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WCW hilarity - what were they thinking?

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Posted (edited)

At 7pm tonight I was really really bored, yet I had been entertained by reading a DVDR topic last week about some of the nonsense that went on in the last few years of WCW.

So I decided to copy & paste the best bits from that topic, then add bits that I would type up from issues of Power Slam around the same times, to provide the UKFF with some entertainment on this cold Autumn evening.


So credit belongs to:


- some guy on DVDR who I assume typed up the Observer quotes

- Dave Meltzer for those quotes, some of which showing his frustration and boredom at WCW are hilarious

- Power Slam writers for the same reason

- Me, for typing up the Power Slam stuff and compiling what was a massive mixed-up list in to chronological order and is far easier to read.


Feedback welcome, perhaps some nostalgic discussion. Who knows?


I think the entertainment value will be worth the time and effort

Edited by dopper
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Here's some stuff from really early Powerslam that I initially posted on DVDVR a while ago: -I'm actually bringing up any interesting bits of news that I can find from the earlier issues, as well as any comments that are funny when viewed with hindsight...Issue 1 (KOTR 94- Owen Hart on front)Mabel and Typhoon are now a regular tag team, managed by that devilishly gifted chap Oscar. They will feud with Yokozuna and Crush.Issue 2 (Hogan on front)Rick Rude will make his (WWF) return directly after Summerlsam.Issue 3 (Taker on the front)Rick Rude still hasn't scrawled his name on the dotted line, contradicting comments I made in last month's issue. Sources are adamant that 'The Ravisihng One' is on the way in- perhaps under the management of Tammy Fytch.As a consequence of a blunder by a local cable company, around 40 houselholds in Biddeford, Maine recieved an adult movie instead of Summerslam on August 29th. The mix-up led to hundreds of complaints.And a further complaint when one subscriber learned that the flick was about to be replaced with the event he originally ordered!'The American Dream', who is more of a wreck than he looks (which is saying something)...Issue 4 (LOD/Steiners on front)Big, bad King Kong Bundy is back in town (WWF), and we believe the boy will go far.Issue 5 (Flair/Hogan on front)(This may explain PS's bias againts Ric Flair, asd they produced a lengthy 4 page article on his retirement, with a very good career retrospective, ending with; 'May you prosper in retirement and, please, let it be permanent.') Only 12 years ago but hey, there you go!Issue 6 (Bret on front)Mabel, it must be said, is continuing to shown (sp) signs of improvement.As for King Kong Bundy...Scrub what I said about him two issues back: this guy is going nowhere.Issue 7 (Savage on front)Will Kama, Titan Sports' version of Kimo, make a similar (positive) impression on WWF fans? If reader reaction is anything to go by, then the answer is a resounding yes.From the introductory vignettes, it appears as though Man Mountain Rock is essentially the same character as Maxx Payne, which is excellent news as far as I'm concerned.Levesque, one of wrestling's brightest stars, is finished with WCW as of January 23rd.Issue 8 (HBK on front)Some good news for fans of Rick and Scott Steiner: they are confirmed to appear at WCW UncensoredIssue 10 (Nash on front)Speaking of face turns, Bob Backlund will be making one very shortly...'So you should all have a picture of what we're talking about here; looking, acting, just the state of being cool. I now present the PS top 10: -10. Terry Funk9. Masakatsu Funaki8. Toshiaki Kawada7. Diesel6. Akira Hokuto5. The Public Enemy4. HakushiJoint 2nd. Shane Douglas and Shawn Michaels1. Atushi Onita!Issue 11 (Scott Hall on front) May 1995Paul Levesque has now been unveiled as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, a carbon copy of Darren 'Lord Steven Regal' Matthews. Crowd reaction to Helmsley has thus far been underwhelming.'Dangerous' Dan Spivey... is scheduled to return shortly... (he) is expected to reform his tandem with Sid, assuming Sid does not win the World Crown at In Your House.Check this out for a shocker: Ric Flair has been reinstated as an active wrestler!'The Franchise'... proceeded to grab a Monday Night Raw t shirt from a member of the audience, put it on and then announce over the house microphone that he was going to a place where 'he could wrestle'. Angle, kids- designed to keep us guessing. Douglas is not leaving ECW...at least not for now.Deathrow and Steve Richards defeated Phi Delta Slam n.b.[in ECW in early 1995?]Issue 12 (Jarrett on front) June 1995Speaking of Summerslam, here's a wild prediction for you: Shawn Michaels will capture the WWF World Title from Sid in the main event.Steve Williams is being sought after for the top heel spot in the WWF. And management has apparently done everything but kneel down and beg 'Dr Death' to ink contractual papers, with the belief being that that a top-line program between WWF World Champion and Diesel and Williams would be a money-spinner.Rumour has it that Benoit has signed (with WWF). Be here next month for further details.Issue 13 (Bigelow on front) July 1995'The Franchise' made his final appearence for (ECW) on July 1st. Eleven days later, he was scheduled to meet with WWF management to run through the contract he was offered in the latter half of June.(Dustin Runnels), is hottly tipped to portray the role of a fiendish cowboy named the Outlaw or possibly the Gunslinger.Chris Benoit has not signed with the WWF.Here's a couple of predictions for you: 'Psycho' Sid will topple 'Big Daddy Cool' for the World Crown following interference from either Razor Ramon or Bret Hart, setting up a Summerslam showdown between Diesel and whomever turns heel.I'm expecting that Bob Backlund will be sworn in as the new President of the WWF.Issue 15 (HBK on front) August 1995(Vince McMahon AOL Interview Transcript)'I believe the ECW style in general is deplorable, as far as their use of violence is concerned. That's not say some things are not done well in ECW, and not that the WWF couldn't learn from everyone. But the WWF deplores the violence that is typical of ECW.Issue 16 (Bulldog on the front) September 1995The prevailing belief now is that [Al] Snow will be linked with a currnet member of the roster, possibly Jannetty, to form a top-line tandem, something the WWF is not exactly teeming with at the moment.A clarification from issue 14. Doink, King Kong Bundy and Duke Droese, who were given the heave ho along with a number of other wrestlers and front office staff in July, are still making select appearences for the WWF, although they are no longer under contract and have no role in the company other than as last-minute replacements for grapplers too ill or injured to make their scheduled bookings.I hope Mercy's first appearence on PPV was his last. Savio Vega almost looked like Toshiaki Kawada in comparision.Issue 17 (Scott Hall on front) October 1995To a postively underwhelming reaction, Al Snow made his debut as Avatar....the muscular Ahmed Johnson (Tony Norris) made his debut on television- and wow, what a debut! In making the save for 'The Bad Guy', he actually bodyslammed the 700 pound 'Zuna, a move which elicited a massive pop from the corwd. Johnson has been over like Ric Flair in Charlotte, Noth Carolina ever since.Man Mountain Rock (Darryl Peterson), after the most uninspiring run imaginable, has left the WWF in favour of a full-time spot with Otto Wanz's CWA.Goldust went down in the same manner as Paul Roma when he was unveiled as the fourth Horseman at Slamboree 93.Helmsley took another step towards superstardom with his best performance to date.[Yokozuna and Mabel] both realised that they were absolutely knackered and instead embraced in a mutual show of respect for the other's lack of ability....and Yokozuna is arguably the most tedious creature on the face of the planet. This man puffs and wheezes around the ring with such obvious discomfort, you cannot help but wonder when the old boy is going to keel over. Owen should give his obese partner the heave-ho and fin a man who can work. Then we might get to see some tag team bouts worth watching.It's no secret that North America's finest, the Public Enemy, has expressed an interest in joining the [WWF].Issue 18 (Bret Hart on cover) November 1995On a final IYHV note, Dean Douglas will make his final appearance under the WWF banner on that particular card.As for the Survivor Series, there was some commotion behind the scenes between Bob Holly and management. To clear the air, therefore, and ensure that 'The Sparkster' remained with the company, he replaced Avatar in the Underdogs team at the Survivors.[The Bushwhackers] are bound for WCW. Luke and Butch will not be branded 'The Bushwhackers', though, because that name is a trademark of Titan Sports. But don't worry, WCW fans, Luke and Butch are still permitted to march around the ring like lunatics, lick the heads of ringside fans, babble mindlessly on interviews, and stink up arenas. Contrary to popular belief, Titan Sports do not own the patent on that.It now looks as though the Public Enemy are on the way to WCW rather than the WWF.'The Anarchist' Doug Williams becmae the first Hammerlock Wrestling champ on Decemnber 7th...In my opinon, Goldist will not capture the imagination of the public on account of the fact that everyone knows it's a facade.In addition, Big Van Vader and Steve Austin are on my mind at the moment. Which will they choose: the WWF or New and All-Japan respectively? If they wish to retain their current identities and ring styles within the squared circle, there is only one option- Japan. If not, then,... Crikey, I don't even want to think about it.(Selected Powerslam Top 50 comments for 1995)(31) Al 'Avatar' Snow- Destined for great things in the WWF- we think(34) Terry Funk- Would rather suffer personal injury than have a substandard match...retirement once again looms , but his love for the business may make divorce proceedings exceedingly difficult to complete.(35) Hunter Hearst Helmsley- A solid performer with friends in the right places.(41) Ric Flair- 'The Nature Boy' is far past his prime, but given the right circumstances he can still style and profile with the best of them.Word around the camp fire is that Terry [Funk's] appearance at the Stu Hart 50th Anniversary show was scheduled to be his last in North America. And while one has to stress that Funk originally 'retired' from the sport in 1983, reports indicate that, this time, it's for real.Issue 19 (Nash on cover) December 1995John Hawk (of GWF and CWA fame) recieved a try-out- under the management of Uncle Zebekaiah- and rumour has it, will be brought in on a full-time basis.There are plans on the drawing board for Sunny to split with the Bodydonnas, inherit a substantial amount of cash and then manage Hunter Hearst Helmsley.Issue 20 (Vader on cover) Janary 1996The Headhunters recieved a try-out, losing to the combination of Avatar and Aldo Montoya (!)The gifted Justin 'The Hawk' Bradshaw (John Hawk) made another appearance...Who, you may ask, is The Loch Ness Monster? It is, and I kid you not, Luke McMasters- otherwise known as Giant Haystacks! God help us...An interview with Shane Douglas:- 'Believe me, a lot of changes would have to be made before I go down there [WCW]. First of all, Hogan, Flair and Bischoff need to be gone'...The best thing for Leon White to remember as he ploughs his way throuh the WWF is that the last major heel to enter the WWF and retain his international identity was Ric Flair... Omens do not come more postive than that, and barring a cruel twist of fate, the clocks in Titan Towers will soon be reset firmly to Vader time

Posted (edited)

"Goldberg vs. Giant was advertised as the main event of both Terre Haute and Peoria.Some time back, Goldberg had asked for those days off and and J.J. Dillon gave him the days off.Somehow, with the typical great communication internally, the promotions department never knew and continuedto advertise him. Nobody knew there was a problem until the day of the first show when they realizedthe only match advertised was Goldberg vs. The Giant and Goldberg wasn't there.The deal turned into a disaster as the original thinking was that maybe 40 percent of the 7,000+ who paidwould actually go to the box office the week after the show and ask for refunds.So instead, the decision was made to not inform the crowd about Goldberg not being there, and to basically warm upall the cars and all sprint out of the building like Earl Hebner in Montreal the minute the Page-Hennig match was overand before anyone in the crowd realized what was up and started throwing furniture"- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 07, 1998

That is tremendous! :laugh: Thanks for posting, I look forward to reading more. Edited by Gossy









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- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Whether Fall Brawl set a new standard for awful in PPV is a debatable issue.

What isn't debatable is that it was near the top of any list of the worst wrestling PPV shows ever"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Fall Brawl featured a main event so bad it was even worse

than people's imaginations would have been of the Jay Leno match going in.

With the possible exception of the Triple Decker cage match a few years back on Uncensored

and perhaps some Andre the Giant matches towards the end of his career,

this may have been the worst PPV main event of all time.

About 20 minutes of bad wrestling made worse by a finish that simply defied description.

Unlike previous WCW shows with bad main events, they didn't have anything on the undercard

(with the exception of the Raven match) that remotely saved it, and featured four other matches

that would have won worst match on any normal 'bad' PPV show"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Juventud Guerrera retained the WCW cruiserweight title beating Silver King.

The problem with the match at the outset was how evident it was that Silver King is no cruiserweight,

except that all Mexicans are cruiserweights in WCW.

Since Silver King has no credibility, the fans were chanting boring early.

Juvi was wearing 'Sweet Surrender' on his trunks which I'm told is some kind of a gay deal

which someone told him to wear as a practical joke"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Ernest Miller was then arrested for outside interference. They took him away in a squad car"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Warrior took The Disciple under the ring. After hearing about Curt Hennig two weeks ago

(went to the bathroom under the ring which was so gross it the two wrestlers hiding under the ring with him throw up)

I don't even want to think about what Hellwig and Ed Leslie were doing down there.

They probably brought their portable VCR so they could study the latest Japanese moves

to incorporate into their future matches"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"In kind of a cute piece, Bischoff backstage told Eddie Guerrero he has to go to Japan

and miss his daughter's birthday"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Davey Boy Smith pinned Barbarian in 3:43. No worse than you would think, but no better either.

Jim Neidhart came out for no reason. Then came the smoke. Warrior showed up with the Disciple, who was asleep"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Jericho was supposed to wrestle Wrath, but he got lost and locked out of the building. Two major problems:

Someone forgot to lock the door so when Jericho tried to open it, it actually opened and he had to close it fast

and pound on it again. When Wrath got there and chased Jericho, the camera stayed on for too long

and you could actually see Wrath not only catch Jericho, but run right by him and pass him without touching him"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Mongo was carried out on a stretcher. Unfortunately, they didn't take him to a wrestling school"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Lodi showed up and said Saturn threw him in the river. He had a fish in his pants"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Luger racked Neidhart. Neidhart was so unbalanced on Luger's shoulders

that he nearly dropped him, and he needed an MRI on his shoulder.

There was concern the next day that he might not be able to wrestle in War Games.

As the joke goes, he asked the doctor if he'd be able to wrestle a good match in two days.

The doctor said the injury wasn't that bad and there is no reason he couldn't.

You know the punch line from there, especially if you saw the match"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"Norman Smiley, who was never identified, had a confrontation with Ernest Miller. Real good.

Just kidding. It was awful"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 21, 1998




"At this point I was trying to find some form of entertainment out of this show

so I decided to count the moves Ernest Miller would miss in this match.

So he picks this night not to miss any. There was no way to have fun watching this show"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"Michael Buffer called The Giant the master of the Powerslam"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"Warrior came out with Disciple, who at this time was awake and wearing an OWN insignia on his jacket.

After the show went off the air, they finished with Disciple hitting the ring and beating up Hogan

while the crowd booed both guys and chanted 'Nitro sucks'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"WCW Saturday Night was taped on 9/22.

All the results are elsewhere and it was so bad it isn't even worth wasting space on"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"Nitro opened with Hall showing up acting like he was loaded and Doug Dillinger trying to sober him up.

They went to the ring. It filled with steam. Disciple was there when the ring cleared asleep on the mat.

Hogan and the NWO Black & White showed up trying to recapture the prisoner

but the dreaded, and I do mean dreaded, steam came. It must not have been the crippling variety

of the nerve gas since nobody else fell asleep this time. The Disciple was gone when the smoke cleared.

Warrior was then in the rafters with this blow-up doll dressed up like the Disciple. This was lame.

We were supposed to think, since they didn't do close ups, that this doll was the same Disciple that was just in the ring

...Actually I think at this point Bischoff was using the show as a model for his new book:

'How to Kill the most rabid live crowd"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"Hogan went to his dressing room. Warrior had it spray painted

and there were small fires everywhere. Disciple was passed out in the bathroom.

At this point, Bischoff was retitling his book 'How to Kill the Biggest Wrestling Company in the World"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"Mike Tenay insisted that Page is the people's champion.

The people's champ did an interview and all the people where chanting 'Goldberg' at him"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 28, 1998




"The cops escorted not only the Horsemen, but Doug Dillinger out of the building

and supposedly to jail. Later in the show when another fan hopped the guard rail,

(Schiavone) said that's what happens when you send Dillinger out of the building to jail"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"The Giant and Sting both no-showed Utica, NY on 9/23 where they were scheduled to be the main event"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"Saturn pinned Psicosis in 7:51 with the frog splash. This wasn't supposed to be the finish,

but for whatever reason Billy Silverman counted three anyway even though Psicosis kicked out"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"In the United Kingdom, they are now airing Thunder right after Nitro on Friday Nights.

It's about a four-and-a-half hour nightly block of WCW which is said at this point to be pure torture"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"In the angle on 9/21 where Hogan found The Disciple asleep on a bathroom floor and the steam came,

you can see a guy firing off a fire extinguisher through the bathroom window"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"Reports from the Baltimore show were really bad. Scott Hall replaced Bret Hart against Sting.

The only notable thing was Hall saying there was going to be a big party at the hotel after the show,

and asked all the young women to ask for Scott Hall and all the 'fags' to ask for Kevin Nash"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"The only report we had from Erie is that WCW forgot to get plane tickets for the Mexican wrestlers"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 05, 1998




"This week's Scott Hall arrest was on 10/1 outside a strip club in Orlando, FL

where he allegedly scratched up a $65,000 white limo with his keys,

making a seven foot long scratch doing $2,000 worth of damage.

The driver was still in the car and called the police"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"They taped a Warrior interview. Warrior was there, but after the previous week

they didn't dare put him before a live crowd so everyone could see him get booed out of the place.

Even taped and pre-produced, his interview still sucked"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"Hogan ran around backstage looking for his estranged Disciple.

He wound up in his dressing room and saw Warrior in the mirror.

Hogan started talking to him. Now we all saw Warrior in the mirror as well,

even though it was supposed to be Hogan's dream.

Bischoff couldn't see him and thought Hogan was going nuts.

Warrior disappeared, but Hogan still saw him"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"10 year-old Reid Fliehr started by saying "Mean, Gene!" which would have been cute had Mean Gene been there"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"The show ended with Sting vs. Hart. The entire match took place backstage

which infuriated the crowd as they didn't have any bigscreens in the building"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"The worst part was when Sting finally got the Scorpion Deathlock on Hart

and Zbyszko started claiming it wasn't being applied properly,

so he and Schiavone had this discussion about the finer points of the Scorpion

while Bret Hart was selling it like it was the end of his career"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 12, 1998




"Dale Torborg came out wearing a race car driver pit crew outfit

which might as well have had the word 'jobber' written on it.

Poor Torborg in his Nitro debut not only got booed out of the building as a babyface,

but looked terrible and then blew out his knee doing his finisher.

Mike Tenay praised him as one of the best wrestlers to come out of the Power Plant.

That's a recommendation the facility certainly didn't need"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 19, 1998




"Warrior came out, and was booed out of the place,

and asked Sting to let him be his partner in a tag team match.

Sting never even accepted before the segment ended, but they just pretended that he did"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 19, 1998




"Judy Bagwell has clearly gotten carried away with her TV stardom as she had a make-over and a new look.

Scott Steiner gave him (Buff) a low blow and dropped him throat first on the top rope.

This should have gotten super heat considering Bagwell's injury but it got no heat at all

because by this time nobody actually believes Bagwell was even hurt in the first place.

Judy did the angle no favors by laughing right into the camera as Marcus was doing a great sell job"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 19, 1998




"In the high point of the show, Gene Okerlund interviewed Rick Steiner, who had a verbal duel

with the puppet Chucky. Poor Steiner having to be put in a position to challenge a puppet to fight"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 19, 1998




"Disciple did the funniest interview of the year. He tried to be a face but nobody cheered him.

He let people in on the big secret. Hogan gets guys who have no business in the company jobs because they are

his friends. He mentioned he wasn't one of them, because as we all know, he was a big enough star

without anyone's help. But he pointed out that Hogan's nephew Horace and challenged him.

You could have heard a pin drop. Disciple got the pin with the world's slowest stunner in 1:46.

Horace jumped him after the match. Hold off your votes for feud of the year"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 26, 1998




"The announcers were paying so much attention to the match

that they didn't even realize La Parka had turned on his teammates"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: October 26, 1998




"Hogan pinned Warrior. Warrior came out to 'Warrior Sucks' chants.

He was acting like they were cheering him...

Warrior came back with a series of mistimed punches.

After more messed up looking spots, Hogan pulled this bag out of his trunks.

It looked like drug paraphernalia but it was flash paper.

Hogan was supposed to throw a fireball at Warrior, but after attempting to light the paper in slow-motion,

he threw the fireball and nothing happened. The whole place groaned.

Poor Warrior, who didn't have a clue to begin with, really didn't know what to do.

Somehow the paper then ignited, nearly setting Hogan's hand on fire.

He was supposed to throw a fireball and somehow Dave Penzer was supposed to put his jacket on Warrior,

and somehow Warrior was supposed to make a comeback. Warrior improvised.

Hogan sliced his forehead open and threw a messed up clothesline.

Warrior came back with three mistimed clotheslines.

Horace hit Warrior with a chair and Hogan got the pin. -***** "

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 11, 1998




"The Giant was paying so much attention at one point that he forgot to kick out of a near fall"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 11, 1998




"Alex Wright pinned Johnny Swinger. Swinger is Canadian and Wright is German. Crowd chanted USA"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 11, 1998




"On the Time Magazine internet balloting for Man of the Century,

Ric Flair is now in third place trailing Jesus and Adolf Hitler.

Raven is in ninth place"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 11, 1998




"Let's see, they've (Steiner & Buff) got a title shot right there live for the tag titles

against a 55 year-old woman who went into the ring in street clothes and wearing earings, and they walked out.

Judy then cut this terrible promo. Anyway, they're going to do a tag title match on the PPV with Rick & Judy

defending the belts, being that the only one of the four who is actually healthy enough to wrestle is Judy"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 16, 1998




"Just five days before the World War III PPV in Auburn Hills, MI,

there are only two matches announced for the show with no episodes of Nitro left to promote them"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"You haven't lived until you've seen Saturn and Hector Garza's attempts at brawling"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"Hogan came out still running for President.

They brought out a chunky Monica Lewinsky lookalike

as Hogan's 'intern' and she pulled a cigar out of her bra.

She went to leave and Bobby Heenan made a remark

about having to roll her out in a wheelbarrow"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"Bret Hart nearly gave up his Calgary Sun column which everyone found so perversely entertaining

because he tried to make sense out of his own character's storylines in WCW"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"Jim Hellwig was in Wichita but they had nothing for him to do.

Must be nice to pay a guy ($35,000 per night) and have nothing for him to do"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"Glacier did the Asiatic Spike and none of the announcers had a clue what to say.

Eventually Lee Marshall named it the 'choked out by Glacier hold'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 23, 1998




"Stevie Ray vs. Van Hammer was so horrible that it really has to be seen to be believed"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 30, 1998




"After the match, Alex Wright beat up Pepe until Chavo made the save"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: November 30, 1998




"Leno asked Hogan if he had any Presidential campaign issues

("flat tax brother"). Leno asked him what the flat tax should be.

Hogan stuttered before coming up with 16 percent.

When Leno asked him how he got that number, he stuttered again

and mumbled something about 16 percent being higher than 15 percent"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 7, 1998




"Fans were taunting Bret Hart about his (groin) injury. (Hart) said that none of them even had groins"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 7, 1998




"At one point, Scott Hall wrecked three cars in a month and two within 24 hours"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 14, 1998




"Bret Hart came out for an interview. With no programs to talk about, he mainly talked about his cat.

He was becoming target practice, and told Gene Okerlund that those cups (being thrown) are being aimed at him"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 14, 1998




"Misterio beat Villano V. With Mike Tenay not out there,

Tony Schiavone and Lee Marshall didn't know if it was Villano IV or Villano V.

As if the roman numeral on the trunks isn't a dead giveaway"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 14, 1998




"Tupelo show was a mess as they were stalling for Giant to be released from Prison.

They had Silver King & Lizmark Jr. vs. Ciclope & Damian go 20:00,

then Prince Iaukea vs. Lodi go 20:00 and then did a 30:00 intermission."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 14, 1998




"They had La Parka on the ground and drew those chalk lines around him, except he was still laying there.

Gene uttered the immortal line to Juvi as he was talking Spanish, 'Don't talk Mexican to me'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: January 18, 1999




"There was a ton of heat on Luger and Giant for the deal they pulled at the 1/5 tapings in Gainesville, GA.

Giant came out in his jeans, not even getting dressed, for his main event with Luger.

They got in the ring and Giant just lied down and both laughed."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: January 18, 1999




"Poor Tony Schiavone had announced earlier in the show that Kidman and Misterio Jr

had won the coin flip and would start. Then, when Guerrera's music was second,

he said that Guerrera must have won the coin flip and he and Kidman would start.

And then Misterio started with Kidman. The fans started chanting "USA".

Schiavone then explained, and I'm not making this up, how the rules of the match make no sense

and there is no logic in ever tagging out under these rules.

When Rey and Kidman wanted to tag out, Psicosis and Guerrera acted like they didn't want to get in the ring.

Since nothing made any sense, they just had a great match"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: January 25 1999




"Hart did this Mexican spot where he faked getting a low blow

and started selling his groin. Schiavone said Piper kicked him low.

Heenan, who knew the spot, said he didn't think so. Schiavone, when he figured out what the angle was,

said only an idiot like Heenan would say that he kicked him in the groin when he didn't."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: February 15, 1999




"There was some heat on Hogan calling the camera man a 'jiggly, jiggly, jew' on Nitro,

but evidently not enough for the segment not to have been replayed on every show during the week"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: February 15, 1999




"Sting is working full-time on the road - beating all the bad guys.

At least he's doing something for his $24,000 a week".

- Power Slam Magazine.




"Michael Buffer came out for absolutely no reason.

See, he was there to announce the main event.

But get this, there was no main event.

Flair, at this moment, fell out of the turnip truck, grabbed a hoe and kept falling down"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: February 22, 1999




"Scott Hall was run over after the PPV. He was outside a bar and fell down.

Wes Benton, a WCW employee, didn't see him behind him and backed out, and heard a scream.

Benton stopped the car, which was on top of Hall's ankle. He realized and moved the car off the ankle.

It was nothing serious."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: March 01, 1999




"Hart and Bischoff tried to work the people and the wrestlers backstage that the angle was a shoot

as they argued backstage with no cameras on in front of the wrestlers,

but Bischoff has done that so often now that the wrestlers consider it a pathetic joke and no one bought it"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 05, 1999




"They traded hard garbage can shots.

Tony Schiavone in his infinite retardedness

killed those by saying that they sounded great but really don't hurt.

After Schiavone explained how the garbage can shots don't hurt,

Bigelow went out and killed Hak dead with a wicked shot.

Schiavone then (again) said it made a great noise,

but didn't hurt as bad as it sounded"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"There will be an open change on WCW Saturday Night to go along with all the visual changes on Nitro.

The changes in Nitro remind me of putting a nice, fresh coat of paint on a house that had just been hit by a Tornado"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"The plan was for Stevie Ray to win and rename the (nWo) Black & White

into a new group that would be a modern version of The Black Panthers.

That's a thirty year old term, and Adams and Horace are white"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"Raven & Saturn did an interview where they talked about being friends in high school

and both liked Beulah McGillicutty. Saturn said, 'That was Tommy'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"Chris Benoit was on F.A.N. in Toronto and asked if he thought that there was

a conspiracy to destroy the company from within. He said 'It appears that way'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"Wrestlers are making bets backstage over who will be the first to trip on the new set"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"WCW ordered a ton of new business card, stationary etc.

with the new logo and the address on all the cards spelled 'Altanta'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999




"In an employees meeting the week before the Vegas show,

Bischoff told everyone that because of the new set, graphics, open and music, Nitro would do a 7.0"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 19, 1999




"Flair was committed (to a mental hospital on Nitro Monday).

On Thursday's Thunder they announce he's out of the mental hospital

and backstage making changes on the card. On Sunday he wrestles in Minneapolis.

But on Monday, one week later, he's been in the nut house for the entire week and still there,

running around in the same underwear like he never left"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: May 03, 1999




Thousands more NWO Black & White T-shirts turned red with embarrassment as Stevie Ray bumbled his way

through a bloody awful grudge match with the permanently-winded Konnan"

- Power Slam Magazine




"WCW is coming out with Goldberg, Hogan, Savage and Sting Air Fresheners. And Nash.

The company that is marketing them wanted the first four. WCW begged them to include Nash."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: May 10, 1999




"Flair showed up with the mental patients and a roided up girl,

and was nearly the first casualty of the ramp"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: May 10, 1999




"Goldberg was on QVC and when asked abut what he's doing in the future,

he said he really doesn't know because they don't tell him anything"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: May 10, 1999




"Misterio beat Juventud Guerrerra with fans chanting 'D.U.I.' at Guerrera"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: May 10, 1999




"Hogan came back and suggested doing an old vs. new angle,

largely because he wants to shoot on the new guys for never drawing money"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 7, 1999




"Kaz Hayashi beat Lash Leroux. Fans chanted 'You both suck'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 7, 1999




"Asya, under her real name Christi Wolf, was on the Jenny Jones show

playing the role of someone who was a geek in high school and look at her now.

Now she's no longer a geek. She's just a woman who looks like a guy on steroids with giant implants"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 7, 1999




"Bischoff said the Higher Power was initialed VM

and that on the other station they just keep recycling the same crap.

Bischoff figured it was Vince, but didn't know.

Backstage when Raw was on and so many people were watching Raw

instead of paying attention to their own live show,

he was relieved that it was VM so he didn't look bad"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 14, 1999




"Savage did an interview with the bucket wearing a red fur coat.

Nash showed up holding a bag. Nash said he only brought one bag to the ring and Savage brought three.

Nash left. A contortionist came out of the bag and dumped the (sewage) on Savage's head.

It was nearly a disaster as the contortionist had trouble unzipping the bag and getting out"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 14, 1999




"Savage's girls seduced Savage. Stupid Nash jumped into the limo

and they slammed the door. Savage drove it a few yards and jumped out

and a Hummer ran into the limo. They spent $100,000 to get a 2.7 quarter"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 14, 1999




"Steiner undid the protective mats around ringside. He then piledrove Sting on a protective mat."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 14, 1999




"Some dogs attacked Sting. It actually wasn't Sting being attacked, but the dog trainer dressed up to look like Sting"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 14, 1999




"The Great American Bash can be summed up in five words: This one was real bad"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 21, 1999




"Master P, who Bischoff tried to get over as a life long wrestling fan,

didn't even know the name of the guy he was doing his program with (Hennig)

and referred to him as 'the cowboy guy'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 21, 1999




"Thursday was supposed to be a grudge Flair vs. Benoit lumberjack match.

However, WCW forgot to tell Flair he was booked. When they panicked since Flair wasn't there at 6pm,

they called him and told him to get to Syracuse. At the cost of thousands of dollars, they chartered a flight

from Charlotte to Syracuse to get Flair to Thunder, but due to the weather problems

it couldn't get off the ground until 7pm. The show was put together with the idea that Flair would do several interviews

building to the Benoit match. So virtually the entire Thunder show was filling time.

Flair finally arrived at 9:55pm, but they had already changed plans for the show

because they had to be off the air at 10:03pm because TBS decreed that the Chimp movie had to start on time.

When Flair got there, they told him he wasn't needed and to go right back home."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 21, 1999




"Nash sold very little considering it was a 16-on-1 beating"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"Tank Abbot it still being flown in to every Nitro and still under contract, they just aren't using him"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"There will be a Nitro Girls in bikinis PPV on 8/2. It makes perfect sense to put a PPV on a Monday Night"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"Bret Hart is planning on returning at the (big Georgia Dome show).

In WCW's infinite wisdom on Nitro this week, they never once mentioned Hart was coming back

but did do an angle to build for the Ernest Miller vs. Jerry Flynn match for the show"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"Nash is trying to make himself the rebel outlaw with the belt,

which is pretty hard when you're the booker saying WCW doesn't want you with the belt"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"When Sting said 'I've got two words for you' and the crowd responded 'Suck it' in New Orleans,

he thought the cameras were off. Boy did that come off as a lame finish to the TV show"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: June 28, 1999




"Also on the show is Disco Inferno vs. Ernest Miller with the loser not being able to dance anymore.

The plan is that Miller would win but that Disco would still dance anyway and they'd just ignore the stipulation"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 12, 1999




"Buff has got to be the geekiest babyface in the business.

He was kissing up to the crowd unmercifully.

At the end, Buff told them to hit his music, and they didn't"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 12, 1999




"Lodi said he knows all of Lenny's measurements.

There was a closet in the corner with the word 'closet' on it. This stuff is bad"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 12, 1999




"Eddie Guerrero claimed that one of the Mexicans stole his wallet

but didn't know which one because they all wore masks"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 12, 1999




"A ridiculously brutal Hardcore Battle Royal cost more than $100,000 to produce,

was hyped so poorly it didn't result in one added buy,

was so poorly lit it was nearly impossible to watch on television,

and resulted in several needless injuries for wrestlers taking crazy bumps

that didn't even get over because of how it was shot"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 19, 1999




"Judy Bagwell chased Ric Flair around the ring"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 19, 1999




"Robert Wuhl, who plays the character 'Arliss', showed up in character and they called him Arliss.

He was acting like he was a famous sports agent.

It would be like Jerry Lawler selling for William Shatner and calling him Captain Kirk"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 26, 1999




"Hogan on WCW Live, amongst other things, said Pat Patterson made a pass at him on a road trip"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 26, 1999




"They've talked with Disco Inferno about taking a bump on his head

and doing a gimmick where he thinks he's one of the established stars like Hogan and Savage

and does promos mad at Benoit and Malenko for thinking they can take the main events spots"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: July 26, 1999




"The fans booed Hogan a lot.

Sting asked the fans if he should team with Hogan.

They booed heavily.

Sting, listening to the advice of the fans, then agreed to team with Hogan"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 02, 1999




"Lash Leroux wrestled Prince Iaukea for 50 seconds.

Those 50 seconds were enough for 1.2 million households to switch over (to Raw)"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 02, 1999




"I don't know what they did for all those years in the Power Plant with Tatum

because they sure didn't teach him how to wrestle. The No Limit Soldiers scewed up

and Swoll hit Tatum with a heart punch leading to Hennig's win. Tatum forgot to sell the heart punch though"[/i]

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 02, 1999




"On a radio show this week, the host brought up that the Nitro main event

lost to the Raw main event by a full four ratings points.

Hogan's response was that it was Benoit, Malenko, Saturn and Douglas that brought the rating down

and he had to make up for lost ground"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 02, 1999




"For the record, the quarter with Benoit, Malenko, Saturn and Douglas drew a 3.3 quarter.

The final quarter (Hogan vs. Sid) did a 2.9"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 02, 1999




"Christian York & Joey Matthews were told they didn't have to move to Atlanta

or start going to the Power Plant yet, but they'll probably have to start going in six months.

For now they are getting paid for doing nothing"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 6, 1999




"The top selling auction item was a Ric Flair robe at $28,000,

sold to the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 6, 1999




"WCW bought those rights (to the Gorgeous George name)

to give to Lanny Poffo years ago but they never wound up using him.

Poffo is still under a $75,000 per year contract with the company"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 6, 1999




"WCW World Wide debuted on Ch. 5 in England on 7/30.

Hudson and Larry Zbyszko do the commentary with special commentary that is geared towards England.

They tried to introduce fans to the product and listed who the champions were,

saying Savage was the World Champion (don't ask why).

The show then ended with Nash holding the belt and defending it against Sid (from Nitro) with no mention

of Savage as champion. It was then announced Savage would defend against Hogan on the next week's episode"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 09, 1999




"On every spot where Hudson & Heenan talked, there were these three guys

mugging and making faces behind their backs. Anyway, if I was booking the show,

next week I'd have three plants do the same thing for four or five segments, and on the final one,

have Hudson hit one upside the head with a shovel and have them do a domino-like bump"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 09, 1999




"Vampiro put Karagias in something resembling a hypnotic trance and Evan stood there and got beat"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 13, 1999




"Stevie Ray tried to get the crowd to chant 'nine times' over and over. They wouldn't"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 13, 1999




"Schiavone kept calling Blitzkrieg 'Psicosis'."

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 13, 1999




"Late in the week they decided to make this a War Games match.

Unfortunately, they had already sold tickets for a normal, as opposed to a two ring set-up,

and these kinds of changes can't be made last minute"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 13, 1999




"Shane Douglas now is claiming that he'll put up his entire annual salary as a bet

if he and Flair both get interview time to build it up, that their match would beat Raw in the quarters.

For his sake, nobody better take him up on that bet"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 13, 1999




"Hennig pinned Grunge. I've got no idea how

because the cameras were somewhere else,

and nobody cared enough to explain what we didn't see"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 16, 1999




"Savage did an interview. The previous Thursday on Thunder,

Savage promised to reveal who drove the Hummer and introduce a new bodyguard on Nitro.

He did neither, nor were either even brought up"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 16, 1999




"Make sense out of this. (Bagwell vs. Norton) Miller came out with his red shoe.

Onoo hit Bagwell with a briefcase but Bagwell kicked out of the pin.

Miller jumped in the ring and Norton clotheslined him.

The ref then ruled that Bagwell won via DQ,

I guess because Norton clotheslined a guy not in the match who was already in the ring"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 16, 1999




"Sid is now 55-0, even though he loses nearly every house show match

and has been on the losing side of tag team matches nearly every week on Nitro"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"Lash Leroux and Juventud Guerrera were having a good match until Sid beat both guys up

and said that he's going to do so all night long until Hogan gave him a title match.

They already announced the title match at the start of the show"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"Miller beat Enos in 2:12. Miller asked how much time this took and Dave Penzer said 3:39.

Even when there is no point in lying and where the truth is more impressive, WCW lies.

Kind of like that night in San Antonio at the Alamodome when they had 20,000 or so fans

and Schiavone talked about this great crowd of 12,000 fans"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"Sid powerbombed La Parka on a bag of popcorn"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"They showed a promo of Berlyn on Thunder.

Schiavone talked about it being this mysterious guy, when it's already been revealed on Nitro that it is is Alex Wright"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"After seeing Bigelow's (swollen) face,

I think I'd rather get in a street fight than have a nice worked match with Stevie Ray"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: August 23, 1999




"DDP came out wearing an expensive shirt and doing gestures exactly like The Rock,

talking about Flair liking to spank it, whack it and jack it"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 1, 1999.




"Knobs beat Stevie Ray in a street fight in 3:53. Not as bad as it sounded on paper.

Then again, decapitation sounds better than that match"

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 18, 1999





Thumbs up - 0

Thumbs Down - 67

- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: September 20, 1999






Coming soon: the Russo/Bischoff Era and beyond ... :thumbsup:


Brilliant mate, absolutely brilliant. I never watched WCW during this period and it is hard to believe that some of these things went on. I can now see why Hogan is so widely criticised as a "backstage politician". I can't believe some of the things that they were subjecting their wrestlers to and for apparently having not having planning for storylines longer than a couple of days It is easy to see why they folded !Keep it up mate, I am loving this. :)


This thread is just quality great reading.

  • Paid Members

"On the Time Magazine internet balloting for Man of the Century,Ric Flair is now in third place trailing Jesus and Adolf Hitler.Raven is in ninth place"

:laugh: My personal favourite.
  • Paid Members

"They traded hard garbage can shots.Tony Schiavone in his infinite retardednesskilled those by saying that they sounded great but really don't hurt.After Schiavone explained how the garbage can shots don't hurt,Bigelow went out and killed Hak dead with a wicked shot.Schiavone then (again) said it made a great noise,but didn't hurt as bad as it sounded"- The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999

I remember this. He said it and, if text bubbles could form above my head, they would have read, "WTF?"
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