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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. Went to Thorpe Park today, it was horeshit.

    We were there for four hours and managed to get on two rides, we called it a day when, for the third time that day, the ride we were queuing for broke down. First ride we went on was the Walking Dead indoor rollercoaster which has nothing to do with the TV show other than the theme music playing while you queue, it was alright but not worth the hour queue - this included the first breakdown but as we were so close to the front we decided to wait. Second ride was Stealth - basically shoots you up a vertical track and down the other side. This was fun but it lasted all of 15 seconds (behave), wouldn’t queue for another 80 mins.

    The place was absolutely rammed, far too busy for the size of the park and the number of rides. 

    On our way out I decided that I wanted to make a complaint. Normally I don’t give enough of a shit to complain but I felt completely ripped off. Almost £40 a ticket to stand in a queue for hours. Spoke to some ditsy manager at the ticket office who I gave up with in less time than the Stealth ride but my better half persisted. The manager proudly told us that the park was averaging 5 rides per head for a days visit and that it was actually our fault for not getting on more rides because we didn’t get to the park till an hour and a half after opening. Average queue time today was only 70 mins!!! How could I not be having fun? 

    Anyway, we left and now I can’t remember if I ever liked theme parks.

  2. 6 hours ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    FWD FWD FWD saw this n thought of u


    Thought they’d been stealing character names from Taggart but remembered that was actually R. MICHAEL TURNSUPDEED.

  3. I was there in December and loved it, it’s a great city.

    Christiania is a must, and i’d suggest visiting during the day but also at night as it has a completely different vibe. Through the day there are markets, craft workshops and very nice vegan restaurant that’s probably the best value food you’ll find in the whole city. At night there’s the bar in the centre which again, probably serves the best value drinks in the whole city, very hipster though. There’s also the weed vendors everywhere at night, and it’s seems totally acceptable to buy off them and roll up in one of the bars there.

    Tivoli Gardens is fantastic, it’s an old school fairground that I’m sure is one of the oldest in the world or something. I’d recommend going here at night too as it’s all lit up and pretty fairytale like. It’s moderately expensive but still reasonable value if you get an unlimited ride ticket and spend a good few hours there.

    To get around you should hire a bike, the Donkey Republic app lets you pick up and drop off bikes as often as you like, similar to the Boris Bikes and the stations are practically on every street corner. The city is very flat, has cycle lanes everywhere and everyone seems to cycle so it’s nowhere near as daunting as cycling around London would be.

    Nyhavn is nice to look at and for a wander around but don’t go anywhere near the restaurants and bars there as it’s a complete tourist trap and the prices are extortionate. 

    Eating out, if you want to go for sit down meals, will be majorly expensive but there are plenty of options for quick food dotted around the city. Drinking is probably only slightly more expensive than London, stick to beer and it’s not too bad but spirits are a fucking rip off. Copenhagen has a million trendy bars but they’ve also got some more traditional pub types called bodegas, prices are a lot fairer in these.

    Don’t waste your time going to see The Little Mermaid statue. 

  4. In a show that is full of incredible perfomances, Edie Falco as Carmella Soprano really tops it in season four and five. Her and James Gandolfini are at their best when they're at each others throats and the scene below is their magnum opus. It completely blows my mind that the emotion she shows here is acted, I don't know if I've ever believed a performance more.


  5. That fish looks fantastic. An Italian chippy proprietor once told me the sign of a good piece of battered fish is that you should be able to hold it up at one end and it doesn’t flop/fall to bits. You could lay a brick wall with that thing.

  6. I almost plumped for an Irn-Bru myself but I like to look after my pearly whites. Agree with Rick, once you go diet, you don’t go back. 

    Still partial to a San Pelegrino actually but I’d have, quite rightly, been laughed out this thread had I posted that with a chippy.

  7. Love a lunchtime special. Fiver for the lot from Chesters in East Hull. Fish was average, chips were exceptional. And yes, that is a puddle of vinegar on top of the mushy peas.


  8. 55 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Some of the comments from other wrestlers seem to lead me to the same conclusion.

    That conclusion would be correct, unfortunately. Tragic news. I only met him a handful of times but a nicer guy you’ll struggle to meet.

  9. 15 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    WrestleMania will now last 12 hours.

    You mean it doesn’t already?


    “This is wrestling” “You deserve it”

  10. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    Me neither. You don’t get it at proper football grounds.

    Suppose Jus de Boeuf doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

  11. Tory leadership contender, Rory Stewart. I can’t tell whether he looks completely normal or completely mental, he’s a bit of an oddball so that might be skewing my opinion. Either way I’m fascinated with his face, which looks like it’s too big for the skull it’s attached to. 

    If Willem Dafoe crossbred with one of those little troll dolls that where everywhere in the 90s, I reckon we’d be looking at Rory Stewart.


  12. For any fellow political nerds out there, there's a fantastic two part Storyville documentary on iplayer called Brexit: Behind Closed Doors. It's a fly on the wall type thing that follows Guy Verhofstadt, Chief Co-Ordinator for Brexit for the European Parliament, during the last few years since the Brexit vote. You get to sit in on some seriously candid conversations between Barnier et al. What I took from it was that, unsurprisingly, the EU's team is organised, united and highly competent and the UK....well, you can guess. Really highlighted how messed up this situation is and how there's no way we're coming out of it as winners, not with the current bunch of self-serving charlatans we have at the minute.

  13. Completely baffled at the mixed to negative reactions to the episode, I thought it was probably second best episode of the entire show, only just behind season six finale (were the blew up the Sept). The cinematography was sublime, it seemed like every shot could have been a still for a promotional poster.

    Daenerys' slow turn in to the Mad Queen came to a climax perfectly, and credit where it's due, the few scenes Emilia Clarke had she properly upped her game, I always found her to be the weakest cast member but her facial expressions and body language couldn't have been more on point here. That scene waiting for the bells to ring then waiting to see what her reaction would be was done brilliantly, proper edge of the seat stuff and I didn't leave that edge for remainder.  
    The Clegane showdown was superb, from the "Sandor, thank you" to Qyburn getting swatted then the dual scene of Arya and The Hound in peril and finally The Hound and The Mountain crashing through the wall and falling in to the fire together. It was just superb.

    Seriously buzzing by the end of that episode.

    My prediction is Tyrion to end up on the throne in the South and Jon to rule the North as King, starting some kind of new era.
    Spoilered incase I'm right and people get pissed off. 


     They now seem to be hammering home how much of an honest, decent, dependable guy he is. And i remember a few episodes ago, he had that conversation with Varys (gutted to see him go) and Davos were he mentions that if they don't have a suitable heir to the throne then it falls to the Hand, reckon that might be a bit of a Chekhov's Gun moment. GoT does have form with this kind of mention something once then never again stuff so who knows.


  14. 4 minutes ago, Factotum said:

    Is there a bigger charlatan in politics then Boris Johnson? The man is a liar, cheat and should be in no way near high office.

    Fortunately, I think even Tory MPs see him as such which means he'll hopefully struggle to get enough votes to make the final two put to their membership, if he did get on the ballot though, I reckon he'd run away with it.

    I'd guess it'll be Raab and Hunt that get put to membership vote, Raab probably inching it due to Hunt making a complete arse of it when he was Health Secretary.


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