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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. Just watched last nights fight back again, and it looked even more like man against boy than it did live. 

    Looking forward to the tournament finals now. My eldest lad and I have really bought into the concept.

  2. I'm quite happy they have gone back to a single monthly PPV to be honest. 2 per month watered them down too much for me and I found myself just reading the results to keep up with the storylines rather than watching(even though I have the Network).

    Agree with the posts about unifying the top men's, women's and Tag titles though. Those early days of the original split where you had the champ working both brands were great...

  3. 8 hours ago, PowerButchi said:


    Will it get them onto the real diet of Test  and First Class though?

    Obviously I can only speak of my kids, but 3 years ago I couldn't get my eldest(now 14) anywhere near Headingly for a first class game(even though Yorkshire had one of the best teams in years), or get him to sit through a Test.

    I started taking him to Yorkshire's T20 matches and he loved them. Since then, he has developed a passion for the longer forms of the game and is trying to get is mates into it too. 

    I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, that if he hadn't gone to the T20s. he wouldn't have given any thought to First Class cricket.

    Must admit though, talented players that ditch red ball cricket isn't going to help. Although I can understand why he has done it, Rashid electing not to play First Class for Yorkshire this season gives the impression that it is a second rate game to the younger fans... 


  4. I hope this new T20 competition is a hit, if for nothing else so the next generation can grow up watching the spot on terrestrial TV like I did in the 80's. But after speaking with a lot of other Yorkshire supporters, they are finding it hard to get behind. The biggest argument against it seems to be that it is city based, and those not from Leeds don't feel they will feel a part of the franchise like they do with the County Club. Is this just a Yorkshire thing? 

  5. 9 hours ago, Louch said:

    You can’t just have one check you take everywhere. I used to have one done from 18 onwards as I lived at home and my parents fostered. But needed a separate one done for work 


    plastering “ all our performers are checked” on posters makes it sound even sleazier than what has come out already. What other forms of entertainment show that? Issue is in training, not from shows themselves 

    We have been looking for things for our kids to do in the upcoming half term holiday. In our area, there are a number of events and classes(such as dancing for the youngest and football, rugby and indoor cricket for the elder 2). When looking into each option, they all proudly stated that all staff were fully trained in their field, CRB checked and had full public liability insurance. Not a single activity came across as "seedy" or "sleazy", and all makes me as a parent feel safer in the knowledge that I can leave my children in their care.  

  6. 25 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    About £40 I think, it was that around 8 years ago and I had to pay when signing up with an agency. Since then (not agent work) my employers pay for it as part of recruitment.

    Wrestlers are technically independent contractors, so should in theory pay for their own. Regardless of who pays for it, it’s insignificant in the scheme of things. Kids potential safety shouldn’t even be fucking questioned. This discussion is ridiculous. 

    Anyway.. What it does do (business wise) is send out a message to the wrestling world that you take this shit seriously, and may in turn receive more bookings, or at least, recognition from news sites etc... positive publicity.

    Exactly this!

    But if the promoters want a business reason(as if safeguarding kids and women isn't enough), the "American Style Werstling and holiday camp companies can plaster the fact all their performers are background checked on their posters, which help me as a parent decide if I should take my kids to see them.

  7. I just don't see what bringing in CRB checks can hurt really, barring an additional cost to the promoter or performer(depending on the size of said promotion).

    Personally, if I were to promote a show, I'd see the additional cost as a decent investment as I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I found out someone was abused/taken advantage of while under my employ.  

  8. 8 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    I hate this shit. It's probably my pettiest of pet peeves, but I'm an etymology nerd, and people being so easily convinced of bullshit backronyms gets my goat. You used to hear people say how "Chav" stood for "Council Housed and Violent", and it bloody doesn't.

    Worst of all was one you used to get in shitty email chain letters, or that pub bores would spout, which was that the word "fuck" was originally an acronym for "Fornication Under Consent of the King", because sex was illegal without royal permission at some ill-defined time in the past. There is obviously so much wrong with that, not least of all that "Fuck" is a much older word in the English language than "Fornication" is in the first place.

    Acronyms in general only really became common in English in the late 19th century, any word before that you can reliably assume isn't one.

    I remember me and a mate we had a sleepover at my house on a Friday night when kids. We put Eurotrash on and they claimed the "Fornicate Under Command Of the King" was true. The reason they gave though was that a King could choose any "commoner" to have sex with at their will, and was ordered to "FUCK". 

  9. The only things in films that really turn my stomach, are scenes with surgery and gross eating.

    There is a couple of examples of each in the new Hellraiser:Judgement, but the scene with the dog made me wince a bit(won't go into any more detail as I'm not sure how to spoiler tag...).

  10. 16 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

    Mark and Jez in The Peep Show. Everyone in The People Just Do Nothing. And though I’m a bit embarrassed by it now, pretty much everyone in The Gavin & Stacey.

    Agree with G&S, but while I liked Peep Show, I never found the characters "likeable" like I did Lance and Andy. 

    I echo the love for People Just Do Nothing too!

  11. Just finished The Detectorists after watching series 1 ages ago and not getting around to finishing it. 

    When was the last time a British sitcom had characters that you could actually invest in and care about like you can and do with Andy and Lance? The happiness I felt during the final shots of the last episode(don't know how to spoiler tag, so won't go into details) was immense. I just hope they make a Christmas Special or two in the future so we can see how the two couples lives panned out...

  12. I'm late to the Discovery party, but I love it! Just binge watched and caught up to the latest episode. Can't wait until nest Monday now!

    It's no surprise, but how much better does a Star Trek series feel with the modern(ish) style of long, series wide story arcs, instead of the old "baddie of the week" style that we used to get?

  13. On 28/12/2017 at 2:02 PM, Keith Houchen said:

    I use that and it does me fine.  Play around with all the options and spend time with each setting.  Also, I can't recommend enough signing up to Gurushots.  It's a real fun way of getting inspired.  Hope you get a lot out of taking photo's, I know I sure do!

    Never heard of Gurushots, but after having a browse at it, it looks right up my street. Cheers!

    @Chest Rockwell I've just changed the format to raw, so will give Photos a go tonight and see how I get on. I got a copy of Luminar 2018 last night, and it looks decent enough, especially for batch editing. Would prefer to use Apples own software if possible though as it seems to run a lot smoother on my Macbook...

  14. Well, got my DSLR on Christmas Day, and still have no idea how to get the best out of it(but I'm sure that will come with experience and many binges on Youtube videos!). Not had chance to get out anywhere to take any interesting shots yet, but will in the next few days.

    Was wondering though, what photo editing software folk recommend? I use a Mac and have had a play with the "Photos" app, but it doesn't seem to be very in depth, inless I'm missing something?

  15. On 27/12/2017 at 1:14 AM, Keith Houchen said:


    Absolutely brilliant, disturbing, ridiculous, horrible, pretentious.  Everything I want from an Aronofsky film.  Superb performances all round but no Mark Margolis which was a shame.

    Just wondering if Dazza is going down the Lars "I hate women" Von Trier path.

    I watched mother! last night, and agree with everything you said! 

    Must admit, I didn't get all the metaphors were while watching it(Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer's characters specially), but everything just clicked with me about an hour later while laid in bed thinking about it. Trouble is, I then spent almost every minute of the night running the film and it's metaphors and messages through my head and I'm now completely fucked and struggling to keep my self awake...

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