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Guest DJM

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If you wanted open-minded all you had to do was ask. I wrote this over a year ago and I stand by it: The winner of the coveted Palme D'or at the Venice Film Festival. The acclaimed "masterpiece" that takes on the Columbine issue and gives it's opinion on things. Only it doesn't. Gus Van Sant (who hasn't made one good film in my view) assembled a cast of unknowns to give the movie that "realistic" feeling, however this only gives the film the most wooden performances this side of Eastenders. 80 very long minutes of nothing happening is hard to take, but here it's almost impossible. A guy walks from one end of the school to another verrrrrrrrry slooooowly with the camera following him and again, nothing happens. Two guys talk in the corridor about nothing and we get to see this again from another character's perspective, not just once, not even twice, but three times. No explanation is given as to why the killer's shoot up the school (which by the way doesn't happen until there's about 5 minutes left) and infact, the only possible hint given is that the two guys are bullied because they're gay. To suggest that because these guys are gay they're going to go on a killing spree isn't just stupid, it's irresponsible and offensive. There is nothing good about this film, it contains horrible acting, no character development and literally nothing happening. It really is my most hated film of all time.

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Black Christmas

A good film, which is mildly humorous and entertaining, whilst also strange and creepy at times. There is good acting from a good cast (Olivia Hussey is very good, while John Saxon and Margot Kidder are both good), and the movie just about stands the test of time. Black Christmas is an influential film (it pre-dates the likes of Halloween and Friday the 13th by a few years

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The Aristocrats


I got this as part of my play.com bonanza which included Old Boy off the back of a game in this thread, I went away for a couple of days and both these DVDs were waiting for me, I watched this first. I'm fascinated with comedians, almost as much as I'm fascinated with wrestling, and this film was an indication of how comedians are with each other and the relationships that they form with each other, its like a brotherhood, infact one comedian likens it to your family. The premise was very simple but didn't get dull and the stories were pretty funny each time, obviously everyone's humour is subjected but I'm pretty certain that anyone will laugh at something foul in this film.



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A pretty enjoyable film, but disappointing given the praise the film seems to get. The action scenes are pretty unimpressive (they are over-acted and the special effects are pretty poor

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March of the Penguins


Between waking up and PWG I needed something to do today so I trapsed around Bromley shopping centre with 3 bags other my shoulders in search of a cinema, eventually, after about 50 minutes, I found one. This was the film that was showing, so I purchased my ticket and sat down. It was ok, I mean how long can you look at penguins and be genuinely interested? At times I half expected them to start talking but alas this did not happen. I was bored rigid at times as the shots were very similar and of course the setting is similar. I'm not really into nature shows and the like and this failed to change that.



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Watched the free "Taggart" DVD you got with Scotland's Daily Record newspaper up here. "Death Comes Softly". After I watched that I stuck on the other free one you got with the Record a few months ago "Death Before Dishonour".Taggart is awesome. Best show ever.

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March of the PenguinsBetween waking up and PWG I needed something to do today so I trapsed around Bromley shopping centre with 3 bags other my shoulders in search of a cinema, eventually, after about 50 minutes, I found one. This was the film that was showing, so I purchased my ticket and sat down. It was ok, I mean how long can you look at penguins and be genuinely interested? At times I half expected them to start talking but alas this did not happen. I was bored rigid at times as the shots were very similar and of course the setting is similar. I'm not really into nature shows and the like and this failed to change that.4/10

I could imagine me bubbling during that film. :(
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March of the PenguinsBetween waking up and PWG I needed something to do today so I trapsed around Bromley shopping centre with 3 bags other my shoulders in search of a cinema, eventually, after about 50 minutes, I found one. This was the film that was showing, so I purchased my ticket and sat down. It was ok, I mean how long can you look at penguins and be genuinely interested? At times I half expected them to start talking but alas this did not happen. I was bored rigid at times as the shots were very similar and of course the setting is similar. I'm not really into nature shows and the like and this failed to change that.4/10

I could imagine me bubbling during that film. :(
Some cute baby penguins do die in the duration of the film
Just a question...Do you call a motion picture of a certain length and style and codes and conventions a film or movie?
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In the past two days I've seen Blade Trinity, Freddy Vs Jason and Doom. Doom was okay, Freddy Vs Jason was crap and Blade Trinity was fairly good. None of the three blew me away and I'm glad I didn't pay for them.

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I mean how long can you look at penguins and be genuinely interested?

In my case, a very very long time. Penguins, monkeys and meerkats are incredibly watchable, as are most animals. I watched some things recently:Final destination 3OK, so who wants to take bets on the fourth one going straight to DVD? I'm all for it continuing as an increasingly shoddy franchise as long as they continue to bring the tremendous kills. You know that this is on that borderline where a franchise starts to lose any pretensions and become unashamed schlocky trash for a number of reasons.1) Gratuitous nudity. 2) No effort at all to introduce any new attempt at beating the curse despite what was learned in the first two movies.3) The full tilt from horror to violent comedy being complete (the flaming sunbeds cutting immediately to twin coffins was met with laughter from the whole cinema and the rest of it was like watching an indy spotfest, with people "popping" for the increasingly spectacular kills.)So yeah, this was great fun. The kills are wonderfully over the top, there was a bit more intentional comedy this time following on from the exploded barbeque kid at the end of the last film and the only real downers were the lack of Candyman and the fact that the rollercoaster scene came nowhere near the awesomeness of the Final Destination 2 opening pile up of log-in-face death.Watch it in a group. Oh, and before the initial premonition you should all pick one of the kids sweepstake style (aside from the girl who has the premonition obviously). Then, whoever's kid survives the longest is the winner and the others must pay for their ticket or snacks or something. And finally, "Texas Battle", what a bloody marvellous name. 98m.jpg
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Chinatown - being a movie fan i feel abit of a git that ive never seen a roman polanski movie, so i finally got around to watching one...this is a classic detective story, you kinda put in the shoes of Jack Nicholson's (whos is fucking amazing) character and follow him through the whole story and there's plenty of twists along the way, brilliant.


The Burning - early 80's slasher that got left behind due to the success of Friday the 13th, the movies are very similar in story (kids at a holiday camp get fucked up) and both had the legendary Tom Savini handling make-up. I guess it arguable which one you prefer but one thing is for certain this movie is much more graphic, there's some proper sick shit in this especially the whole raft/canoe scene. If you're into slashers this is a must-have.

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