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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 32 minutes ago, AVM said:

    Registration on companies house is of course welcome but it shouldn’t prove a distraction from the real issues at hand here. Dangling people off off multi story buildings, hitting them over the head with pool cues, hitting them with bags of ice, ‘bangcocking’ people (presumably hitting people in their genitalia without consent?), passionately kissing fans seemingly without consent on multiple occasions, family members making threats on multiple of occasions, encouraging people to target accusers immediately after their full name and town of location is published... all of this is stuff that’s either been admitted in person (or in one case alleged by a relative of the folk implicated) or has been caught on camera and it does not scrape the surface as to what evidence is available to counter any legal case that could be brought against the allegations that have been made (my case and the others) and it absolutely dwarths the evidence that has been presented in legal cases successfully defended relating to historical accusations of sexual abuse.

    Being on companies house hasn’t proven an obstacle to all the above happening, there has to be other safeguards and the marketplace should be informed within the boundaries of the law so it can vote with its feet.

    Who leads this? This isn’t just a union job, though they are a bit part of it. I think a lot of this goes straight to the top too.

    ... oh and by the way, the intimidation of the accused won’t work. There’s a presumption that accused are always internet trolls. Not always so. Sometimes the fear of having a punch thrown at them by a member of the family with a criminal history won’t be enough to make them take it back. Sometimes folk have the inclination and the capital to defend their case all the way. Sometimes when you don’t expect folk to reach out to the police and their lawyers they do. Sometimes when you mess with people you think are weak they bite back, sometimes folk know their truth so passionately that they actively welcome the opportunity to prove it and aren’t afraid of big burly men who can’t string a sentence together.

    In other words, some bullies never lose but when they pick a fight against folk that are used to bullies, that understand how they operate and have the intelligence, capital and internal strength to stand up to them? It brings about a fucking big shock to the system.


    Well amen to fucking that!

  2. The sickening reality is the only reason I've become so vocal in this thread is because the below atrocity is the only deep-fried fish I can find within 50km of my house. Unspecified quadrilateral fish piece with aioli and potato salad. Just like Nana Helga used to make. The other alternative was the same piece of fish in a dry baguette. Chippy Tea! 



  3. 17 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    What's that green shit?

    I'm not a fan either but you can't deny the importance of the mushy pea in the world of the chippy tea.

  4. I genuinely think the only solution is to stop watching. Pretty much every statement from anybody accused or associated with the accused has confirmed to me that there's no interest from their side in changing anything.

  5. On 6/26/2020 at 7:11 PM, PowerButchi said:

    You're the whitest man on earth. I am a wonderful deep mahogany. 

    I just caught myself half-naked in the mirror and thought of you, Butch. I looked like a nice greasy Hogan in his prime and I imagined you as Hercules, complete with welts from the chains because of his weak and fragile skin. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, AVM said:

    Gents, there’s a whole lot I’d like to say but I’m advised not to. This is in hand and I stand by my allegations.

    I really don't think you need to say much. They're basically chipping away at their own credibility with every promo.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    You can't pack meat and social distance it seems. 

    Most of the workers are shipped over from the East and housed together in high-rises. The less-than-comfortable conditions might even be useful in containing it. The rozzers had our local ghetto sealed and quarantined 3 days ago already. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    Fantastic. I planted 6 and later read that 1 is normally enough for an average family. I have never really cooked with them and am hoping to find a few good all veg recipes for them. 

    I fear that 6 will provide so much bleeding courgette that you'll never want to eat one again as long as you live. You'll even annoy friends with your constant courgette generosity. They'll call you Tommy Courgette. 

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