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Yes, us, fish. Evolution.Or are you a Creationist? If you are, I'm sorry.
I'm nothing at the moment but I don't believe in the big bang nor evolution from fish, monkleys maybe, fish no.
If you believe in evolution, you should maybe learn about it.When life was created, it began as a primordial soup - that is, a vast mass of liquid which contained just the right conditions to nurture gorwth of living organisms. These organisms were originally single-celled, but as time went on they would evolve into mroe advanced creatures to adapt to thier increasing predators and the nature of their environment changing, as the Earth cooled down and the levels of methane etc. in the atmosphere reduced. The primordial soup would eventually become water, the single-celled organismwould evolve into fish.Evenutally, the time came for evolution to progress even further, and these fish grew legs. Some would become frog and newt-like amphibians, which would be capable of land-based movement but would be far more efficient in water, others owuld become reptiles like crocodiles, turtles - and dinosaurs.The Earth would continue to cool, and eventually the reptilian evolution would spawn in two directions. Those with wings would develop feathers which not only aided flight, but were also used to keep warm in the cooler winters. Land-based reptiles would evolve to grow fur - the first mammals. Then when the ice age came along, the last of the land-based dinosaurs would be wiped out by the low temperatures - but the furry, warm-blooded mammals were able to stay warm, including Wooly Mammoths, rodent-like creatures and a form of creature aesthetically disimilar to everything else - apes.So, we're all evolved from fish. Every animal on planet Earth can theoertically trace its ancestory back to a life in the sea - birds, reptiles, humans... and even fish.
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Fair enough, you've now just convinced me that Evolution is indeed the biggest pile of crap ever.

You're proof evolution is going backwards.So, shall we sign you up for one of Dr Duane T. Gish's books then?Do the fossils really say no?
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Fair enough, you've now just convinced me that Evolution is indeed the biggest pile of crap ever.

Why? It's life adapting to the conditions it's placed in. It's still going - there are increasing cases of human males born without nipples, because guys don't need them. They're evolving away from having them at all.Looks fuckin' weird, though.
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Fair enough, you've now just convinced me that Evolution is indeed the biggest pile of crap ever.

Why? It's life adapting to the conditions it's placed in. It's still going - there are increasing cases of human males born without nipples, because guys don't need them. They're evolving away from having them at all.
Just wondering, not arguing - why would men losing nipples represent evolution? Nipples don't harm a male's ability to live or survive in any way at all. Fine, they may not need them, but why would they disappear as you suggest?
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Fair enough, you've now just convinced me that Evolution is indeed the biggest pile of crap ever.

Why? It's life adapting to the conditions it's placed in. It's still going - there are increasing cases of human males born without nipples, because guys don't need them. They're evolving away from having them at all.
Just wondering, not arguing - why would men losing nipples represent evolution? Nipples don't harm a male's ability to live or survive in any way at all. Fine, they may not need them, but why would they disappear as you suggest?
Simply because they're not needed. Evolution doesn't simply upgrade, it makes little aesthetic differences as well.
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Fair enough, you've now just convinced me that Evolution is indeed the biggest pile of crap ever.

Why? It's life adapting to the conditions it's placed in. It's still going - there are increasing cases of human males born without nipples, because guys don't need them. They're evolving away from having them at all.
Just wondering, not arguing - why would men losing nipples represent evolution? Nipples don't harm a male's ability to live or survive in any way at all. Fine, they may not need them, but why would they disappear as you suggest?
Simply because they're not needed. Evolution doesn't simply upgrade, it makes little aesthetic differences as well.
But what would make them go away? They may not be needed by a male human, but they don't bring negative affects either, so what would be the cause of them disappearing?
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What the hell are statutory rights?E.g When you see on product packaging, and returns and complaints info and it says; "This does not affect your statutory rights", well, what are they?

I learned this a couple of years ago in some enrichment day programme, I can't remember much of it, but it's basically your rights as a customer to return any goods, from any place. Some Law/Act/Ammendment entitles us as consumers to be fully reimbursed for any product we buy which is faulty. Additionally, they also must reimburse us for any losst we suffer as a direct result of the faulty product. A random example can be that you buy a blender that the top doesn't fir on correctly, only the seller doesn't poin this out to you, and you blend something that ends up damaging a shirt or somthing, the seller must reimburse you for the shirt as well as the blender, however proving it can be quite tricky which is mhy 99% of the time they get away with it.You're statutory rights vary depending on how you buy them though e.g private seller, the internet, auctions etc. There's probably something on the internet that will tell you exactly what your rights are though.Edit - Here you gohttp://www.oft.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/DECB976...3/0/oft002c.pdf
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