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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. We have a next door but one nightmare neighbor at the minute.

    They moved in early last year, and since them have been a nightmare. First of all, they had a 3 year old girl who looked like something of a povety advert(more on this later), and was seen taking 12 dogs in the house of all sizes. 

    Anyway, last summer we were all in the garden and we started getting the most foul smell drifting in the garden but couldn't place it. It went on all summer and was driving us mad for a time. Then, after our new next door neighbour mooved in, it al became clear. Turns out they were basically keeping the dog(all 12, including a Labrador, Husky and another big fuckoff thing I couldn't work out), and just let them piss and shit all over it. The smell was coming out of there when they opened the door. 

    The new bloke next door let us have a look at their garden from his bedroom, and it was chock full of rubbish and dog shit, and we even saw rats. Dirty bastards. According to him, they had to have all the doors and skirting ripped out as it had soaked up so much dog piss it was just rotting, there was n floorboards down as the dogs had been chewing them up and they didn't have an hoover or even a working  boiler etc. Worst thing was, there was a kid living in the filth.

    Eventually, loads on the street reported them to the RSPCA and RSPCC, and they came and took all the dogs off them and gave them a final warning about the childs living conditions. The lass who lives there told the neighbour that they had already had twin boys took off them before they moved in, so why they would risk losing their remaining one is beyond me!

    Lates it, two weeks ago they came home with 6 new dogs. RSPCA is back involved and we are all fucked off with the binners...


  2. 8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    This was more a joke about the poster above me making a double post. But yeah I don't like it, I don't mind the odd one but constant ones clutter up threads, especially when it's a post not adding anything other than an "I agree"


    Still, not as bad as "I'll post my thoughts later".  Ooh whoopee! A teaser trailer for an upcoming post about your opinion that you seem to think we hang on every word of.

    Anyway, Not sure if this really is unpopular or not, Manchester has the best musical history of any UK town.


     Agree with this 100%!

    There's this pleb on another forum I use, that no matter how often he is told will double, treble, quadrouple(and so on) post constantly. He is one of those incendiary type posters who will post something just to cause a massive argument, and so he usually has dozens of replies to his posts. He then proceeds to answer each reply with it's own post and it completely messes up the thread...  

  3. 13 hours ago, hallicks said:

    Don't remember seeing it posted, so here's the video clip of Al Snow responding to Ian's question about never having had a good match. Apologies if it's already been put up



    Made me chuckle that! T'old Al got a bit arsey with big Nev there, didn't he? And how could he never have heard of the legend that is Neville Southall?

  4. I'm ready for the biggest, fuckoff thunder storm in history, just to take the edge of the humidity.

    To make things worse, I'm being weened off the prescribed Morphine that I've been on for nearly 5 years, so my body is already sweating profusely but with the heat, I constantly look like I've just been pushed in a fucking swimming pool fully clothed. I'm one sweaty fooker!

  5. If you would have asked me when the fight was first signed, I'd have leaned towards Parker. But I'm not so sure now, and I'm thinking of putting a few quid on Whyte to win by KO in Round 8. That's not based on any kind of information, just a gut feeling.


  6. Watched "To Hell and Back - The Kane Hodder Story" last night, and as a horror movie nut I loved how honest he was and how much emotion was shown. To be honest, it won't be for everyone, but if your a Friday the 13th fan or even a fan of Hodder himself, it's well worth a watch...

  7. 9 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    You know that wonderfuly "Toys that Made Us" series on Netflix? They announced as the San Diego Comic Con that they'll be doing a wrestling episode on the next season. Cant wait for that.

    I can't ell you how happy this news has made me! 

  8. 3 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

     Disgraceful they basically took the piss out of the woman who played the mother in "Troll 2". She was obviously mentally ill in the documentary (and so was her mother). Just not right filming.

    That bit of the doc really does feel off, doesn't it? There was more than once in the film that felt really awkward and mean...

  9. 4 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    One of our cats - Hera - had a little of four kittens about two years ago. We kept the calico one (Mia), the tabby (Moira) went to my girlfriend's best friend, the ginger and white one (Merlin) went to her other best friend and the black and white one, who I called Cow in place of naming him properly before he was given away, became Bubba and lives with my mum.

     My girlfriend and her friend who had Merlin went away to Austria for the week. They just got back today. Before my girlfriend got back, her friend (who lives very close to the airport and thus got home much faster) called me, crying her eyes out, barely able to get her words out. Turns out, while she was away, Merlin went missing for like two days and her dad found him literally just as she returned from the airport. He was dead, having been hit by a car.

     I feel so bad for her, she's so upset - just want to give her a big hug (but she's not here and, anyway, we don't have that kind of relationship) but it's kind of weird because it almost feels like a death in the family. We have Merlin's mother, father and sister here and I know cats don't give a fuck, but it's very sad. Poor thing was only just over two years old. Now my girlfriend and her friend are on the phone to each other, just crying and consoling. It's sad.

    It's gutting when any animal dies, but when it is a baby/new pet it is heartbreaking. 

    My son(14 now) had the worst luck with pets as a kid. His mum loved West Highland Terriers so decided to get one for their family home. 2 weeks after getting him, he died. They quickly got another one that turned out was bred and sold by a complete cunt who had neglected the puppy, and that died 3 days later. Then, a third got ravaged by another dog a month after they took him home.

    It's really affected him as he is afraid to get close(emotionally) to animals now in case he is left heartbroken again...

  10. On 7/4/2018 at 2:20 PM, scratchdj said:

    In case anyone hasn't seen it (or wants to see it again), the Storyville episode about James Randi is back on iPlayer and will be shown again on BBC4:


    If you haven't seen it, give it a watch - it's really good stuff.

    Really, really enjoyed that! 

    It really does show how dependant many of the human race is on spirituality and the like. The fact that Peter Popov can be exposed like he was and still go on to earn $1m a week(or was that hyperbole?) is incredible. What is that old saying? For sceptics, no evidence in enough. But for believers, no evidence is needed...

  11. 55 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Gullible might be a bit harsh, although I get what you’re saying. Susceptible? Impressionable maybe


    51 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Also it's people who have lost something and want to make sense of their loss.  @drkopen Ha, that's fantastic!

    Your right, I knew it didn't sound right as I typed it...

  12. Completely agree about "psychics" and "mediums". They can be very dangerous, especially to the more gullible(is that the right term?) people. My mates marriage was ruined by one actually. His wife went to a reading with one who told her "your partner has done something he isn't proud of"(exact words). She believed what the fraud said and become convinced he was shagging around, and the divorce soon followed. Apparently, there was even something about the reading in the divorce papers. 

  13. I've asked this in Off Topic, but thought I'd put it in here too,  but is anyone going to the UK Horror Con in London this year(1st & 2nd of September at Printworks), that could do me a bit of a favour please?

    To cut a long story short, we're putting on a number of themed charity auctions(horror themed, sci-fi themes etc...) over the next year or so to raise money for various charities. I have contacted many celebs who have offered and sent signed photos and things, and actor Sid Haig(from The Devil's Rejects etc) has offered us any 5 items from his table at the 'Con(signed obviously). Trouble is, I can't make it to the 'Con, and he doesn't want to post them even if I cover the cost for some reason. So if anyone is going, could you call by his table and send them on to me. Obviously I'd cover the postage costs, and wouldn't mind if you kept one of the items for your troubles...

  14. 4 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    It's on Amazon Prime to "rent" for £2.99, though it's on the Shudder channel, so if you've not subscribed to that channel already, you should be able to get a 7 day free trial.

    It's looking like I will have to rent it. I do subscribe to Shudder through Amazon Prime, but the doc isn't available on there unfortunately...

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