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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. I tested positive yesterday. Woke up with a headache but didn’t think much of it, it wasn’t until a few hours later when a fever hit and I started to feel really, really knackered that I thought I should get tested. Managed to get one within an hour and the results came about 7 hours later, not bad considering this area is pretty bad atm. Think I’ve been lucky so far as the symptoms just feel like a mild flu, lemsips seem to be doing the job and thankfully I still have taste and smell so I’m gonna use my 10 days off work to finally crack bread making.

  2. 2 hours ago, Slapnut said:

    What does the BP stand for in this instance? I’m not familiar with that term.

    “Business Partner”, more wankerspeak 🤮

  3. The majority of Olympic events are dull as dishwasher anyway, but the Highland Games I could stand and watch all day. If your grandad doesn’t chat shit about his youth, is he even your grandad?  He still sounds like a character and I’m sure you’ll all have a laugh about it when the time is right.

    Tragic news about your cousin, it sounds like you have a close knit family and I’m sure you’ll help each other through this. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    The coffee cups are a lovely touch. Speaking of which...

    Thank god you've started this thread as I've wanted to ask for ages but didn't feel it warranted it's own thing.

    You know when people talk about Americans adding "cream" to their coffee, what are we talking about? Single cream? Double cream?

    You would think Google would have the answer but no. All I can find is that half and half stuff but I still cant work out what that actually is.

    Single cream in coffee sounds fucking wicked to be honest.

    I think it’s creamer, which is a horrible dehydrated cream-like stuff, it’s supposed to add a bit of “texture” to your coffee. Americans are gross.

  5. Being raised on the West coast but living on the East means that I don’t get to see as many sunsets these days.  This morning’s sunrise more than made up for that though. 


  6. 17 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Pop music must be the most common U-turn that people make. Almost everyone surely goes through the phase as an adolescent where they get into whatever genre of music they fit in with, develop a snobbery and look down upon pop music or anything they deem to be too 'commercial'. If you've not seen the error of your ways and pulled a U-turn on musical snobbery in all its forms by your thirties then you're probably just a bit of a bellend.

    Find me a man that doesn’t like Girls Aloud and I’ll show you a liar. 

  7. Yeah, I'm hoping Nicola will do me a solid and ban me from going home this Christmas.  I work/live in the worst hit area of the country atm and only just last night did my mum ask me, again, what my plans were for Christmas.  I know she's not been following the rules properly and has been visiting my elderly gran, although she assures me she wears a mask and keeps her distance but I know how stubborn and difficult my gran can be.  We lost one of our colleagues a few months ago, he was in his early 50s and carrying a bit of weight but not massive by any means, he was the first person I knew personally that contracted it and the poor guy was dead within a month.  Although I had already been doing my best to follow the rules it was a proper wake up call for me.  I had to self-isolate last month because I was pinged by test and trace, my anxiety went through the roof that first week. Fuck taking any chances with this thing.

  8. Cheers for that @Kaz Hayashi, I’m really trying to cut back/out drinking but trying to find decent replacements has been a struggle. Mikkeller are great so I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought of them before, where did you pick those up from? I’d never heard of them till I visited Copenhagen a few years ago, I think I must’ve tried at least half of their taps in the 3 days that I was there, all of them pretty damn tasty. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Linus said:

    BAME - which can be and often is pronounced as a word - is used in the same way as LGBTQ+. You'd never describe an individual as LGTBQ+ but you'd refer to the "community" or an officer/spokesman of such in a political party. Individuals are black, or Asian, unless they tell you otherwise, in which case you use what they ask you to use.

    Really? Can't say I've ever heard it said like that and would be pretty uncomfortable using it myself.  While I can't think of many reasons to use B.A.M.E outside of quantitive discussion it at least distinguishes that there are differences within that group, as does LGBTQ+, using BAME just seems lazy and potentially insensitive, might as well just say "THEM".

  10. It was used on Newsnight last night in the context of postgrad admissions, which fits with most uses of it that I’ve seen, normally some kind of data comparison or the like.

    @MrKYou say each letter, B.A.M.E, if I was ever to hear it pronounced Bame, I’d assume ignorance or deliberate flippancy. 

  11. Had fun in the kitchen yesterday. Top image is a home-pickled cabbage, crab meat and satay dressing, the aubergine in the top right corner is baked then glazed with honey, served with yoghurt, pomegranate seeds and za’atar oil. Did a buratta too, with quick-pickled shallots, tomatoes and a fennel seed, oregano and basil dressing. Main course was pan-friend duck breast on celeriac purée with caramelised chicory, fondant potatoes and a port and red currant sauce.

    Could’ve done with rendering the fat on the duck for another 5 minutes and I slightly over reduced the sauce but I’m happy with it.


    Not pictured is the orange and cardamom creme brûlée, tasted alright but had a weeeeird af consistency. Too much sugar and over baked, I think. 


  12. I’d say those kind of posts are very few and far between. Can it be considered live chat if this drags on for days/weeks/months? What’s happening by the minute IS the story, seems obvious people would want to discuss it as and when it happens. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    Definitely. Biden is less than 1% away from flipping Georgia to the Democrats. That press conference by Trump has in an instant, united every sane person in the country against him and greenlit the media and fellow politicians to (rightfully) shred him and call him on his bullshit. I think they were collectively shocked by how much Trump had increased turnout and vote-share when a landslide Biden victory had been predicted so they were cautious. Now though he's having some sort of emotional or psychotic breakdown and they truly realize the danger he poses and have thought "F*ck it, this needs to stop." It's a breath of fresh air to see all of the mainstream media, numerous senior republicans and everyone in between go all in on putting an end to it. In any other day or country jobs would be on the line for not broadcasting uninterrupted, for openly calling "liar" and making a stand for something bigger than their usual Partisan interests. They've never once done it before and Trump has managed to do unite a majority of people, professions and politicians against himself. Untold damage to his party. This feels like one of those moments in history that will be spoken about for decades to come. Glorious. 

    More like rats jumping ship. They could’ve spoken out against him when he admitted to sexually assaulting women, or when he condoned and emboldened white supremacy, or when he solicited foreign interference in this election, or any of the other acts that showed him to be the worst of the worst. They didn’t, they stood by him at the time because it suited their interests, now it doesn’t and they’re dropping him like a hot tamale, Trump didn’t become a facist overnight. The only thing bigger than partisan interests to these people are their own interests.

  14. Exactly. First it was the pesky Browns and their Ramadan, then it was us young uns and our house parties, now it’s the bloody Northeners demanding to be allowed out for their gravy soaked chippy tea. 

    Meanwhile Matt Hancock is pictured in the back of his chauffeur driven car, half-pissed and without a mask, having stumbled out of the Common’s Bar well after 10pm. 

    Bent as fuck, this lot. 

  15. What would happen if the orange buffoon croaked it before the election? Assuming Pence would replace him, would he then be the Republican candidate on 3rd November or would there be grounds for a postponement? National mourning(lol) etc. 
    Even if he pulls through, I can already hear him shouting about how it was no worse than a cold and he was barely ill but it would have definitely killed Sleepy Joe.

    Saying all this, I’m calling FAKE NEWS!!, there’s no way Melania has been close enough to him for the past 4 years to catch anything. 

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