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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. I've just finished Netflix's Lost In Space reboot thingy. It's not the worst show I've ever watched, but I agree with many opinions I've seen online where it felt like a series long pilot. Will be interesting to see where it goes.

    Also, watched the first episode of Amazon's "The Crossing", which has some serious potential in my opinion...

  2. On 4/16/2018 at 11:19 PM, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    Ash vs Evil Dead is getting better and better per episode but it's likely to be getting cancelled due to poor ratings on Starz after the final episode of season 3 in 2 weeks, however there's been talk of Netflix picking the show up for a fourth season or better yet a 4th film (5th if you count the reboot) to close out the franchise

    Just seen the cancelation has been confirmed by Starz. I hope there is some truth in the Netflix rumour as it's a cracking little show...

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    I'd seen that Codders it was the dropping LBW I hadn't seen. If it mentions that in the article my apologies, but as an umpire my eyesight is very poor. 

    Fair enough, my mistake!

    I haven't personally seen anything about the lbw thing, so hopefully it's just one of this things that were just thrown out there Alan Partridge "monkey tennis"style.

    I can see some value in treating a ball pitched outside leg the same as one pitching outside off though, as long as it's consistant... 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Have you got a source for that CricketTilde? Having gone through loads of presentations from various folks in the ECB that hasn't come up. There was some talk of doing away with the ball pitching outside leg stump not automatically been not out and treating it like ball pitching outside off stump. 

    CricketTilde!, made me chuckle that!

    Here's the BBC report...


    I've also seen it reported on some newspaper sites too.

  5. 19 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    I would have thought parents would see WWE and expect the superstars and buy the tickets on that fact. 

    I agree. Being a wrestling fan, I(and everyone on here) would know exactly what to expect from this show. My kid's mates parents however, would have no clue when it comes to the wrestlers involved and would simply tell their kids they have got them tickets to see WWE.

  6. It sounds really dodgy that, Keith. It always worries me when you see these profiles of blokes that have thousands friends that are almost completely female.

    We had a situation recently in Barnsley where one of those "peodo hunter" groups live streamed themselves confronting a bloke that they had caught(allegedly) "grooming" 13 and 14 year old girls online. It turned out he had multiple Facebook accounts that had thousands of women on them(one was exclusively girls under 15). It was almost like he was hiding in plain sight. 

  7. So whats the deal with Rousey's contract then? Is she doing the Brock Lesnar thing and popping up ever two or three months, or going to be active week in, week out?

    I worry for her if she's going part time as she will need to be in the ring as much as possible with decent workers to ensure she keeps developing. She won't be able to rely on someone like Triple H to lay the match out for her and lead her through forever. She has, however, shown that she has a bit of a knack for the technical side of the art and with enough in ring practice could be great!

  8. 20 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    How much did that ladder match die? It was fucking outstanding for 25 mins and then turned into a horrible wankfest. Dream and Richochet pottering around for 20 mintes to hit that spot in the corner, those identical spots on the outside with everyone laying around and then that horrible bit where everyone is on ladders. So contrived. And then the dullest person in the match wins. How do all those people like this guy? I don't get it. What's wrong with Lars Sullivan? Lot of boos when he looked like he'd win. They seeing Vince's next wet dream?

    Credit to six guys for nearly killing themselves. And most of it was tremendous. Last bit was too indy.

    I'm with you Rick, Adam Cole does nothing at all for me, and I have spent his entire NXT run so far trying to work out why massive parts of the crowd love him. And thats not taking into consideration the fact he looks like a shrunken adult...

  9. Headbanger Tosh  - Mosh decides he's too old to be pissing around with Heavy Metal, so grows a tash, puts on a suit and starts acting like an early 90's British TV detective...

    Bram Wyatt - Bray emerges from the Lake of Reincarnation as "Bram Wyatt", who's gimmick is that he gets a new multi year deal every week...

  10. Can't say the belt design does anything for me personally. 

    Also, I agree with those that think it's a title too many for a one hour show and I can see it going the way of the old European title and becoming less and less relevant as the time wears on. That is unless they are going for the same feel as the UK title and letting the holder defend it around the bigger indies over there...

  11. I really enjoyed the main event. Like others have said, there weren't really any fireworks or big talking points past the ref's performance, but it was an intriguing fight from start to finish. It was good to see A.J. show he can go the distance if required too.

    I have to say  was fearing the worse after Price was put down. The replays showed just how brutal it was and even the first right had turned off the lights, never mind the follow up. 

  12. 57 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    I want to hear NoUseForAUsername's option on A Ghost Story. I'm yet to see Three Billboards, but I'm willing to bet it didn't need to resort to padding out its runtime with a 7 minute single take of someone eating a dessert

    The rest of the film wasn't up to much either, but that scene was painful to watch!

    As for Three Billboards, I thought it was a great film with some exceptional performances. Unfortunately, Rockwell's was not one of them! Saying that though, I've never been a fan of his so at the time I wondered if it was my preconceptions of him that soured said performance.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    The TV contract will ensure 50 over cricket survives for the minute. T20 can be exciting, 50 overs can be exciting, but nothing is better than a close fought Test. As long as Test Match cricket survives who really cares about the pyjama wearers. 


    As for the Championship Gus, it is simple. There are far too many Counties. It's the tradition thing again. Australia produces top quality cheats, sorry cricketers with half a dozen state sides and really strong grade cricket. We should do the same. We have the ECB Premier League system in place now. Go with 8 counties and make minor counties and ECB Prems more competitive. 

    I don't really agree that there are to many Counties. County cricket already suffers from an image problem, with many people of the opinion that it's not worth their time(as proven with some of the attendances around the country). If the ECB suddenly declared a bunch of clubs as "minor Counties" it would make the league seem even more small time.

    For me, the reason the county game's quality has dropped is directly linked to ALL televised cricket in this country being put behind a paywall. We need to get the county game on terrestrial TV, or have every game streamed live to get the next generation interested in the game and out playing it. The more kids we get playing, the better chance we have of finding the next English(or South African!!!) born world class players. It also has the knock on effect of the kids pestering their parents to take them to the grounds to see their team play live, which will generate money for the clubs.

  14. I really enjoyed yesterdays race personally. While I still think Hamilton will win the championship, it showed that the Ferrari and Red Bulls have enough in them to make a fight of it. 

    It did really highlight the issues the drivers have when following a car though. The Mercs were obviously the fastest cars on the track, but once Hamilton was behind Vettel I don't think he ever managed to get closer than half a second to him. 

  15. First time I've watched RAW in a good few weeks(real life and Sky changing channels and fudging the series link are to blame). Must say, I quite enjoyed it. 

    Don't think having Brock destroy Reigns like that will get him the cheers they are craving in this day and age. Like other have said, it looks like the damage is done. I have a question for those on here that have had wrestling training though. Would being handcuffed make taking the bumps he did any more risky? I would have thought not having full use of your hands to break your fall would be considered dangerous?

    I echo the love for Rousey's booking. Along with the way they have built Stowman, Bliss and in my opinion Elias(I'm still hoping for a Braun/Elias tag team for 'Mania) , it shows that they can still elevate and make stars when they put their mind to it!

    Final Deletion was ok too, although paled in comparison to the original. Be interesting to see who Bray is "reincarnated" as....

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