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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. Superb documentary on iPlayer atm, first of five parts. It’s called Once Upon a Time in Iraq, the premise really doesn’t sell it but I enjoyed every minute of it, for want of a better word. It’s a talking head piece with interviews from some great characters from the Iraqi and US side, I even warmed to the nutcase marine by the end. Some of the stories are harrowing but there are others that manage to almost generate a smile, either way they’re stories that should be heard. One of the Iraqi guys that worked as a translator for a journalist when was a teenager is so engaging, the way he talks about the optimism he had for US “liberation” and what it rapidly turned in to is heartbreaking. 

    Perfect viewing to rile you up before you watch the Murdoch doc talked about above. The parallels between that and Succession are hilarious and not at all subtle. 

  2. So, at some point between test 3 and playing golf, I’ll be allowed to go to the pub? And I should go hang out with my colleagues but not use transport to get there, but still definitely not allowed to see my family. Glad that’s been cleared up. 


  3. 1 hour ago, dopper said:

    I have to prepare three questions about Fishing for a quiz, and wondered if anyone here could come up with something that isn't ridiculously easy but the average person with decent general knowledge might have a clue about?


    All I have so far (obtained from various google searches) are:

    1. Which government department issues Fishing licenses in the UK? (Environment agency)

    2. What is the most common carp found in British waters? (Mirror)

    I'm not particularly happy with either of those but still need a third, and all I have right now is who wrote the "Fly Fishing" book in an old Yellow Pages advert?

    Does it have to be about sport fishing? The Cod Wars is a pretty interesting little period of history that caused some significant international changes to come about. Quite scan through Wikipedia could give you plenty of potential questions?

  4. Made a lemon drizzle cake today, my scales broke and I didn’t want to leave the house to get batteries or a new set so I tried doing it by ratio. I’m happy enough with the results, just a bit lighter than the last time so I guess I put in too little flour. 





  5. Had never been stung by a jellyfish before, went to Malta two years ago for a week and got stung on three separate bastarding occasions. Two were pretty mild but the one I got on my muffin top felt like I’d been shot, left a mark that hung around for months. 

    And no, noone pissed on me. Unfortunately. 

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