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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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I'm sure many of you will have seen this before, or it may even have been posted here, but its awful, in an amazing kind of way.

I enjoyed the film, in a "this is so terribly made and has no direction or good actors" kind of way. The scene where Sting finds the Lord is possibly the funniest and greatest piece of threatrical creation ever laid down on film. It does say alot of WWE's opinion on Sting that they aloud him to use there WCW footage for this film. That was cool of them.

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No matter how many times I see that Undertaker dive onto the cameraman I still say "holy shit!".


Here here. I'd forgotten how ace that match was actually.


Amazing. When done properly, nothing beats a great Wrestling match.

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Lesnar destroying Funaki.


That actually looks dangerous. One of the first times he scoops him up he just kind of lets him drop, then rams him into the turnbuckle and the back of his fucking head hits the pad at full force. Mental.

It is insane. At one point he just grabs his legs and pulls him across the ring. I was impressed by the belly to belly. How we all miss Brock Lesnar!

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Lesnar destroying Funaki.


That actually looks dangerous. One of the first times he scoops him up he just kind of lets him drop, then rams him into the turnbuckle and the back of his fucking head hits the pad at full force. Mental.

It is insane. At one point he just grabs his legs and pulls him across the ring. I was impressed by the belly to belly. How we all miss Brock Lesnar!


How we all miss a belt that doesn't look like a shite incrusted metallic mess!

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