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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. 41 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

    Is there anything decent for Mac that I can download from Steam? Looking for a theme park kind of game or something like theme hospital.

    Doesn't appear to be much good games on there. I know Mac's aren't for games but as someone who has football manager I thought there would be more out there (maybe there is?)

    Your best bet is getting a real computer.

  2. Aldi do none of these beers in Germany 🙁

    Edit: Even premium beers don't cost much in Germany, so I suppose there's no market for it. Nobody's buying a knock off that's only 5p cheaper. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Loki said:


    ...but it doesn't mean that because that's not available to all, it's invalid and doesn't have value and so shouldn't be protected.

    But that's also essentially saying that anything that has any value to anyone should be protected, which is bollocks. If a statue reminds 10 people on a daily basis that we revere slavers and inspires only 9, do you agree that the needs of the many should win out? 

  4. 3 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    I know I'm taking away the wrong lesson from this but to me it's an annoying reminder of the fact that we don't own any of the content we pay for.

    Do Spotify/Netflix users genuinely think they own anything? It's quite transparent from the outset, surely?

  5. I've also been a smartwatch man for a few years. Currently rocking the Samsung Galaxy with all sorts of beautiful straps, but I've also got the TicWatch Pro, Samsung S3, a couple of Fossils. No point in posting any photos in this thread though because they look different every day and would embarrass the tick-tock fools.

  6. 5 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

    I'm probably not the best one to gauge the weirdness as there are tastefully nude pictures of the Mrs on the wall of our living room


  7. Just stumbled across these two videos I made for exiled championship wrestling back in the post-TWCF/pre-UKFF days. Not sure of it's awesomeness but I wanted to post them for posterity.

    Dream sequence intro. Joey Holmes working at Sainsbury's daydreams about starting a wrestling company.


    Those dreams become reality in eCw AGGRO!


  8. I no longer smoke. I was raised in a Jehovah's Witness family and knew from very early on that I was getting out of there as soon as possible so on my 16th birthday I went out and bought a pack of Bensons and smoked the lot. Jovo's aren't allowed to smoke so rather than tell my parents I was done with their god I just became a smoker. Same difference, except smoking was lovely. I got up to around 50 a day by my late 30s and was genuinely worried that I'd never be able to stop. Luckily (or not, I suppose, in the smoking thread) I had a massive burnout and fell into depression at 39. I also had a 9 year old son so decided, if I feel like shit anyway, I might as well use this time to quit smoking. Smoked my last on my 40th and 2.5 years later I still want to lick smokers' faces when I walk past them.

    Smoke one for me guys! Enjoy every drag for me!!!! Then let me lick your face. I may no longer smoke, but I belong in this thread.

  9. 1 hour ago, Guy Bifkin said:

    What are people's view on having a wank over a pornstar once they've hits the skids like the lady above or killed themselves - still fair game?

    I got the job done once or twice with that Sunny out of her tree and up the bum video.

  10. I understand exactly where you're coming from but I'd describe that more as blessed relief than soul-cleansing. I didn't suffer a jot on the throne. It was grade A from start to finish.

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