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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. I once spent an entire summer working backstage at an am-dram production of Pirates of Penzance just to get into a girl's knickers. It was a disappointment on all counts.




    Even if there were no photos of the earth, I'd be convinced by the millions of photos of all the other planets in our solar system. If you study them hard enough, you see a pattern emerge in their shapes.

    Funny thing with that is, if you study all the planets hard enough you should be able to tell that Earth is pretty fucking different every other planet we have discovered so far. Our planet supports life, which makes Earth very very very different from other planets.


    The ability to support life has absolutely nothing to do with the definition of a planet.

    No but it is pretty solid evidence that our planet is different from other planets, therefore we can't just point at other planets to determine the shape of ours




    Yes, we can. Planets are spherical. You may argue that earth isn't a planet if you wish, but you can't say you've discovered a flat planet without redefining what a planet is. And if you want to argue that Earth isn't a planet, you'd better have an astrophysics degree.


    Even if there were no photos of the earth, I'd be convinced by the millions of photos of all the other planets in our solar system. If you study them hard enough, you see a pattern emerge in their shapes.

    Funny thing with that is, if you study all the planets hard enough you should be able to tell that Earth is pretty fucking different every other planet we have discovered so far. Our planet supports life, which makes Earth very very very different from other planets.


    The ability to support life has absolutely nothing to do with the definition of a planet.


    Is there anything to do in 'Dam for a couple of hours that's within walking distance of Centraal train station? 



    Yes! Pretty much everything except the swankiest museums is a short walk from the station. I'd suggest just leaving the station and having a look around. You'll find plenty.

  5. Currywurst is only good as a stand-in for the 5am kebab, and it varies massively depending on the area. Grünkohl and Sauerbraten are the only German foods worth a fuck.

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