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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. As a dad myself, I honestly can't get my head around what you(Ricky) and the family must be going through, especially with it all happening so far away...

    I can understand the fame bit though and having to read things that have been said and written about a family member in the public eye. My Brother in law is a footballer at Championship level, and although nothing as high profile as this has been played out, we have to read about his "supporters" criticising his every move both on and off the pitch. It's something you have to take though as the flip side is the pride which is felt when something good is said about them or they achieve something...

  2. Keith, bit of a long shot(and you have probably looked into it anyway), but have you had a word with the council to see if they can house you on illness grounds?

    I'm just asking because I had a very similar issue. I had to give up work due to a physical disability, and the changes in lifestyle had a massive effect on my mental health. I was forced to leave my family home(which I owned) and a local landlord agreed I could live in one of his houses without credit checks etc. Unfortunately he was a complete scam artist who saw I was mentally ill and took advantage. He moved me into a slum(no other word for it), and put the rent up every month until I couldn't afford it any more and got into £1000's of debt with him(my mental state meant that I just put up with it). He used to come around and take me to a bank to draw out any benefits I had and took it all as well as let himself in to take my belongings to sell. He even used to give me a kick in if I had spent more that £5 worth of food for the week(he said it was because I owned him so much). When I looked at the tenancy agreement, it was just a fake document that I hadn't noticed in my mental state, and so didn't want to tell anyone as I thought it was my fault I hadn't noticed.

    Anyway, after my fourth attempted suicide a friend decided he was going to stay with me(I wouldn't tell anyone about the issues I was having) and witnessed what was going on first hand and got me out of the property to safety, and went to the council. They agreed I was at risk and after 3 weeks of living on a couch was offered a council home. It's been the best thing to ever happen to me, as I didn't have to worry about rent or council tax while I got myself sorted, and they made sure the living conditions were up to scratch.

    Not sure how the social housing situation is where you are, but it might be worth a bash?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Gus Mears said:

    The idea that it's because he doesn't like the new ball is laughable too. He's at the fucking crease by about the 5th over most of the time anyway!

    I know it's part and parcel of being a captain, but this from Root a minute ago:

    That's just patently absurd. We give it away like Safestyle UK. 

    Best thing is, he's the textbook example of an international No.3. Unless someone makes the breakthrough at County level, then he will have to accept the position eventually, in my opinion...

  4. I'm not decided on Jennings yet, as it is still early days, but Ballance has had his chance now(and as a Yorkshireman, that is hard to say).


    I was thinking to myself today about that troublesome No.3 slot and, taking into account Joe Root's strange aversion to playing there, was wondering in Bairstow could make a go of it? He's right handed(so breaks up the plethora of Lefties at the the top) and is aggressive enough to counter attack should an early wicket go down, but can play a steady game to accumulate if he comes in with a few hundred on the board. What do folk think?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

    I can guarantee that if there is nonsense going on and if they were over here, Ricky would be on it like a ton of bricks.

    This story is unfolding, and I just hope she is getting the help and support she needs.  I've worked very closely with women's aid in the Manchester area, and the number of times women have shown me a loving photo of the day before is untrue.

    I don't know the bloke, but he doesn't look like the kind who would knowingly let his daughter be messed about...

    I feel as sorry for Ricky and the family as aI do for the lass herself. I mean, it must be heart breaking for Paige to have to go through it(if its is indeed true), but imagine having to wake up to these kind of reports, knowing your daughter is on the other side of the world. Even if these stories turn out not to be right, it must rip her parents hearts out knowing they can't easily go and help/support her.


  6. 9 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    Have you read Trott's yet? I knew he was struggling, but fuck me, he was going Super Tresco. The modern travelling game is taking it's wickets mentally of several people. Sorry to mention HICK again, but I'd be super interested to read how he felt from 93-95. The intensity and isolation at the crease in cricket is something far and away from pretty much any other sport. You're an individual, and to be great individually, but you've a team to look after. I get stressed just thinking about it, god knows how the players managed to keep a publicly level head. Especially when John Emburey's 55no in 93 at Edgbaston (How's this for an Attack? Emburey. Such [Who to be fair had a great series, tres underrated], Martin Bicknell, and Mark fucking Illot with No All Rounder. Check the figures, horrible reading - http://www.espncricinfo.com/ci/engine/match/63613.html) would get tabloid front page news, as would Gatting being Gatting earlier in the series (fat, shit, and Warne's bunny)...

    Some light watching for tomorrow. HOWZAT! Kerry Packer's War. It's about the formation of World Series Cricket and players finally getting proper money. It was made by Channel 9 after Packer's death in 2013 or so, so it's harsh on the boards of the nations (rightly so 90% of the time, but still), and "Tony Greig" looks like Bombhead off Hollyoaks but it kills 3 hours. Good watch. Count how many people you've seen on Neighbours or Home and Away in the 90s.






    Anyone know a way I can download these video's to watch offline? I've got a plane ride tomorrow and this will pass the time brilliantly...

  7. As a father of a 13 year old girl who is just starting to take an interest in boys, the ongoing story of their relationship scares me shitless. I know one thing though, no matter how old she was, if my daughter was with someone as volatile as Del Rio I'd be doing everything in my power to get her away.



  8. That pitch was tremendous. Such a refreshing change from the usual turgid, flat corporate 5 day pitches certain counties usually produce over here. In four days we saw 40 wickets, three decent totals and Root get 190(all on a pitch that was almost turning at right angles!). Honestly, what more could you want from a Test match?

    And I agree with the Ali love! The bloke has come on leaps and bounds in the last year, and has gone from a batsmen who can bowl a bit to a genuine all rounder. Dawson did OK in the second innings two, but I'd have still gone for Rashid. He would have been almost unplayable on the fourth day... 

  9. I used to really like Shamrock. The way he was presented as a "the worlds most dangerous man" gave him a aura of legitimacy that fit in perfect with the Attitude Era. And I still think his entrance theme is one of the best of the era(in my opinion, of course).

    I never watched the UFC at the time, so the only MMA matches I've sen him in were the ones against Tito Ortiz where he was spanked and looked a bit passed it. Was he any good in his prime?

  10. 27 minutes ago, Really Big Shoe said:

    The management aspect of the game is good, there's a cheat (which I only found out about years later) to get a team full of star players. I think if the game done away with the player mode and went abit deeper by adding a fourth division and maybe the Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga (it was also released in Germany but used Karl-Heinz Rummenigge instead of Kev) etc it could have had a bit more depth, or more customisation. Faster loading times would have been good too.

    The theme was catchy and you could mute it by pressing select IIRC. 


    A cheat? Never knew that! The loading times were strange though. If I remember right, when you started a career, the loading times before a match were shocking(even if you weren't playing it), but the higher up the leagues you went the shorter it was. But then the time you had to wait after the game got longer instead...

  11. On 06/07/2017 at 10:59 AM, Really Big Shoe said:

    The player manager mode on Kevin Keegan's player manager is terrible no playability whatsoever. Its the Kick Off engine but theyve seemed to have not been adapted it to a joy pad. With a joystick it might have been OK but otherwise you have to like launch yourself into the ball, passes go astray and most "shots" go of target. The AI of course look like Barca in comparison and its no doubt the worse football game for me, much more than Kick Off 3. The management bit is actually alright but playing the games is best avoided. 

    I used to love Kevin Keegan's Player Manager on the SNES. Like you say, the playing bit was total toss, but I spend so many hours on that before I got a PC and switched to Champ Man. In fact, I still find myself humming the theme(that played continuously through the game by default) sometimes...

  12. 59 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Spot on here. I get the appeal of those LJN's, but I jumped on board the WWF train when the hasbros were all over the place. I honestly couldnt tell you if they were even a big thing in this country, because my knowledge of LJN's were solely based on American collectors experiences. Were they around much over here? Cant recall them.

    I'd personally never heard of the LJN's until I got back into wrestling years later. In fact, the only other wrestling figures I knew of were the WCW Galloobs(which although I had two, I couldn't really see the point of). 

  13. 5 hours ago, Nick Soapdish said:

    Bringing us nicely back to on topic as these are now at Smyths



    They just don't do it for me, I'm afraid. I can see why they made them, but for me personally the draw of the Hasbro's was that I had the exact same figure as a kid. The interest I have in starting to collect them, is to try and rekindle the same feelings I had as a young 'un, or to pick up the ones that I so desperately longed for, but never managed to get my hands on. I just don't see how buying a Hasbro style John Cena(for example), a bloke who wasn't around when I was in the early throws of my mega-fandom, will do that. If they had remade the actual figures they used to do, then it may have been different.

    Those are just my opinions though, and other will have different motivations for buying the,,,

  14. Just now, Uncle Zeb said:

    I'm pretty sure Luger was in that set, as I remember my friend John (the kid who got me into wrestling) bringing them round to mine and then forgetting to take them with him when he left.

    "Excellent," I thought, "A whole evening to play with these new figures before taking them into school for him tomorrow."

    No. He made his mum turn the car around and come straight back for them. :(

    Haha, so close, but yet so far!

    Did anyone else use to trade their Hasbros with their mates? We used to have a mini (what we would now refer to as a)draft every weekend.  There were certain figures that we you could get three or four in exchange for, like Macho King with the crown and sceptre. Another one that we put a high price on was The Berzerker because he had an actual cloth top on. The one I always kept though, no matter what the offer, was the Bearhug Hulkster because I though it looked the best out of all the Hogan variants and it was one of the first ones I ever got...

    Oh and don't get me started on the wierd kid that tried to swap me my blue WWF ring with sound box for his WCW ring. He'd even lost the cage attachments for his.

  15. 8 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I bet Yoko and Bam Bam were a lot of peoples' last ones when you think about it. The set that had Gonzalez, Jannetty, Ludvig Borga etc wasn't really sold as widely over here, was it? Seems like there were only select places you could pick them up. So the Yoko/Bam Bam set were probably the last ones that were easy to find. 

    Who else was in that Yoko set of Hasbros, actually? Yoko, Bigelow, was that the set Narcissist Luger was in as well? And Doink? 

    I defiantly had Doink, as he was the first one I chose out of that series because of the "real" hair it had. 

    I remember there was a 'Taker with a cloth coat and a Mr Perfect too. Can't remember the other though.

    Out of curiosity, how much do the Hasbro's cost nowadays, If I were to start trying to collect them MOC? I collect NECA's horror figure lines, and wouldn't mind getting into collecting these too..

  16. 1 minute ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I never had any of that set that had Giant Gonzalez, 123 Kid, Smoking Gunns etc :( it actually still kind of annoys me, which I know is pathetic for a 31 year old man. Especially when, even if I got them now, I know they'd just end up in a box somewhere in the loft or the spare bedroom. 

    Think the last ones I got were Yokozuna and Bam Bam Bigelow. Thought Bam Bam looked great apart from the head tattoo which made him look like he had a granny's blue rinse. 

    @Cod Eye I might be talking bollocks but I'm pretty sure the Steiners and Headshrinkers didn't come as a set. I remember getting Scott Steiner ages before Rick. And I only had Samu out of the Headshrinkers, so they must've been sold separately. 

    Your probably right actually. Just been going through the Brutus thread on WrestingFigs, and they are both on the back of his card separately...

    On a really freaky side note, Yoko and Bam Bam were MY last two Hasbros too! I loved that Yoko, the sheer size difference between him and the other figures looked great1

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