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On a slightly different note - Cole and Tazz are really good on commentary for that match IMO

It does seem a word away from the style now. Its more wrestling centred wheres today its more bout stuff happening outside the ring

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The psychology in that match is unbelievable. People forget, this was Lesnars first ever main event level program. Lesnar was desperate for a match like that, after being fed the Hardy Boyz and RVD. Look at the looks to the crowd Hogan is giving at the start of that match to get them off their feet. And then the stare down. Then the circling of the ring before they touch. The crowd are on their feet before they even touch. Then Hogan tries to shove Lesnar and he hasnt got the power and Lesnar instead does Hogan's trademark throw across the ring. He couldnt have put Lesnar over better in that match. Absolutely brilliant.


EDIT: Cant believe Hogan let him powerbomb him. Mental.

Couldn't agree more about that entire post; it absolutely made Lesnar into the fucking man and made those cracking SummerSlam training videos even more special and impactful. Before that point in time, Lesnar was growing in stature but you couldn't quite buy him as being the man, but after it, at least for me, he became the present and the future, the most important man in the company, and more importantly, an absolute fucking beast. I bloody adore the guy and this is one of the early moments that made me take serious notice of him. Oh and the chair shot was brutal, I'd say even by the standards at the time. And don't forget Heyman; "Brock, you're gonna KILL him"

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I've finally found a long, loooooooong time favourite of me and my mate. Like, an all time favourite. And it's all been neatly packaged together too. An absolutely ballistic special report about Jannetty and Kid unseating the Quebecers as Tag Champs just before the Rumble.


Things to watch out for:


- Lord Alfred Hayes has gone fucking mental. He throws a billion adjectives out there, rips into all the faces with the most anger since the Attitude era, and his eyes look like they're staring through the camera in to your very soul.


- Marty Jannetty's laugh right at the top of his promo is absolutely piss funny. Seriously.


- The poor old Kid isn't even confident enough that they will retain the belts, so Jannetty has to awkwardly correct him right as they're ending the promo. It's really real and a little painful.


It's 3:05, and to me, it's completely epic. Hope you enjoy it as much as I still do :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv6TD3uLH-o

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I've finally found a long, loooooooong time favourite of me and my mate. Like, an all time favourite. And it's all been neatly packaged together too. An absolutely ballistic special report about Jannetty and Kid unseating the Quebecers as Tag Champs just before the Rumble.


Things to watch out for:


- Lord Alfred Hayes has gone fucking mental. He throws a billion adjectives out there, rips into all the faces with the most anger since the Attitude era, and his eyes look like they're staring through the camera in to your very soul.


- Marty Jannetty's laugh right at the top of his promo is absolutely piss funny. Seriously.


- The poor old Kid isn't even confident enough that they will retain the belts, so Jannetty has to awkwardly correct him right as they're ending the promo. It's really real and a little painful.


It's 3:05, and to me, it's completely epic. Hope you enjoy it as much as I still do :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv6TD3uLH-o



Nice find NEWM. I didn't even realise Hayes was still about in early 94, in an onscreen capacity anyway.

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