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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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I think that quite a lot of people should like the song I'm going to upload today. It's by maybe my favourite band in the world right now, The Ergs. They're a punk band who I think sound a bit like The Descendents. However, they have a sound that is diverse enough to attract people who usually wouldn't like that kind of stuff, but not so diverse that it's pretentious. The song I'm going to upload doesn't actually sound like most of their other stuff, but it is fucking brilliant in every way. The youthful energy of the band absolutely oozes out of every intelligent lyric, I've really heard nothing like their 2 albums in terms of energy since Milo Goes To College or something. Anyway, here's the song:


The Ergs - Books About Miles Davis

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"That's actually a Screeching Weasel song, not a Queers one, brilliant song nonetheless."



I know


but yes, great song.


EDIT - ah, I see, the file name. That's just the filename from when I d/l'd it from limewire. :thumbsup:




my choice for the day



--- Belly / Super Connected


Belly are great.

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Some soul is needed. This is by a guy called Arthur Alexander, described as Country Soul, whatever the fuck that means, but apparantly his singing style was adopted by Paul McCartney and influenced The Beatles songwriting techniques early on too. This is a top notch song...


Arthur Alexander - You Don't Love Me (You Don't Care)

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Derek & The Dominos - Have You Ever Loved A Woman? - The subject matter is worn on the sleeve here. It's a pretty standard 12-bar-blues which turns into a jam sesh when played live, and while the lyrics may not be particularly subtle or deep (particularly if you're aware of the situation with Eric Clapton, George Harrison and George's wife), but emotionally speaking it's pretty damned authentic. You can really feel the pain in Clapton's voice. If anyone has been through something similar to this, you'll certainly be nodding your head along in identification.
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Here's a cover of the official most depressing song ever "Gloomy Sunday" by Bjork. It's nowhere near as sad with Bjork's beautiful voice over it though, the intro is fucking amazing and it's just allround musical goodness. If you like 'em slow, epic and beautiful then give it a go.



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After playing Fahrenheit recentley, I got this tune stuck in my head as it is part of the soundtrack.


Theory Of A Deadman - Santa Monica


I quite liked TOAD when I first heard them on a Roadrunner compilation back in the day and in the same way I adore louder bands quieter tracks (see 'Through The Glass' by Stone Sour and 'Sour Girl' by Stone Temple Pilots) this is a quality track.

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