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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. 26 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    If you’ve bought a Pi 3, then RetroPi which is very easy to setup and will play many PS1 games.

    To put things into context though, I have an image called Reys128 GB image and it includes pretty much every game on every system up to PS1 (70,000 games I total) and that fills a 128GB card.

    So, if you just want PS1, a 128GB card is overkill. Also, if you can sort out RetroPi (which is very easy) you could’ve done it all yourself anyway without buying a pre-built system.

    If you need any help with RetroPi, just let me know.

    I was going to put it together myself, but knew that with how busy I'll be with work after Christmas the kit will just be sat gathering dust. At least with buying it made I can just plug it in and have a quick game or two when I fancy it.

    From looking at the sites forums, it has RetroPi on it, so if I put that "Reys128" image on a SD card, will the games just be available to play(as in plug and play)?

  2. Got my Pi Arcade system today, but the other half won't let me have it until Christmas Morning, so I can't comment on how it plays yet unfortunatly.

    But I've got another question of the Pi experts on here.

    On the site I got it from, https://www.piretrogaming.com/shop/ , It has a number of different options to buy, each with different emulators etc. The one I've got is the Arcade 16 model(https://www.piretrogaming.com/product/arcade/). Was just thinking though, If I got another SD card(say a 128gb), and controller would I be able to install and play a PS1 emulator? 

  3. Just finished Sean Oliver(from Kayfabe Commentaries)'s book about how he set up the company. It's not a bad little read and includes a few stories that made me chuckle. It's not the longest book though, but if you are subscribed to Amazon's reading subscription service it's included...

  4. On 13/12/2017 at 4:27 PM, WyattSheepMask said:

    I tried using an HDMI upscale R, but it looked horrendous. If that one you mentioned is pretty much the same as mine but in HD through HDMI, I might eBay what I've got now

    I've just messaged the bloke who is selling them about the upscaling(before I ordered), and he says the videos that were taken on his Facebook page are taken using 32, 42 an 55inch LED TV's directly though a HDMI cable and they look decent enough. But I suppose it depends on the individual game ect...

  5. 5 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Seems a good deal. It's not very clear as to what it means by 'Emulaters included'. Does it mean that all the games for those systems are included or just the relevant software?

    Tom's Retro Shack sell a Rasberry Pi build into an old NES controller, think it was around £130 and includes all the major games for  NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Master System amongst others. The controller that it's build into also acts as the controller for the NES games and you also a USB SNES controller included.

    They're closed for Christmas and reopen January 1st so I can't post a link unfortunately, but it could be a good alternative if you get the money for it and wait till the new year

    From what I can gather, the games are already on. 

    If it seems like a decent price, I think I'll plump for one of those than. Thanks for the advice!

  6. Right guys, I'm hoping some of you can give me a bit of advice please?

    My mother has said she will get me one of these Pi retro systems for Xmas. Thing is, I'm not sure what to look for or if it would be better to build myself?

    The one I've seen is: 


    I was drawn to this one as it has some of the old arcade games I  used to love like Wrestlefest, Turtles and a Moonwalker game I was obsessed with.

    Is it a decent deal or would I be able to build it myself much cheaper, and if I did, would i be able to get all the games I want easy enough?


  7. What are we thinking now then? I think that if Root can get to three figures, and at least one of Bairstow or Ali can get in the groove, then we have a real chance of what would be a historic come back!

    For me though, one of the key aspects will be how they handle the batting line up tommorow. Hopefully, Woakes can defend his wicket for a while to take the sting out of the fresh pace attack. Then I'd personally move Johnny B up above Ali as I can see Lyons having a field day against the Left handers on a day 5 pitch...

  8. 2 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    just watched the finish of the 93 Royal Rumble...has it ever been explained why Macho Man went for a pin on Yokozuna? was that a blown spot or are we just to believe that Macho was a bit stupid?


    This has bothered me WAY more than it should ever since I watched it back in '93...

    I took the (Kayfabe) reason at the time to be that he was knackered and went for the pin out of instinct. But looking at it with more mature eyes, and knowing that Vince considered him a spent force around this time(and wanted him to move into commentary full time), it may be that he thought the damage it may do to his character was worth it to make Yoko look strong.

  9. 13 hours ago, John Matrix said:

    May as well have had my fucking hands chopped off.  Spent the last two hours trying to run fixes.  Fuck all lads.  Fuck all.  

    Gonna cost me a fortune this ennit?



    Mine did something similar and it ended up being the hard drive cable that needed replacing. From memory it was a £40 for the part and i installed it myself(there was loads of online tutorials)...

  10. 36 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    It's "The Marine" month on Wrestling With Wregret this month on Youtube. Apparently Bob Holly was first choice to play the lead in Marine 3.

    He had a bit of a rant in his book about WWE favouring the top names for their films, and mentioned he was up for a film(presumably Marine 3) but they told the production company he was needed for a foreign tour(or something) before not using him on said tour...

  11. 1 hour ago, chokeout said:

    It's a money pit of a hobby but fun. No matter how much you think it'll cost, it'll get way worse haha.

    ...tell me about it. I haven't even got the camera yet and I'm pricing new bits up!

    Will I be able to do much with the 18 to 55mm lens that comes bundled with the camera? 

  12. 3 hours ago, chokeout said:

    Get a light,portable tripod, you'll start using it more and more as you play around with the settings. 

    The next two lenses you'll be looking at are the 70-250, which is the 'zoom' version of the kit lens you'll have, and the 50mm 1.8, which money wise is the most fun lens you'll get and will open up a lot more fun and control of your photos. Rather than look at books there are some fantastic youtube series that break down how to get off auto mode. Don't worry about iso just yet, leave that on auto and get used to aperture and shutter speed. Once you are comfortable with them you can go fully manual and see the trade off in what you want to shoot/what the iso will let you have

    Thanks for that chokeout! I've had a quick flick through a few video and they do look very helpful, especially the ones explaining the "exposure triangle".

    Can see this hobby becoming one that I sink a lot of money into, especially as I eventually want to get a telescope to try and take some space snaps!

  13. So, I've persuaded my other half to get me an entry level DSLR for Christmas, as I've always fancied learning how to take proper photographs . It's a Cannon and comes with an 18 to 55mm lens. Thing is,  I'm not sure where to start? Can any of you DSLR savvy folk recommend me some decent, easy to understand books that are aimed at beginners who would like to gradually progress to at least an intermediate level or better please? It's things like getting the best out of the various setting(I've no idea how to judge what ISO to use in what conditions, for example) that I'm looking for.

    Also, is there any extra kit you would recommend? The camera comes with the usual stuff like memory card, case and the afore mentioned 18 to 55mm lens(as well as a cleaning kit)...

    Thanks in advance!

  14. Something similar happened in a cafe I go in fairly regular about a month ago. This "bloke", who was about 5ft2 started to abuse a young lass who was bringing him his breakfast as the beans had mixed with the tomatoes a bit(it was very Alan Partridge). The wanker was calling her a stupid cunt and all sorts and she was distraught. I felt shit that I couldn't help, what with me being in a wheel chair at the minute, but in the end three blokes who were having their breakfasts in actually threw him out with a warning with what he would get if they saw him again. 


  15. The way they have evolved the Survivor Series card since the initial match announcements has been genius. It's got to the point where I'm afraid of missing a show incase there is another major change. 

    I'm trying to think of another time that the WWE/F have named a card, then used storylines to change it to this extent(i.e. not due to injuries/circumstances out of their control)?

  16. 48 minutes ago, Porkchopcash said:

    AJ is 1/50, you have to put £50 on to win £1 back, that should tell you something! His opponent is 12/1. I dont think people in the UK have seen much of Takam, i’ve watched a few clips on yt since it was announced he will replace Pulev and he seems an ok come forward fighter, not afraid to get in a scrap. He’s been knocked out by a lesser fighter than AJ before though and it’s hard to see past anything other than an early AJ knockout. I think it will be a more interesting fight than the Pulev one though. Saying that, as the cliche goes, it’s heavyweight boxing and one punch can change it all, but i doubt it.

    Whyte/Helenious should be interesting on the undercard. I hope Whyte comes out to the Jaws theme, followed by Back in Black, thats a mega entrance.

    Thanks for that! the 1-50 odds did seem like as much as a sure thing as your going to get in a "two horse race" but thought Takem being brought in at such a late stage might have thrown a spanner in the works for AJ...

    Looking forward to Whyte's fight too. Always enjoy watching him.

  17. Question to the boxing aficionados on here, if AJ the heavy fave for his match tomorrow? I love a bit of boxing, but don't really follow it outside of the big marquee matches so not sure what to expect...

  18. 18 minutes ago, stumobir said:

    The gatso thing was hands down the most fucked thing I've ever read, I still get the creeps thinking about it. The lines about avoiding her friends that were looking for in the hotel and about it being better it was him than someone else make my stomach turn. 

    ...shit, I do remember that actually. It was just the name that didn't line up. I remember telling my Mrs about it at the time and how repulsed she was.

  19. 3 minutes ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    There was that ring boy scandal in the 80s which nothing ever really came of. 

    He basically raped a girl. She was super drunk and he manipulated it so he could take her back to his/a hotel and have sex with her. 

    I don't get why anyone would be low enough to do that in the face place, but how arrogant and narcissistic(is that the right word) would you need to be to go admitting it on an online forum?

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