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Guest DJM

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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. My first Spaghetti Western, and the oldest film I’ve watched (musicals and Laurel & Hardy aside). This film is over 40 years old and imo still holds up today. Bad voice overs aside, it’s a very good, very well directed & acted and visually brilliant. It reminded me of some Tarantino films. Based on this I will be watching A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More. Anymore people can recommend?


Once Upon A Time In The West and High Plains Drifter are pretty much essential after those.


But not before For A Fistful Of Dollars, or A Few Dollars More.


For me personally, A Few Dollars More is probably the greatest Western ever.

Check out "Hang'em High" for some more Clint greatness.


I most certainly will be catching those mentioned if they are as good. I also should mention that for a film that is 3 hours long, it really didn't feel like it.


Catch 'em all. The reason I mentioned For A Fistful Of Dollars and For A Few Dollars More (my mistake missing out the "For" earlier) is because those are the two "prequels" to TGTB&TU. FAFOD is the movie that pretty much made Eastwood (it's also the first ever Spaghetti Western, incidentally), and FAFDM helped establish him as the now-classic Western anti-hero.

Edited by Carbomb
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Fair few films watched over the long weekend:


Wolverine - Yes, the unfinished version that Hugh Jackman would like to rip my throat out for even knowing of its existence. Firstly, It's pretty interesting to see what things are actually CGI. There's loads of bits that you just wouldn't even think would be, like eye movements and occasional touch-ups that you just wouldn't think would be necessary. On to the film itself, then. It starts very well. Very well indeed. And whilst I thought it would be a bad idea, it's taken directly from the Origins comicbook. However, this is mostly done in montage form, although very well used to show Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting in various wars before film proper begins. Then things lose pace somewhat. All in all, not a bad flick and certainly better than X-Men 3 but quite shallow and cliched (Being taken in by a kindly old couple? Really?). I'll still go and see it at the cinema to see the finished cut but I was hoping for more and I know it won't be there. They skim over things that would have added so much depth to the film had they been explored fully.


Role Models - Not as bad as I was expecting but highly predictable. Entertaining for a couple of hours and the black kid is hilarious although the gag of there being a child who swears constantly does get old relatively quickly. For which I didn't actually hate Sean William Scott either so it's almost a minor miracle.


Lakeview Terrace - Another film that I expected to make me cringe but actually turned out okay. I thought I'd hate Samuel L Jackson's character and not for the reasons the writers wanted me to but as it happens they give him enough to work with as to make his actions understandable within the context and actually had more subtlety and complexity than I was expecting. The climax of the film drops all of that, however, and it all gets a bit over the top.


The Boat That Rocked - Firstly, I hate the title of this film. I can't see what it is they're trying to convey by overly convoluting it. Secondly, the film's not that bad. Slighty contrived in places and contains a heavy dose of Richard Curtis corny humour but I didn't dislike it. Was talking to a girl in work about it earlier and she said she loved it but thought it was too long. I didn't even notice the length, to be honest, but as I've noticed recently, my attention span in longer than most. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great, but would you really expect anything less? My main gripe with it is that off-shore radio broadcasting is surely something that's mainly known for happening during the 80's not the mid 60's. Why rewrite history so much just for the sake of making a film? Entertaining enough but will probably not go down as well as previous Curtis films. Which is a shame as it's considerably better than Love Actually.

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My main gripe with it is that off-shore radio broadcasting is surely something that's mainly known for happening during the 80's not the mid 60's. Why rewrite history so much just for the sake of making a film? Entertaining enough but will probably not go down as well as previous Curtis films. Which is a shame as it's considerably better than Love Actually.


I think you need to re-read histroy rather than accuse Curtis of rewriting it. :rolleyes:

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D'oh. You're all right of course. I was just reading something earlier that mentioned Radio Caroline broadcasting from a ship from 1983 onwards and remembered my uncle used to listen to it whilst I was growing up.

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Has anyone seen or know where i can get a copy of Wolverine vs. Hulk? I found some classic videos on youtube featuring Deadpool and it looks funny as hell. Oh and i rewatched Batman Gotham Knight today, i love it seems to just get better and better.

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ANd having now read up on the history, he still re-writes it by having a Tory administration kill off the pirate radio station using a Public Schoolboy toff as opposed to a Labour government killing them off using, er, Tony Benn.


WHat I read was actually about Radio Caroline using a similar ship from 1983 onwards. I should probably have carried on reading past that bit.

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine: The same version that elegia watched. It was definitely an interesting experience, and a handful of the CGI parts were quite funny. I'd say it was good overall, although I felt it could've done with something more.

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Edited by Andy Of Deth
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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


Watched Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang last night. Some genuine lol moments in that film. The story, the acting, the cinematography, all really good. Val Kilmer & Robert Downey Jr. had great chemistry. Michelle Monoghan is hooooot! Nice tits too. Very enjoyable film and will be watching again.


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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


But thats the whole point of films like that. Thats why they're so enjoyable.


I'm off to see Let The Right One In tomorrow night. Sounds pretty good, but I've not heard much about it bar the official blurb and some good looking review scores.

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