to provide a more universal base.

    It may well be more universal, but I'd still argue that a living language would be the more useful base. But let's not steer the language thread off-course with semantics...

    I agree wholeheartedly with Dutch analysis. Once I'd learned German, coupled with my English, I found I could understand huge swathes of Dutch. Quite the mad feeling to understand someone who's speaking a foreign language. 

  3. This is one of those rare ones that actually moves me. I only really got to know his catalogue outside of his hits about 6 years ago and he jumped straight up onto my all time favourites list. I love an artist who can play with my emotions and Bill was a fucking master at that.


  4. I've spent my life getting stung by bastard wasps. I don't know why. I'm completely indifferent to them but they always end up being on a chair when I lean back or flying into my mouth when I'm on a bike. I've even stood on two dead wasps with no shoes on and been stung. Fucking hate the bastards. 


  5. 19 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    impressed by the little touch of the multiple camera angles; really gives it a professional feel.

    That was a fortunate by-product of me not being able to play it while singing but thanks anyway!

  6. On 3/13/2020 at 8:54 PM, SaitoRyo said:

    I live in a small village in the Czech Republic... 

    I went to the nearest Lidl yesterday and everything was normal. Seemed a little busier than normal but the shelves were full and nobody sparked anyone else out over toilet roll. 

    Same in Germany. We British are a very special breed indeed. 

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