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Guest DJM

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i don't think anyone could say that Wolverine was badly made.

Some fucking awful FX work says otherwise.


a few ropey effects shot do not = badly made movie.


I actually thought the effects were pretty good in the movie. Nowhere near as bad as in certain other 'blockbuster' movies.


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Wolverine sounds like the sort of film I hate, one where the filmmakers completely fail to grasp the concept of internal consistency, something that not only underpins the art form of cinema but that is of even greater importance to the scifi/fantasy genre, where a credible metaworld is vital.

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Yeah it's pretty much that, Loki. It's one of those modern Hollywood numbers that just makes you shake your head and wonder when exactly it was that they just completely forgot the basics of film making.


Ebb, I don't know how you can say you agreed with that review, and still maintain that it is a well made film. I can accept that you like the film, but I just can't accept that you think it's well made.


That review, incidentally, did remind me that I quite liked the opening sequence and montage; something that I had totally forgotten about by the time I sat through the rest of that shitfest.

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just something regarding the 'doesn't Wolverine age' argument.


seeing's that Wolverine has regenerative powers, isn't it obvious to realise that once the guy reaches his peak physical prowess, he stays that way?


and as for me saying 'it was well made', i was talking from a technical standpoint, it's a slick piece of movie making, i don't think anyone can deny that.

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just something regarding the 'doesn't Wolverine age' argument.


seeing's that Wolverine has regenerative powers, isn't it obvious to realise that once the guy reaches his peak physical prowess, he stays that way?


and as for me saying 'it was well made', i was talking from a technical standpoint, it's a slick piece of movie making, i don't think anyone can deny that.

I'm surprised you could type that in between dribbling all over your keyboard.


Bit harsh like, but you seem to be skim reading the majority of posts and just going "duh, I agree".

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Rod, for you to call me a dribbler, when you are the one producing the god awful talentless music you're pimping in your signature is laughable. It makes me dismiss anything you say as rubbish.


The reason no one will join your band to play live is because you suck.

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Rod, for you to call me a dribbler, when you are the one producing the god awful talentless music you're pimping in your signature is laughable. It makes me dismiss anything you say as rubbish.


The reason no one will join your band to play live is because you suck.

Ouch dude, I can see this thread taking a turn in the wrong direction.


Back on topic of general DVDs and Movies and not just Wolverine.


Watched the film Network starring Peter Finch. Wonderful film.

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Rod, for you to call me a dribbler, when you are the one producing the god awful talentless music you're pimping in your signature is laughable. It makes me dismiss anything you say as rubbish.


The reason no one will join your band to play live is because you suck.

Ouch dude, I can see this thread taking a turn in the wrong direction.





haha, i know, sorry man. I stooped down a level :rolleyes:

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Well, yesterday we heard that Wolverine will be travelling to Japan, and hot on his heels today we hear that Deadpool is getting his own spin-off movie following the opening weekend success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and with Empire's beloved Ryan Reynolds reprising his role as the Merc' with the Mouth.


This news is something that's been talked up as a possibility ever since Reynolds was cast in the first X-spinoff (and indeed even before that), and the $85 million opening weekend just proved that the demand may be there for a Deadpool movie.




Now some of you who have seen Wolverine may have spotted a flaw in this plan. Yes, there's that bit at the end when Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, played by Reynolds, has been imbued with a whole heap of mutant powers, disfigured, had his mouth sewn up and then gets beheaded. Surely, one might wonder, that could be something of a hinderence to a long-running franchise. But don't be silly: this is not only the movies, it's comic-book movies, and therefore normal rules regarding the finality of death do not apply.


Hence one of those two Easter Egg endings showed Deadpool opening his eyes and not being dead after all. We're also assured that Deadpool will regain his ability to speak (also, presumably, to have a head) so that the whole "Merc with a Mouth" thing will still apply. So this all makes perfect sense.




While the comic-book character of Deadpool is disfigured and wears a mask over his face, expect the studio to Judge Dredd this one and lose the facial covering, the better to allow us to appreciate those fine Reynolds looks. That said, we can apparently expect the movie to go "back to the roots" of the character, who's known for his witticisms and the fact that he knows he's in a comic and often breaks the fourth wall, speaking directly to the audience. We're kinda hoping that "back to the roots" does not mean yet another comic-book origin story, but with the project only just sent out to writers, that's a question yet to be answered.


for all those that cried that there wasn't enough Reynolds :)

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Well, yesterday we heard that Wolverine will be travelling to Japan, and hot on his heels today we hear that Deadpool is getting his own spin-off movie following the opening weekend success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and with Empire's beloved Ryan Reynolds reprising his role as the Merc' with the Mouth.


This news is something that's been talked up as a possibility ever since Reynolds was cast in the first X-spinoff (and indeed even before that), and the $85 million opening weekend just proved that the demand may be there for a Deadpool movie.




Now some of you who have seen Wolverine may have spotted a flaw in this plan. Yes, there's that bit at the end when Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, played by Reynolds, has been imbued with a whole heap of mutant powers, disfigured, had his mouth sewn up and then gets beheaded. Surely, one might wonder, that could be something of a hinderence to a long-running franchise. But don't be silly: this is not only the movies, it's comic-book movies, and therefore normal rules regarding the finality of death do not apply.


Hence one of those two Easter Egg endings showed Deadpool opening his eyes and not being dead after all. We're also assured that Deadpool will regain his ability to speak (also, presumably, to have a head) so that the whole "Merc with a Mouth" thing will still apply. So this all makes perfect sense.




While the comic-book character of Deadpool is disfigured and wears a mask over his face, expect the studio to Judge Dredd this one and lose the facial covering, the better to allow us to appreciate those fine Reynolds looks. That said, we can apparently expect the movie to go "back to the roots" of the character, who's known for his witticisms and the fact that he knows he's in a comic and often breaks the fourth wall, speaking directly to the audience. We're kinda hoping that "back to the roots" does not mean yet another comic-book origin story, but with the project only just sent out to writers, that's a question yet to be answered.


for all those that cried that there wasn't enough Reynolds :)


1 of the extra endings had Deadpool's body crawling to where his head is, just as it grabs the head the eyes open and Deadpool says "shhhhhh" to the audience. breaking the forth wall, where his mouth is covered is now ripped open allowing him to talk.


The other is Wade walking of to the body of Deadpool and he just says "who are you supposed to be?"


So im guessing they will use 1 as the start to the Deadpool film. Wolverine was very Meh, it was what i expecting in parts ok and parts just stupid. It reminded me of Spider-man 3.


The Magneto film is still a maybe also. There has been rumors of a Venom film?? How or Why i have no idea. But with Thor Ironman 2 and the Film version of Avengers coming soon aka 2010/2011 i dont thing there is much else coming out. Im sure Spider-man 4 has been confirmed for 2012 also.

Edited by Deacon.Dispair
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