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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. Unbelievable fight, had no idea what way it was going till the last minute or so. I was needing it to go the distance for £170 but even in the eleventh I was still sure it wasn't coming in. Joshua's the real deal, he could be dominating for years, the way the Klitchko's had been.

  2. Here's what I've been given and that's the 3 I'll be going for as well as a few quid on an outsider. I know the pic quality is terrible but it's readable if you click it. Basically through deduction similar to Max Power's it comes out with Cause of Causes, Ucello Conti and More of That.


  3. The makers of Serial and This American Life have got a new series out. It's called S-Town and it's hard to tell you much about it without giving anything away but I thoroughly recommend it. It's about a small town in rural Alabama and the people, and one guy in particular, who live there. It's covers loads of themes, depression, poverty, crime, sexuality, everything up to clock making, it's endless really. It's a proper emotional rollercoaster too, some bits are genuinely hilarious, others are thought provoking and a few bits that are unbelievably sad.

    It's seven part series and while it's not as gripping as series one of Serial, it was a really addictive listen.

  4. Sweet potato and chickpea curry, you can make a vat of that for a few quid and it keeps in the fridge for ages. It's fine to freeze too but I normally get through it an a week or so. The priciest thing in the recipe (my own made up one) is coconut milk but even that's only 70p in Aldi.


    Might be stating the obvious but anyone who's on a budget, and everyone else really, should be going to Aldi. It's insane how much cheaper everything is and the quality is spot on. From my most recent shop some of the thing that stood out as being mentally cheap were lamb mince for £2.80 for 500g, £2 for a jar of coconut oil and 60p for a bottle of balsamic vinegar! It's close to half price for some stuff compared to your Tesco, Sainsbury's etc.

  5. Steph is insufferable, she's probably the main reason I don't watch Raw anymore and I doubt I'm the only one. Ironic considering her dad and husband are arguably the two best heels the company's ever had, unbelievable that neither of them have told her to reign it completely a bit.

  6. On the subject of her leaking them herself, a few over on Reddit have suggested this as a way to finally get herself fired. Like others have said though, there's more efficient ways to get the sack than having your family see your goop covered chops.

    Redditors are idiots though. If that was the case then belt/jizz thing would be enough to get her fired. There's no need for her to to leak a video where she's shoving a dildo up her farter.

  7. I reckon James Corden smells like his clothes have been drying in the kitchen while his mum was cooking chips in the pan that's had the same Crisp 'n Dry in it since he was mere twinkle in his old man's eye. The fat get.

  8. Some places paying as high as 8/1 on a Bellew win, mental. I had an inkling he might do it, wish I had the balls to throw some money at it. Has to be up there with Klitschko/Fury as one of the biggest upsets in recent memory. Don't even think their odds were as far apart.

  9. This is why I have no faith in democracy. If you consider cottage pie to be a true pie then you should have the vote taken away from you. It's nothing more than fancy mince n tatties.


    Edit: you can get two Bell's Steak and Haggis pies for a quid in Asda. Throw a tin of beans on them and you could serve it to Royalty. Suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner too. Or all three.

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