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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. Bit of a long shot, but does anyone know anywhere I could download a copy of "Best Worst Movie", the documentary about the movie "Troll 2"?

    I only need it as part of a research project I've been asked to do for a potential charity film fest, so I'm trying to keep my overheads down. 

  2. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Regal’s book is one I’ve wanted to read for ducking ages, but it’s slways going for stupid money on eBay.

    Im sure he said on Austin’s podcast that he had a tryout with WWF in 1991, so I would imagine it was the Albert Hall show. Also seems to recall him saying on that podcast about selling dodgy VCRs

    I don't know if you like reading on a tablet, but theres an "all you can read" app called Sribd that has a good number of WWE and wrestling books on it, and Regal's is one of them... 

  3. Does anywhere do microwavable kebabs that are at least semi edible? I really fancied a kebab this aft, but the local chippy that sells them on an afternoon is shut for 2 weeks for some reason. I tried that stuff from(I think) Jack Fultons in a bag, and it gave me shocking food poisoning so wont be trying that again. Morrisons used to do a great one in their chilled "Food of the Wold" section, but they haven't had them for ages now....

  4. How good was that innings by England yesterday? The Aussies must be crest fallen after that!

    Johnny Bairstow must be pushing for the top slot on the official ODI batsmen ranking now right? 4 centuries in his last his innings and a ODI career average of over 50 highlights just how much he has improved...

  5. 3 hours ago, Ralphy said:

    Northern takeaway foods have always intrigued me, what generally are the popular ones? 

    The good ol' Kebab smothered with both chilli and garlic sauce always goes down best around here, or a Calzone Kebab if you want something a bit more substantial. And if all else fails, Fish n Chips, smothered with Curry Sauce/Gravy/Beans/Mushy Peas(delete as appropriate) and a jumbo battered sausage...

  6. We have a place called Chaz Chaz that do the best Kebabs I have ever had. They do a "Special for Two" that involves 2 full trays of kebab meat(think a large silver takeaway curry tray), 6 pieces of chicken tikka, a skewer of beef kebab, 2 portions of chips, 4 pitta breads, 4 tubs of sauce(or 2 if you want the some of the sauce already on the meat) and a tray of salad(for the bin, obviously. It tastes fucking stunning and there is just enough for me on a hungry night!

  7. 33 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

    Ralphy, I really hope you’re medical issues get sorted and when they do, i’ll treat you to a dirty, great greasy pizza.

    ...and I'll chip in for it too!

  8. Just had our Papa John's, and must say we were pretty impressed! Went for the Sausage and Pepperoni(Xtra large, obviously), and the Mrs plumped for a Large BBQ Chicken. Ordered a portion of Peri Peri chicken bites and a choco brownie desert to take it over the £40 mark. Only came to £20.75 with the voucher and the Mrs still has half hers left, so thats me sorted in the morning! 

    They were just good tasting, classic pizza's without any of the gimmicky things Dominoes's offer. Tasted really fresh too, which is always a bonus. And as if I don't feel a fat enough bastard as it is, I'm going to polish off a tub of Birthday Cake flavoured Ben&Jerry's!

  9. 1 minute ago, Ralphy said:

    hopefully the code works, £40 worth of stuff for £20 aint a bad deal, is it all for you??!! 

    I wish i could eat pizza, dammit! be sure to post a pic if the code works before you dig in to the goodness 

    Just done a dummy order and it did seem to work, so fingers crossed!

    £40 worth of food does seem a lot for two of us(we've got rid of the kids for the night. but are both to knackered to go out), but left over take away is the breakfast of champions, isn't it? 

    Just need to decide what pizzas to go for now. Does Pappa John's have their own take on Pizza Hut's "Philly Cheese Steak"? 

  10. 4 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    This is a wonderful thread to read. As someone who struggles not to laugh at inappropriate times I'd have been ruined at this. 



    Thats cracking!

  11. 13 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    I picked this up on my Vive Pro today and it’s absolutely bloody amazing. This guy is scarily good at it once it gets going:


    That looks amazing! Don't think you will ever get me playing something like that though. My hand eye coordination has been a joke since my illness took hold...


  12. How does the WWE stock work? Theoretically, could someone come along and buy enough stock in the company to oust t'old Vince, or are there safeguards built in to protect that?

    * To clarify, I have no idea how ANY stocks and shares work!

  13. Has anything come of the timing fuck up that happened during the Nicola Adams fight? I mean, she looked awesome agains an opponent that was supposed to be a bit of a litmus test for her, but surly the Argentinian lass' team will appeal the defeat over the round going almost a minute longer than it should. Had to chuckle when they tried to cover their mistake by announcing the knockout was in 1:59 of the round though...

  14. 18 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    I didn't realise until today that Designated Survivor and The Expanse both got cancelled as well. Designated Survivor, fair enough, because it really had turned into a shit show that I was essentially hate watching every week but The Expanse is great. Fucking SyFy

    I think the reason The Expanse was cancelled is because SyFy only had the rights to the first, live  broadcast of the show, and with it being a Sci-Fi genre show, the audience was strongly weighted towards on demand viewing. I think the production company is confident of the show being picked up agin by a streaming company. 

    Edit: Don't Want to be a Div and not provide a source: 


    The cancellation decision by Syfy is said to be linked to the nature of its agreement for the series, which only gives the cable network first-run linear rights in the US. That puts an extraordinary amount of emphasis on live, linear viewing which is inherently challenging for sci-fi/genre series which tend to draw the lion share of their audiences from digital/streaming.”

  15. Thought Bellow showed just how good a boxer he actually is. Granted, Haye is a shadow of his former self, but you can only beat the man in front of you and I thought The Bomber made him look amateur.

    On a side note, I still don't see anything in Joe Joyce. Everything he did appeared to be in slow motion and cumbersome. Can't help but thinking he will get destroyed against even slightly better opposition. Oh, and I only saw the end of his ring walk, but what was with the Mexican shit?

  16. Can't wait to watch season 2, if there is going to be one. Everything about it was just what I wanted from a 2018 Karate Kid show. Even the dodgy acting added to it!

    One thing I did notice though, is Ralph Maccio the only man in the world who's voice has un broken as he got older? It was massivly deeper when he made the original films...

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