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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Requim for a DreamWow, Wow, Wow, Wow. Incredible. The story is based on four connected people from Brooklyn who each have a different addiction or dependency. All four characters are touching, shocking and realistic. You feel what they feel as the characters go through their spiralling addictions and the ending of the film reaches a heartstopping climax. Brilliant.10/10

I thought it was okay.I don't think it's heartstopping, what's going to happen to the characters is obvious. The message of the story is very weak and while it's worth a watch it isn't unmissable.
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Requim for a DreamWow, Wow, Wow, Wow. Incredible. The story is based on four connected people from Brooklyn who each have a different addiction or dependency. All four characters are touching, shocking and realistic. You feel what they feel as the characters go through their spiralling addictions and the ending of the film reaches a heartstopping climax. Brilliant.10/10

I thought it was okay.I don't think it's heartstopping, what's going to happen to the characters is obvious. The message of the story is very weak and while it's worth a watch it isn't unmissable.
Hmmm, I guess looking at it you could say it was vastly style over substance but when it's that good I don't think it matters. For me, I was on the edge of my seat, wide eyed at the ending.My Left FootReally good, worth it purely for the incredible performance of Daniel Day Lewis who plays a writer and painter with cerebal pawlsy and his tale from childhood to adulthood. A feel good film about the triumph of human spirit.7.5/10Life is SweetA Mike Leigh film about a normal family in North London, the actors in the film improvise a lot of the material and developed the characters themselves and that is the strength of the film, in the wonderfully real and recognisable characters. Watched it with a smile on my face for the majority of the film and didn't get overly sentimental, it was just kept real.8/10I also watched the first 1/2 hour and last 1/2 hour of Wicker Man the other day, but fell asleep in the middle part so I shan't comment.Groundhog DayI was thinking of a film to watch to drift of too last night and Groundhog Day stuck out. Its my favourite film of all time and whilst I was watching it (started at 1am this morning) it dawned on me that I was watching Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day, 2nd February today. Huh? Dumb luck. Anyway, my favourite film ever. Bill Murray is great and the story is so clever and layered that I just freaking love it.10/10
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Old action flick starring a young Nicole Kidman that I picked up in The Works to make up the 4 for a fiver deal and has sat on my shelf for the best part of a year.


It's not actually that bad. It's a bit dated looking, and I can't decide whether it's supposed to be set in the future, or if Australia had really dodgy fashions going on when it was made.

I quite liked the music in it too.

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A Nic Roeg film set in the Australian outback where a brother and sister are left stranded once their father kills himself and sets fire to his vehicle. Whilst they are walking about (which is what the film is, them walking about) they meet an auberiginie (sp?) who guides them on there way, killing for them, finding water and shelter. A very beautiful film with some nice looking visuals about how West meets the nature and the pure beauty of nature. However, after 90 minutes it becomes a little tiresome. Worth a look if you're interested.



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After a long period of no film watching, I watched many films in the last week or so, which I will rate in a Meltzer stylee:Stroszek: ***3/4Grizzly Man: ****1/4Friday Night Lights: ***3/4Transamerica: **Junebug: ****1/2Brokeback Mountain: *****

Brokeback Mountain: *****

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Fight Club


Borrowed it off a friend as I hadn't seen it and settled down to watch it and was engrossed and entertained from beginning to end. I loved the satirical little bits on modern culture and modern society and the intended irony of having the biggest movie star in the world say those lines.

And the twist at the end was pretty cool too, I'm a sucker for a twist and it was a coming from a country mile off but it still got me.



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Fight Club9/10

And why not 10?
Good question, but I didn't give it the full ten because I wasn't completely and utterly blown away or stunned into submission and it didn't change my life or make me look at life in a completely different way, it did make me look at some things differently but not in a life changing way.
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Coming To America


Not so much a new film in terms of it's release or of my viewing but one i picked up cheaply and had not seen for a very, very LONG time. Decent enough for what it was it's funny in most places where it's meant to be but also carried a fairly decent message under it regarding up brining and social standing..............which got me interested as it then got me thinking about the similarity to Eddie Murphy's character in Trading Places which is my favourite film EVER.


And then low and behold the penny dropped. Cameo appearences by Randolph and Mortimer Duke ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from Trading Places as tramps begging in the street. Awesome little tie in although the films aren't linked at all :) Nice little sub part for Samuel L Jackson too which i never realised the first time round.


Decent overall but nothing near John Landis' other stuff like Blues Brothers or Trading Places.



Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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Fight Club9/10

And why not 10?
Good question, but I didn't give it the full ten because I wasn't completely and utterly blown away or stunned into submission and it didn't change my life or make me look at life in a completely different way, it did make me look at some things differently but not in a life changing way.
Interesting. It did all those things for me. And still does on seriously repeated viewing. Edited by purplemonkeydishwasher
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After a long period of no film watching, I watched many films in the last week or so, which I will rate in a Meltzer stylee:Stroszek: ***3/4Grizzly Man: ****1/4Friday Night Lights: ***3/4Transamerica: **Junebug: ****1/2Brokeback Mountain: *****

Boo Meltzer stylee!Wooooo explanations!
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