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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

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The Top Fifty DVD's been uploaded by some fine gentleman. If you can take yourself out of the ridiculous standings of the list, the DVD and the wealth of footage and talking heads are really good. Great DVD. Billy Kidman's a talking head, which is strange.


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The Top Fifty DVD's been uploaded by some fine gentleman. If you can take yourself out of the ridiculous standings of the list, the DVD and the wealth of footage and talking heads are really good. Great DVD. Billy Kidman's a talking head, which is strange.



Thanks for posting although you screwed up my planned early night. The top five is almost identicle to mine, although Flair would replace Taker and the order would be different.

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Future Endeavoured Wrestlers class of 2010




although i dont think some of them count as being future endeavoured


He made it seem like they all passed away or something. I would like to see one made with a Crowded House track. Either ''Weather with you'' or ''Don't dream it's over''. :laugh:

Edited by Shovanist Pig
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The entire TNA "Monday Night War" in 4 minutes


Nicely put together.


I liked the way they had Tenay act like moving back to Thursday's was an exciting new idea, rather than an admission that everything Dixie & Hogan said in that press conference hadn't worked.

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Yesterday, after watching a CMLL show from earlier this year, I was inspired and decided to make a music video about Mr. Niebla. Now mind you, this is the very first music video I've ever made but all in all I think it turned out fine. Let's have some fun with Mr. Niebla~!





Seriously though. I love that guy. He's been very entertaining since he came back to CMLL and earlier this year he was pretty much the most over guy in the company in terms of crowd reactions.

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