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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. 10 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Nah. Burley just didn't like being made to feel unimportant. It's just one dickhead squabbling with another dickhead.

    Edit: in response to stumo

    I should’ve pointed out that I’m certainly no fan of Burley and that her little rant was 100% fuelled by her own narcissism but I’ll welcome anything that shows this lot to be the shower of insidious cunts that they are. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dead Mike said:

    Anyone who stilll supports him as leader.


    The most unpopular oppostion leader of the past 45 years. Approval ratings still worse than Johnson & worse than May when she was in her final days. Anyone who seriously cares about getting rid of the Tories & isn't a fantasist must recognise that people fucking hate him? At what point does continuing to support him as leader become akin to enablng the Government?

    You think he's electable but this is based on nothing other than wishful thinking. There's literally nothing that suggests he could beat Johnson in a GE right now. The Labour bounce in the last GE came from people still thinking Labour were anti-Brexit (which they've since fucked) & the fact that the Tories announced the 'dementia tax' & fox hunting in their manifesto. The Corbyn 'youthquake' never happened (https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/there-was-no-youthquake-so-why-did-labour-do-unexpectedly-well-at-the-election) despite people claiming he''d got young Brits interested in politics again. Turned out they just liked chanting his name.

    FWIW I like Corbyn, I paid my ÂŁ3 & voted for him as leader as it seemed like the right direction to go in. He's done his job & needs to have the self awareness to step aside if Labour are serious about winning an election. He won't though because he's still buzzing from losing the last one.

    Are people still paying attention to polls? The same polls that got the 2015, 2017 and EU referendum results wrong? Polls are used to influence not indicate public opinion. There are some pollsters whose primary method of data collection is still landline telephone. 

    If it was a two horse race then Johnson would undoubtedly wipe the floor with Corbyn in an election, again it's my belief that that's primarily because of media bias but I'll leave that for now. Thankfully, this time there are a few more mules in the running that have the potential to split the vote. Farage isn't going to sit this election out, he and his backers want a no-deal Brexit at all costs, that could split the Conservative vote in your midland and northern, leave-voting, constituencies. Then you've got the home counties and the south west, where Lib Dems are predicted to make the most gains, again mainly Tory seats that are at risk in these areas. Although in fairness, I can't see the Lib Dem bounce being anywhere near what is predicted, they're a party off no-marks and careerists led by a vacuous bint who showed her true colours in refusing to support a Corbyn-led interim Government. Even during the Lib Dem's heyday "I agree with Nick" era, the Lib Dems didn't pick up a fraction of the seats the polls predicted they would. 

    Edited to add: There are also 10/11 Tory seats in Scotland that I'll eat my hat if they return Tory again.

    You suggest that Labour picked up the anti-Brexit vote in 2015 but there are others who reckon they done well because UKIPers returned their vote, I'm not sure which I believe tbh, all I know is that he done considerably better than the polls or the media were predicting and the country was in much less of a mess back then. Labour won't win a majority, of that I've got no doubt and am actually pretty glad of because I believe parties should co-operate and regularly work  in coalition, a Labour minority government propped up with the SNP in a confidence/supply arrangement is what I think and hope might happen.

  3. Edit  -  @Chest, obviously.

    You asserted that he's inept and Dead Mike claims he's unelectable. I'm arguing that he's neither and this is the narrative that the media are peddling and that's his main hindrance. I didn't think that was unclear.

  4. You have to ask if it's a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy though, even before Corbyn won the leadership back in 2015 he was painted as being unelectable, even by his own party. Roll on two years and despite apparently trailing more than 20 points in the polls, he goes on to have an excellent campaign and Labour makes a net gain in the number of seats for the first time since 1997 and has the largest vote share since 2001. All the while working against the tide of the MSM smearing him as everything from terrorist, anti-Semite to Russian sympathiser. Even the fundamentally unbiased BBC got involved in the action with Laura Kuenssberg being found to misrepresent his views during an interview. The stuff Milliband had to deal with absolutely pales in comparison.
    If Labour can make this upcoming general election about policy and social justice, they're in with a shout. If they fall for what I assume will be Johnson and Cummings' plan, which will be to make it all about Brexit with a bit of personality politics in there, then they're screwed. 

    Could Corbyn handle some things better? Absolutely. But to pretend that the perpetual and often personal attacks, even from within his own ranks, aren't a massive ball and chain around his ankle, is head in the sand stuff.


  5. Read a quote yesterday that sums it up pretty well “The DUP mistook the ERG for Unionists and the ERG mistook the DUP for Brexiteers, now the wheels have come off”

    I still think Johnson will get his deal through by promising everything to everyone, seemingly MPs still can’t see through this trick. If May had proposed the exact same deal it would be roundly defeated, voting down her deals was never about the content but rather a mechanism for the extreme right-wing of the Tories to “take back control” of their party.

  6. Why would you have to declare that your partner is trans? Why would your employer be interested in the sex of your partner and how could that be considered a conflict of interest? It sounds like a breach of a potential partners’ privacy more than anything. 

    Is there a rival lgbt scene they might be working for?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Did you forget you hated it or did you just think 'oh maybe it's not as bad as I remember it being, I'll give it another go'?

    Important distinction.

    With the milky coffee it’s definitely less of hating it and more forgetting how underwhelming they always are. I don’t actually buy them fortnightly. 

    Swimming was different. I remembered after about the second length that I actually really dislike swimming, as a “sport”.

  8. I may have selective amnesia then because I do it with loads of stuff, not just food and drink.

    Went swimming (not floating around a pool on holiday) for the first time in years a few weeks ago. It was hell. Stingy eyes from over-chlorinated water, mouthfuls of the stuff with every breath I took, screaming kids echoing through the shitty prefab leisure centre, manky veruca ridden showers. Not for me, or at least not for another couple years.


  9. Looks like it’s more or less a done deal for my beloved Kieran Tierney to move on, don’t think we’ve had a player since Larsson who’s made such a strong connection with the fans. I’m half expecting some cringe inducing tribute by the Green Brigade this weekend.

    To be fair, it was always going to happen and this seems like the right time. Arsenal have gotten themselves a great player for a decent price in this market, granted fees are all but arbitrary. He’s got the potential to be one of the best full backs in the league with a bit of big game experience. Still a bit raw but what he lacks in experience he makes up for in energy and commitment.


  10. 17 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Alexandra Daddario is in Baywatch. It’s 12/10 

    Hannibal, honestly you should’ve just taken it on the chin (KennethWilliams.jpg), and admitted you forgot what you wrote. 

    I’m pretty sure we’ve all flip flopped on a film/album/match/etc or just plainly forgotten.

    I am 34 and I still buy green pesto. I don’t like green pesto and I’m reminded of this every time I eat it. But I still go and buy it. I just fucking forget. It happens. 

    Good idea for a thread that. I have the same issue with milky coffees like cappuccinos, still find myself buying one every fortnight or so.

    Black or black with a splash of milk - might get a tattoo. 

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