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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut


    I highly doubt that it is.

    Alright then, cool.
    Discussion forum? If it was an evolutionary trait we'd likely all be spider pussies, like we all walk upright, have an appendix and see in colour. It's a nurture thing.

    I can't understand spider fear in the UK either.

    I'm not going to look it up, but I think the definition of a phobia is an irrational fear, isn't it? So there's nothing to understand.


    Other than the likelihood that our distant ancestors were hardwired to be wary of a creature that, in their day and habitat, probably could kill them.

    If it is an evolved behaviour, it's not a phobia, but I highly doubt that it is.

    I've never met a baby that flips out when it sees a spider, but if its parents do, the baby is likely sticking spiders on its list of shit to freak out about. Break the chain people! Fear the horses!

  3. Don't listen to Coconut, Scott. I enjoyed your story, despite the lack of your face being shat on at the end.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it too but we all know that 80% of Branq's exploits end with him catching AIDS off of someone's arse and this one had all the hallmarks. Would you have been surprised if 2 minutes later he'd heard flustered whispering from the bog? "Scott, you've used up all the paper mopping up your piss and my arse is still caked with shit. Do something about it!"

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