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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. ...I'm completely gobsmacked at what I've just seen on here!

    I can honestly say that I've never sexually assaulted or harassed a woman(unless chat up lines count), but if I had I would be so ashamed in myself that I would do everything in my power to keep it quiet. I certainly wouldn't go a a wrestling fan site and out myself...

  2. Add me to the "Balor isn't all that club." I know that he's got shit loads of experience on the Indies, and I've heard he was great in Japan, but on the big stage he just looks like a kid pretending to be a wrestler(to me anyway.

    On the opposite side of the coin, I'm really liking the look of Elias Samson. The bloke is a heat magnet at the minute(the little smirk he did when he did after his "mock the hometown hero" bit was great), and I think his look is great. I can see the lad moving up the card quickly...

  3. 22 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    Yes. I went to my doctor and explained my issues - at the time, depression and anxiety - and he gave me a two week sick note, for four or six weeks straight. 

    I'd like to think employers are a bit more aware of mental issues nowadays. Just because you're not physically sick, it doesn't mean you're fit to work. Don't hesitate to take that time off and get yourself well if you need to. 

    Also, if you don't want to go into loads of detail about it with your employer, you don't have to. My sick note just said, I think, stress/anxiety and that was fine. 

    I've had a couple of polar experiences with this. One job I had manages to let every single employee know that I was struggling with my mental health, which led to me becoming a bit of a social pariah there. I ended up packing it in after I was marginalised by everyone, and was sent a continuous stream of abuse online, and ended up attempting to take my life(didn't work obviously and thankfully). Management wouldn't take my appeals for help seriously either. They just made me feel guilty for "dropping them in it" by being signed off...

    The next job I had I was really weary of signing off, due to the past experience. This caused my mental health to get a lot worse, to the point of suicidal thoughts again(but I still kept it private as long as I could). In the end, one of the directors pulled me to one side as he saw the tell tale signs in my behaviour and persuaded me to go to the docs to get signed off. As a company, they were fantastic, and supported me all the way(even paying me in full while ever I felt the need to have time off, and putting in writing that this was an open ended offer). Absolutely top class form.

  4. 32 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    Been giving Metal Gear Solid V a go. Still very early days. First I've played in the series since MGS2.

    It's alright. I'm not very good at it, and there's not been much gameplay or story-wise to make me feel like I need to rush home and play the next bit. Repeated time and time again trying to be all super sneaky getting into an enemy outpost, picking off Soviet soldiers one-by-one, never really getting anywhere, so just resorted to nicking a truck and ramming it into all of them. Managed to kill off all but four baddies, leapt out of the truck before it exploded, the explosion drew out the remaining soldiers, and distracted them long enough for me to leg it to an anti-aircraft gun and use that to pick off two of them, then just waited under some stairs for the other two to come down them, and picked them off. That was fun.

    Just got given the balloons to transport people to your base and, even by Metal Gear standards, it's the silliest thing I've ever seen.


    Also been playing the hell out of Sky Force Anniversary. What a fucking game that is, great stuff.

    I got MGSV on release and loved it for a fair while. Then other(real) players started being able to raid my bases and it took all the enjoyment out of it for me. I've never really been into online games(because I'm shit and don't have the time to invest to get good), so having this side of the game thrust upon me spoilt it massively...

  5. Personally, I feel that Wyatt is as good as anyone on the roster bell to bell. You can just tell that he has grown up in the business and takes his trade very seriously. And I adored the original idea for the character, being a cross between a Manson like cult leader and something you would find in a Rob Zombie film. It had the potential to be amazing. But how long did that original vision last for once he was brought up to the main shows? 6 months maybe? 

    Now it's just a mess of a character, that needs the reset button pressing, to bring it back to the original idea. He needs to be constantly recruiting new members to his "family"(what are the Briscoe's up to these days, are they still blackballed due to the homophobia?), and using them as layers of protection so when Reigns(for example) finally gets his hands on him, it means something...

  6. I've never seen anything of Sullivan's outside of the Hogan vs. Dungeon of Doom/Alliance to End Hulkamania stuff. Obviously he was know as having a mega creative mind, but what was he like as a wrestler in his prime? 

  7. Sorry to bump an oldish thread, but are there any of the Firestick kodi builds still working?

    Just received a free firestick through a promotion, and would like to use it to watch some streams for the boxing and 3pm kickoff etc...

    If so, is it easy enough to set up?

  8. On 20/09/2017 at 1:12 PM, Scott Malbranque said:

    Thought it's as good a place to pop this here as any.
    Found a YouTube channel - akin to the Wrestling Shoot Interview one where the titles are 'slightly' ajar - that's full of Audio Commentaries.


    I'm thoroughly enjoying the one for 'Man vs Rock' on my lunch here...

    Is the wrestling shoot interview channel still going? If so, can I ask what it's called please?

  9. I can understand Mason Crane being picked, as they obviously see him as the Test teams spinner long term. Might as well have him in and around the squad where the coaching staff can work with him day in, day out. And if conditions suit, or if/when the latter matches are dead rubbers then throw him in there and see if he can make a difference...

    Gary Ballance? Fuck me, we're fucking fucked aren't we? And thats coming from a died in the wool Yorkshireman!

  10. Thats the documentary that I saw about it a few months ago...

    Taking it back to the "Black vs White" wrestling card, I was speaking to one of my uncles in the pub last night about it. He was in his Teenage years in the mid 60's and remembers this sort of thing happening often. He says that there wasn't much racial "hatred" at the time(more casual racism that was used almost as a term of endearment, believe it or not...), and most people he knew had a "West Indian mate". His was the comedian/footballer Charlie Williams! He thinks the card in question wasn't put on to draw heat due to peoples prejudices, but was more to do with the fact the "Black" side were more mysterious and exotic, so would draw people in who were curious what they would be like. Their billed home countries point to this also...

  11. 3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    And wasn't Ron Atkinson the man behind it?

    Not sure if he was the one who had the idea of the match, but he was the one in charge on the team, and the one to bring in the "Three Degrees", whose nickname alone is another example of the "casual racism" that was rife around the time...


  12. 16 hours ago, Tommy! said:

    I'd disagree, that was truly another age. To be honest it eased or moved to a different race but was prevalent through the 70's in some way.  Plus we were miles ahead of the US. Rosa Parks was only 7 years before this. 

    Your right. Things like this were, well not commonplace but not exactly rare, well into the 70's and even early 80's.

    West Brom made midfielder Len Cantello's testimonial match a "Black vs White" match as late as 1979. And I remember my Grandad telling me about a boxing tournament he went to at his local club that was "white vs coloured(as in, anyone not whiite)" on the night I was born in 1982...

  13. 26 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Can you order it via the YouTube app for Xbox or Playstation?  At least that way it'll be on the telly!

    Thats a good point, I hadn't thought of that! 

    Thats me in for a full night of boxing now...


  14. 31 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    I quite like the move, it sucks that it's another PPV deal but having big fights on youtube is pretty cool, it's just another platform to watch. I'm away tomorrow but if the hotel im at has a fast enough connection im probably gonna buy it.

    I agree that (legal) online streaming is a good idea. It's just from a personal point of view, I struggle to keep myself interested when I watch on my laptop or tablet. In a perfect world, it would be available on normal TV ppv and online too(for those that are away from home, like your good self)...

  15. My mother has a caravan at Sutton-On-Sea(near to Mabletorpe and Ingoldmels. We have just had a long weekend there and bumped into the legend that is Sue Pollard in the local shop! Turns out her Mam lives in Sutton or close to it at least. Wouldn't stop raving about a local restaurant that we all think is mediocre at best...

    Made our day though...

  16. 19 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    Toblerone back in instead of Woakes tomorrow. Toby is a more accurate bowler than Woakes anyway and Woakes is unfit. Would have liked to have seen Crane come in though as Lords spins. 

    It's a shame England managed to be shit at Headingly, as I feel Crane would have had a shot at playing if the series was won. 

  17. I'll be really gutted if Rusev goes. He is one of the only guys around that old school, big foreign hoss vibe about him. 

    Also agree with the sentiment that it's a bit of a travesty that he hasn't had a dominant run with the big belts. He could have easily pulled off the unstoppable monster role with the belt, and give someone a huge rub when he is finally toppled...



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