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Chris Benoit dead


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Holy holy holy FUCK!!!Jesus christ I'm speechless! I was condemning the guy before the press conference but being told innocent before guilty blah, blah, blah but now? Holy Fuck!!He tied and gagged his wife? I'm sure you can come up with your depressed theorys all you like but, man, seriously fuck Benoit!! And I've made my status on his son perfectly clear from the outsetSo I'll say again without Bootcleaner et al getting on my back over it:RIP Nancy and Daniel Rot in hell Benoit you fucking horrible disgraceful cunt! I really hope he burns for this!

Has there been a mention of Nancy being gagged?
Sorry my mistake.. will edit accordingly
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Not only has a great wrestler passed, but this is multiplied by the fact that he's done so in a way that completely destroys any pedestal his fans put him on. I'm one of those who has desperately been trying to believe that my hero was a victim of circumstance; that maybe Nancy was killed in an accident, fell during a domestic or something and that Chris killing his son and himself was some psychotic reaction brought on by that, or that maybe it was a set up, a mob hit, anything other than what has sadly, the worst has been proven true. This is a really gutting day. Even though I know he killed them, I'm not overcome by feelings of 'that Benoit, what a complete bastard', and I know I should. I guess the shocking truth just hasn't set in yet.

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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

Bingo.I'm not gonna totally condemn someone, whoever they are, when I've no idea why they did something. I think it'd be stupid to do that. I've no idea why the guy did this. If he did it for fun, then sure he's a sick fuck. If he did it because he was mentally ill, then surely that's different.
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You know there is one thing appreciating Benoit's ability in spite of the situation surrounding his demise.It's just downright perverse to have a picture of him in your signature.

If that was directed at me, wait a fucking minute before you sling mud.I updated my sig when I found out he'd died and the surrounding events weren't known. As soon as I'd posted my reaction to the press conference, I removed it.
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Give it time??He bound his wife's hands and feet before strangling her to death.He murdered a seven year old with his bare hands.And then he hung himself and left no note behind to even try and explain his actions.I don't care how many five star matches he had, or how often he entertained you. The amount of people in this thread today saying shit like "He wouldn't do that!" is frightening. Newsflash. Would. Could. Did. Fuck you people for thinking you knew better, and fuck anybody who refuses to condemn him.

I know you made your mind up early, but please remember there are people on here that may have worked with Chris, also that a lot of people on here have met chris multiple times, interviewed him, know people who knew him and had a great deal of respect for him even, held him up as a shining example of what wrestling was about, loved him like people like rock stars, movie stars, football players, the shock of him being dead was one thing, the secondary shock of finding he was a cold hearted murderer is something else completely. It's sunk in for me now after that press conference.He did a fucked up thing, he bound the hands and feet of his wife and killed her. He placed a bible by her body, he murdered his son and placed a bible by his body. He then hanged himself from a weights machine.Those are the facts presented to us.Why he did it? We may never know. Fact is he did do it and he does deserve condemnation for his actions.Will I ever be able to watch another Chris Benoit match. I don't think I can.I get the feeling everyone invovled in wrestling is now going to have a hard time, from WWE 'superstars' to the average fan on the street.My thoughts are with the people that are suffering, the rest of his family, the people he worked with and loved him. Sure isn't with Chris now. RIP Daniel, RIP Nancy.
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It's confirmed he did it. I feel sick. Honestly sick. Part of me wants to keep coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc. I've had depression and know it can be very very hard, but never would I have considered killing anyone, let alone the ones I love. The ability to do it must've been inside him anyway.I had a lot of respect for the man, but it's slipping away. I'm not the sort to say 'Rot in hell' but I retract my earlier 'Rest in Peace'.Nancy and Daniel, RIP.

Good God you really are a fucktard.Like many illnesses their are different levels of severity. Depression is a mental illness and can drive you to do things that are really not normal for you.And who said he was depressed anyway?
As someone who actually works in acute and secure mental health services I wanna point out I have never ever come across someone who killed due to depression. You say depression can make you do things you wouldnt do usually... to yourself? yes... to others? I have never ever seen it.Mike
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This is my last post here. To all those saying "rot in hell Benoit" or holding to that sentiment I say you are a bunch of cunts! How the fuck do you know what was going on in his mind to push him over the edge? I'm not saying that he is innocent, the evidence clearly suggests otherwise. I'm not saying that it's not a tragedy that Nancy and Daniel died, of course if is! But, as I have said before, this guy was clearly not naturally persuaded towards killing his kids or wife, otherwise this would have happened sooner. What has clearly happened is something has happened to affect Benoit and he has reacted in the worst way possible. That doesn't make him a bad man, it just makes this an awful thing to happen and I pray for all 3 of them, that they find peace after death.


I think Big Dave said it best:

"RIP Nancy (who was a criminally underated manager) and Daniel neither of them deserved to get caught up in this and I really do hope that Chris can find some kind of peace."


Now please, can the idiots stop overreacting, let those who are still in shock deal with it as best they can and respect the fact that 3 people died this past weekend in tragic circumstances. Even though it looks like Benoit did it, it doesn't make his final hours or death any less tragic!

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Personally I think hes indefensable, clearly his mind was fucked up but he bounded and gagged his wife and killed a 7 year old come on, fucked up or not theres no excuses at all, you could say that about any killer that there mind is fucked up. I never saw this coming and am still shocked but as far as I'm concerned Benoit has ruined his own legacy and WWE should never mention or promote him again. R.I.P Woman and Daniel.

Edited by Gareth7
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I just thought as well, how bad are the guys who gave glowing tributes on Raw going to feel? Benoit's really let those guys down.

Chavo said he'd trust Benoit with his kids' lives. Christ.While I'm glad in a way that the WWE is apparently going to be finally held accountable for the steroid culture they've perpetuated, I'll be very perturbed if the media do conclude that steroids were the cause of this. While Benoit was clearly roided to the gills, what's also clear now is that he had become seriously mentally disturbed, far outside of what you'd reasonably call 'Roid Rage'.
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It's confirmed he did it. I feel sick. Honestly sick. Part of me wants to keep coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc. I've had depression and know it can be very very hard, but never would I have considered killing anyone, let alone the ones I love. The ability to do it must've been inside him anyway.I had a lot of respect for the man, but it's slipping away. I'm not the sort to say 'Rot in hell' but I retract my earlier 'Rest in Peace'.Nancy and Daniel, RIP.

Good God you really are a fucktard.Like many illnesses their are different levels of severity. Depression is a mental illness and can drive you to do things that are really not normal for you.And who said he was depressed anyway?
I'm sorry, but depression of ANY level should not drive any person to murder. If you murder whilst depressed, you are a murderer nevertheless.Plus, if you actually read my original post again, you'll see that I said "coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc" therefore plainly stating it was MY theory, and not a fact, and i discounted it as a reason to keep sympathy/respect for the man alive straight away.Therefore, I would like it very very much if you went away now. Bye bye.
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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

I can understand what you're saying, i really can, but I simply can't look at it that way. The fact is he DID murder a child, his own child at that! His own flesh and blood. That makes him a child killer. And I believe to take your own flesh and bloods life - something HE had created is the most monsterous act imaginable. Look, I know something went wrong in his head but you could use that excuse for most criminals. I'm afraid it doesn't wash with me.
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Bought up on Fox were doctors (those who use scientific fact for the many on here who can only see black and white) who said if it was steroid induced he could have been suffering from psychotic episodes and hallucinations. This may not be the case but with the evidence they have found it seems like a possibility.This won't be known for another week to a month as the toxicology report is the only way to know. This is the last thing I am going to say on this as getting my head around the whole thing has been hard enough today.

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