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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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Whilst you don't like Comic book movies Matrix, which is cool as a personal choice and everything, you sound like a right arse in the way you flat out refuse to even watch the trailer.


One of my best mates was exactly the same when the last Star Trek Movie came out. I had to force him to to watch it, saying it is nothing like what he thinks it'll be like. The entire time before and all the way into the cinema, i was getting an ear full about hows its "bloody star trek" and "it'll be shite". Only for him to come out saying, "That was good".


I'm sure nothing I say will change you're mind or anything, but at least try and watch some decent comic book movies, as to be fair some of them are good movies (as a whole) and not some random comic book job that is a bit hokey in some sort of way.


I agree though that Gerard Butler is not delivering anything like what has been promised in that movie.

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Kind of on topic to what's just been piping up about censorship.

Straight Outta Compton is just on Phantom FM (Irish radio station) and it's fuckin' shockingly bad.


I found the lyrics:


Was that version actually recorded by NWA, yeah? Seems to go completely against the whole point of that group to record a radio edit.

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  • Paid Members
Whilst you don't like Comic book movies Matrix, which is cool as a personal choice and everything, you sound like a right arse in the way you flat out refuse to even watch the trailer.


You're a funny guy. I like you. That's why i'm gonna kill you last.


Either i wasnt clear, or you jumped to conclusions. I didnt refuse to watch it, i was sat in front of a giant screen with booming audio and no distractions. Right there and then, the makers of that film had a golden opportunity to grab my attention.


Suffice to say at some point during it, i made a subconcious descision to pick up litter i'd previously discarded in order to read up on how much fat i'd consumed in the 10 minutes prior. Do you think that trailer did it's job?


It wasn't a protest. I didnt even realise until it was pointed out to me. I was looking for something to occupy my mind because what i was looking at and hearing at that particular moment, didnt.


Thank fuck they dont print the nutritional content on to cinema hot dog wrappers. I dread to think what they put in those things that means they are still illuminous pink when cooked? I made that observation during the trailer for Iron Man 3. :thumbsup:

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You're a funny guy. I like you. That's why i'm gonna kill you last.


Either i wasnt clear, or you jumped to conclusions. I didnt refuse to watch it, i was sat in front of a giant screen with booming audio and no distractions.



Fair enough, its just the way you mentioned:


I mentioned before I wasn't a huge fan of Superhero movies....


Followed by the line about reading your packet, I'm sure it was totally unintentional and just coincidentally timed, it just read that you'd given up on it "just because" it was a super hero movie.


Anyway, never mind, I just get bothered if some people refuse to watch something on the basis of it being a certain genre/type of movie , even though reviews/others say its very good.


It was just me being picky!

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He's right though. On the whole they are utter shit and I think it's quite reasonable to dismiss a whole genre on the basis of its recent history. We're not in any way forced to watch films. It's an entirely voluntary act and we should be able to choose which films we watch based on whatever criteria we choose.


I, like most men, dismiss romantic comedies immediately. It's the job of the romantic comedy to prove me wrong. I owe the genre nothing. I'd say the same applies to all things artistic.

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Agreed. I will occasionally give films in a genre I don't like a chance if enough people insist I will like them (I'll give Dredd a shot - I tried 500 Days Of Summer recently and it was dreadful) but otherwise I will ignore them. I know what I like. No-one should waste their time on genres of things they are quite sure they will dislike. No idea why Bowyo T's getting so upset here.

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I'm not "upset", it just reminded me of my friend who put up such a massive fight about seeing a movie, then he watched it and loved it. That was purely because it was "Star Trek"


I did misread the quote, as it looked like he was dismissing it purely on the basis that it was a superhero movie. I openly agree a lot of Super hero movies are pure piss, but many of them are also great.


Again just me being picky.

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I did misread the quote, as it looked like he was dismissing it purely on the basis that it was a superhero movie. I openly agree a lot of Super hero movies are pure piss, but many of them are also great.


I dismiss all superhero films on the basis that they're superhero films because I don't like superhero films. I don't understand what the issue is here.


Umm.. shit, I can't remember now. The one that you said I was most likely to like.


That has the bit where he escapes from the Crocodile Pit.



The soundtrack was pretty cool but apart from that it was really dumb.


You idiot, that's the second best one!


Don't try anything else that I like in future and stick to....whatever it is you like?

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