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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. Are the pokemon games any good for a 5 year old? My daughter is wanting to get into playing video games and is a bit bored of the ones on her tablet. 

    We're going to get her some of the Lego games for the PS4, but was wondering if it would be worth getting a DS or Switch with the Pokemon ones?

  2. There used to be a stall on Barnsley market when I were a kid that sold toys that were never a commercial success over here, and older toys that had gone out of fashion. Toys like the Toxic Crusader figures and Bucky O'Hare. I had shit loads of them, and believe that some of them would be worth a pretty penny if still boxed today.

    Anyway, I remember seeing a Beatlejuice playset on the stall that had a Beetlejuice figure and a big coffin/burial site to put him him. I nagged my told Nannan for weeks to get me it, purely to use the coffin for casket matches! Loved it.



  3. Can anyone recommend a true crime/serial killer documentary for my MRs that isn't one of the usual suspects(no pun intended)? 

    She loves serial killer docs and flies through them, but it's starting to get really hard to find her ones she hasn't seen. She's watched all the West Memphis three ones, The Jinx, Making a Murderer etc...


  4. 17 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    Possibly quite an obscure one, but...


    Several times, I've seen it referenced that Vader's gimmick was originally modelled around a figure from Japanese culture or folklore. Problem is, attempting to research this, the only references to it are claims from wrestling websites or Wikipedia, saying Vader was named after this legendary figure - it's all just circular references back to the same one or two wrestling sources.

    Is anyone aware, anywhere, of the actual folklore or legendary figure Vader is supposed to be referencing? Because it doesn't seem to come up anywhere except stories about the wrestler, which leads me to think it's a story that's been passed down without anyone ever checking to see if it's actually the case.

    Was the character based on an actual mythical person or just an amalgamation of different legendary samurai? I'm probably remembering this wrong, but I though the big metal mask was just based on samurai headgear in general, rather than an actual headpiece from history/legend.

  5. Shit, having a brain fart. It wasn't the wrong forum at all....

    I basically asked if the difference in reactions Reigns and Strowman gets are simply down to the powers that be trying to change RR into Cena MkII, seeing as they are both getting the mega push and being lined up as the top guys...

  6. Well, just back from the Hut of Pizza. 

    Plumpe for the Philly Steak and Cheese on one of their dough ball bases. Must be honest, it was really nice. 

    1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    Last time I went to Pizza Hut I bounded over to the Ice Cream Factory for pudding, fuelled by nostalgia and was hit with a sledgehammer of disappointment, The sad whippy machine barely dispensed the stuff, and the toppings available were; Shitty knock off jelly babies. That's it. The only sauce was a dribble of strawberry. It was a far cry from the feast of my youth, with smarties, hard gums, and about 4 different sauces. I audibly exclaimed "Is that it?! And had to get a bloke to find some chocolate sauce. When the bill came, they didn't charge us for it, so fair play on that front. 

    The kids had one of the ice cream factories each, and must agree; it was shit! If it wasn't included with the kids meals, I'd have complained. 

    Still think the place is over priced for what it is. The father in law paid and I though he was going to drop dead when the bill came....

  7. 1 minute ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

    The little girl chose the restaurant so she pays, I like your style. 

    Sooner the little brats can pay their own way the better, if you ask me! 

  8. 1 minute ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Hark at Mr big shot going to Pizza Hut in the evening. You'll never get your moneys worth that's for sure. Last time I went(during the afternoon buffet) I think I rinsed the salad bar more than the pizzas but tbf it's not real salad and you can smother anything healthy in blue cheese sauce and bacon bits.

    The place has never done anything for me, I'd prefer to go somewhere they do a decent mixed grill! But it's my youngest's birthday and she chose Pizza Hut. Suppose it will me enjoy it a bit more because I'm not paying.

  9. Not sure is this classes as #EATCLEAN, but we're off to Pizza hut this evening for a family meal. I'm not personally the biggest fan of the place, so haven't been for a good few years and haven't got a clue what the best pizza/base is to go for. Any recommendations??

  10. 1 hour ago, PunkStep said:

    For fuck sake, my Sky box didn't record Raw for some reason. The series link is still live as it's scheduled to record next Monday, but nothing from last night. I've only just noticed, and the only repeat of the three hour show is on now and into the final hour.

    Is there another way to watch it on Sky? Do they add it to catch up, if so when? Really want to see this gauntlet match.

    Mine did the same. I've had to download the show from a torrent site...

    With regards to the show itself, that opening gauntlet match was some of the best wrestling TV they have put on in years. Rollins was the "man of the match" by a mile. Cracking babyface performance.

    Is it just me, or is John Cena acting a bit on the "heelish" side lately? Even in his little post match interview, he was making excuses why he didn't win.

  11. Are there any "scribd" like, all you can read apps or sites that do comics? I have tried the big magazine apps and while they have some comics, the selection is light.

    I'm really wanting to try and get back into The Walking Dead and try a few more titles that are aimed at the older end, but prefer these subscription services to buying individual issues if possible....

  12. We have decided to put one of our pillows in her bed, and let her sleep in our room for now. Hopefully we can almost wean her to eventually sleeping downstairs.

    We have also been recommended this coat type thing you can buy thats designed for nervous dogs, but that seems too much like it will just mask the issue rather than solve it... 

  13. 4 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    That show is so bloody awful, the perfect snapshot of Dusty Rhodes' booking in the 90s - slapdash, shit thrown together with no ability to create a story and actually see it through all the way, with a parade of stiff stinking up the joint and horribly miscast talent. Plus the Battle Bowl idea kind of sucks anyway.

    Was it Starcade '91 that had a legitimately random draw for the tag teams?

  14. 2 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    I don't think it's so much groups that Vince doesn't see money in as tag teams; his logic is that if one half of a tag team gets injured, that's both members fucked, and he's effectively paying two blokes to do nothing. Ignoring the fact that there's storytelling potential in someone who's ordinarily a tag team wrestler having to go it alone while his partner's hurt, or finding a replacement partner and having to deal with the consequences when his original partner returns, it does make a bit of sense.

    I'd say if Vince has a problem with groups, it's likely the way he books them; The Shield are the closest to a "group of equals" I can really think of in WWE, ordinarily a WWE stable comes down to one guy and his lackeys. They always have to have a leader, and then the remainder of the group rarely have a defined role, they're just hangers on the for Alpha Male. I'm sure there's no psychological reason underpinning that.

    How does pay for full time tag team wrestlers(I'm thinking the Uso lads as an example) compare to single wrestlers of the same level? Reason I'm asking, is I wonder if Vince's dislike of tag teams come from having to pay 4 people for a tag match, as opposed to 2 for a single match? 

  15. Thanks for all the lovely comments on Tina! 

    She's not looking so cute to us at the minute though. She's really not enjoying night times at the minute for some reason. First we tried getting her used to her bed, but she was experiencing seperation anxiety from us and spent all night crying. So the next night, we tried her in our room, but once again she has just spent the entire night crying. We weren't this tired when our kids were new born! 

  16. 19 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    Is there anywhere that tracks when certain books go cheap on kindle?

    www.bookbub.com is a free service you can subscribe to that emails you daily with free and cheap book deals. You can tell it what genres you like, but it can be a bit hit and miss with the books you get notified about. 

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