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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. I always use Tofoo, if whichever supermarket I’m in has it in stock, but tbh I haven’t found too much difference between brands. As Keith said you should be safe if you go for firm or even extra firm, either way be sure to press under a chopping board with a couple of cookbooks on top or something. 

    Key thing I’ve discovered with tofu is that it requires a lot of seasoning. And if I’m using it in something such as a Thai curry I’d coat it in cornflour and fry it off first to give it a better texture and appearance. 

    This Ottolenghi recipe is genuinely one of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. 


  2. £200 back from a Yankee today with Farclas and Blow by Blow winning and Road to Respect placing, would have been a good chunk more if Flying Tiger didn't have an absolutely shocking run in the 1410. Ah well, still reckon I'm about £150 up over the week, I'll take that.

  3. Another couple common mistakes I've seen people makeare, stirring while the rice is cooking and having the water at an intense boil. Both more likely to give you stodgier rice. Have the water boiling when you add the rice, one gentle stir then simmer with the lid on until cooked.

    I swear by the 2:1 water to rice ratio Onyx says. If I'm having it with anything Asian I normally throw in a couple of cloves while cooking, plus a few cardamon pods if Indian. Gives off a nice fragrance.

  4. Coming up on my year anniversary of working and (sort of) living in Hull. Can confirm they know how to do a chippy. There's a terrific one called Papa's that was voted best in the country by a BBC poll, I know just about every seaside city and town has a chippy that makes this claim but this might actually be the one. Huge piece of crispy battered haddock, half a tonne of chips and a carton of mushy peas for less than a fiver, I try to restrain myself to one a visit a week. Their tartare sauce needs some work tbf and chip spice (it's Cajun spice) is just wrong.

    There's a also a brilliant sit-in one on the other side of the Humber in Cleethorpes, Steele's. Served as it should be with buttered white bread and a pot of tea by an old dear who's seemingly been working there since the 60s, looks like the decor hasn't been changed since then either.

    I've gave up trying to find a decent curry though and instead go for Asda's take-away curries, they fill a hole. 

  5. Jonathan Pie's had the occasional funny video, he's a one trick pony mind and that one trick isn't particularly good. 

    Not sure it counts but I used to love I Fucking Love Science, was great for obscure science and tech stories as well your mainstream stuff, now it's just clickbait garbage akin to LadBible.

  6. Overall I thought it was great but it wasn't flawless and I'm not sure how well it'll hold up in a few years.  Ridley, Driver and Hamill were excellent and even carried the hokey scenes well. Visually, it's probably the best Star Wars there's been, the opening battle scene and the juggernaut stuff was incredible, I'm sorry I didn't see it at imax now but may well have to the week between Crimbo and NY. 
    I wasn't bothered by Snoke getting snuffed, sure it would be interesting to know his background and how he came to be but that could be a standalone film in itself like Rogue One, there was no need for them to give you anymore than they did here.  I'm not sure about that really being Rey's backstory but more a way of Ren getting in to her head, I'm sure Mas knew something about her in the last film but I could be wrong.
    Finn and Rose's side story was pretty pointless and didn't do much for me, more interaction between him and Phasma throughout the movie would have made me care more when he offed her.
    Admiral Holdo was a shit new character too, it should have been Admiral Ackbar that got the honour off hyperdriving through the Star Destroyer, not some no mark Hunger Games reject
    The less said about space Mary Poppins the better.

    There was some really terrific stuff though, all the space scenes were incredible, the face off between Kylo and Luke was great, the "noone's ever really gone" line was perfect and sassy Yoda was great. I actually enjoyed the comedy bits too, all the butthurts complaining about it are forgetting there was a few gags in the originals and it was only the prequels that were dry and took themselves too seriously - JarJar Binks was never funny so he doesn't count. Punching bag Hux is inspired too and Gleeson plays the role perfectly.  


  7. Cheers Onyx. I was planning on making it a couple of weeks ago but life. 🤞🏻 it settles down a bit. I tried a bit of the cooled stuff left in the pot, it's more of a sharpness than a vinegary taste now. 

  8. I had a go at making my own chutney this morning, as I'd never attempted one before I followed Nigella Lawson's Christmas Chutney recipe.  Followed the recipe pretty much to the letter but have found that the end product is quite vinegary. I've jarred them all up anyway but now I'm wondering if there's anything I can do while it's still pretty fresh?  Will the vinegaryness mellow out a bit as it matures in the jar? I really don't have a clue. The reason I made it was to impress my girlfriend's dad, we're spending Christmas at his and he's a big cheese fan so thought it would be quite nice to go along with that but I don't want to hand him a jar of fruity Sarson's.

  9. Ted Jr is by far the soundest wrestler I've ever met. Bumped in to him in a bar during WM 27 weekend, it was after HOF, so the night before Mania. He was drinking Bailey's and was half gone.  He was chatty, funny and showed about 100x more personality than he ever did on screen. We spent a good half an hour with him and a couple of his mates, who were total marks, the only thing he was bothered about was not being in pics with a drink in his hand, even though he wasn't on the card, which he spoke quite candidly about. 

  10. 11 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    We watched the leaked copy this evening. Honestly, even at 52", I didn't find the quality too bad. Obviously not HD. I'll watch it again in HD on Monday. That's all from me about it. 



    You don't think it took anything away from the battle scene at the end? I'm a bit gutted I didn't see that for the first time in it's full glory.  And I couldn't make out anything when Jon took Daeneyrs beneath Dragonstone to have a look at the Dragonglass mines.

    Quite glad I could barely make out Littlefinger and Bran during their awkward exchange though.

  11. 1 hour ago, Louch said:

    I think after the meeting with Nymeria arya isn't heading north now. She realised being a tamed beast wasn't the wolf anymore, and heading north wasn't for her anymore. She needs to live a different life 

    This makes sense, I was struggling to see the point of that scene but this fits. I was semi-hoping she'd become some Mowgliesque character and command a pack of Direwolves. 

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