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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. This is why I have no faith in democracy. If you consider cottage pie to be a true pie then you should have the vote taken away from you. It's nothing more than fancy mince n tatties.


    Edit: you can get two Bell's Steak and Haggis pies for a quid in Asda. Throw a tin of beans on them and you could serve it to Royalty. Suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner too. Or all three.

  2. What thread were tv chefs being chastised? I don't care, I need to vent so it's going in here. Was Nigel Slater mentioned as being particularly obnoxious cunt? He's on Saturday Kitchen right now which is shite at the best of times but he's really stirring my trifle this morning. Why does he talk like that? Every time he says a word with an s in it it gives me the creeps. All the dishes he cooks looks absolutely shite as well. I hope he gets E.coli from some unpassshteurised cheesesss.


    Donal Skehan is presenting, I'd never heard of him till this and I wished it had stayed that way.

  3. It's about knowing your audience, you need to consider that other people's experience of a word might be very different to your own. Just because there's no malicious intent behind your using of a word doesn't mean it's acceptable to use it whenever you want.

  4. Baz, are you not from the Parkhead, Dennistoun, Bridgeton vicinity? There's loads of pubs there have them. Not always used but I'm sure the Prince Charlie in Westmuir street has a league or team of some sort.

    As does the Real McCoy on the corner of London Road and Springfield Road. Terrible name for a pub but cracking pints and a particularly lovely little barmaid.

  5. I think that's just to set a precedent, lie about everything and the big ones will get mixed in with the trivial ones so that no one notices.


    That phrase "alternative facts" is frightening though, and to come from the Senior Advisor to the President, it doesn't get more Orwellian than that.

  6. Re: the article UncleZeb posted, the Cult of Personality built around Obama had indeed been embarrassing, especially handing him the Nobel Peace Prize. I don't buy all this "but he didn't have control of the Houses" either, Trump's showing now that there can be plenty done with executive order.


    What's more frightening though is that the sort that voted for Trump considered Obama's foreign policy weak and limp, now they've essentially handed The Donald a mandate to go out and publicly piss off the likes of China and Iran.


    Edit: Christ, he's now on twitter threatening to cancel a state visit from Mexico's President if he doesn't agree to pay for the wall. POTUS using twitter to blackmail another (allied)President, this is going to get beyond fucked up.

  7. I dream of living in the dystopian picture of Scotland that bAz paints, where people climb scaffolding to bare arse and spread lurpak on their toast with the Sky remote. Until then I'll have to make do with shite football and haggis pakora. Yes, that's a thing and you all need to try it.

  8. Those Soba noodles are tremendous, the Rolls Royce of pot based snacks. Got me through many a nighshift.


    Avoid the super noodles in a box, they all taste the same. That flavour being nothing.

  9. You'll do well to find a better value crisp than Bobby's. Flavour is immense too, I could gorge on their BBQ Snax all day and I'd only have to spend about a quid fifty.

  10. You mean you're not looking forward to the long arm boxing game that looks like it'll get boring after 3 minutes?


    Edit: to be fair, Zelda looks stunning and I'll likely stump up the £300 jus let to play that.

  11. I know it was last week's episode but they ran it again and had a backstage segment referring it to, but why is whitemeat babyface Bayley using a distraction to beat Nia Jax then gloating about it backstage?


    Terrible booking.


    First episode I've tried to watch in months and I put it off during the Michaels segment, I thought it couldn't get any worse after the cruiserweight match but then that abomination happened. I can't believe people still watch 3 hours of that shit.

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