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A friend of mine begged me to watch Benjamin Button due to us having similar film opinions. Apparantly he is the only person in his large office that thought it wasnt very good.


I'm gonna have to watch it now!

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Killer Klowns From Outer Space....


Fuck knows why i thought this would be good..... It cost 2 million to make... Fuck knows where the money went!


Jesus i really feel like burning the DVD so other people wont have to watch this crap...


The Front Cover of it made it look really good... Fucknuts!

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Bejamin Button, next to The Wrestler is my film of 2009 IMO. Sure, the idea of the story may be a bit bizarre but I thought the relationship between Pitt and Daisy with them meeting in the middle and actually living a normal life for a few years was fucking tremendous.


Pitt is a very underrated actor and I think is actually held back from being taken more seriously thanks to his looks. I hope he finally gets the long overdue Oscar win as it truly is a masterpiece in my eyes. Taraji P. Nelson was a surprise joy in the entire thing and it would be well desered if she won the supporting actress award.

Edited by Steveo2007
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As much as I like Brad Pitt, he tends to do just variations of three different personas;

-: either he just plays Brad Pitt - see, The Mexican, the Oceans trilogy

-: or he smoulders and broods - see, Legends Of The Fall, Troy, Meet Joe Black

-: or he's really hyper and jitterry - see, Fight Club, Twelve Monkeys


What he does, he does well, but I do think he has an awfully limited range!

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One other thing regarding Benjamin Button, his backwards ageing condition thing essentially has no effect on anything in the film. The events that play out arguably would have played out regardless of whether he aged normally or not. The premise is a device to sell the film and nothing more. The more I think about this film, the more I'm starting to get really pissed off with it.

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One other thing regarding Benjamin Button, his backwards ageing condition thing essentially has no effect on anything in the film. The events that play out arguably would have played out regardless of whether he aged normally or not. The premise is a device to sell the film and nothing more. The more I think about this film, the more I'm starting to get really pissed off with it.

I think if they had kept to the original short story of him actually having the mannerisms of an old man, then that would have been better. It was more a story of a kid in an old mans body and an adult in a kids body, but the story (according to my friends at wikipedia) is basically an old man is born and becomes younger, rather than the plot that is displayed in the film.


I do agree though that it's one of those that you will really enjoy or be really pissed off by, as a friend in work watched it on a recommendation from me and he hated it.

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Anyone seen JCVD yet?


I honestly believe it to be one of Van Dammes best films in which he displays genuine acting talent.

I'd have thought that you guys would be talking a lot about this. Anybody have a butchers at it?

Easily the best part of the entire film is the monologue.

Watched it earlier today and thought it was superb.


After seeing the adverts for it and knowing what to expect from a Van Damme film, I went into it anticipating quite a lot of action. Surprisingly (and refreshingly) there wasn't, although that's not to say it wasn't eventful. The story is decent, some of the lines are brilliant and Van Damme is just stellar, especially with the monologue.


JCVD along with In Bruges makes me wish more films were shot in Belgium.


Killer Klowns From Outer Space....


Fuck knows why i thought this would be good..... It cost 2 million to make... Fuck knows where the money went!


Jesus i really feel like burning the DVD so other people wont have to watch this crap...


The Front Cover of it made it look really good... Fucknuts!

I can see why some people don't like it but I love it, although some of the acting is a tad pish, even by B-movie horror standards.

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One other thing regarding Benjamin Button, his backwards ageing condition thing essentially has no effect on anything in the film. The events that play out arguably would have played out regardless of whether he aged normally or not. The premise is a device to sell the film and nothing more. The more I think about this film, the more I'm starting to get really pissed off with it.


One of those interesting ideas with bad, or no, execution?


Speaking of which...

...my LoveFilm subscription has revolved around TV of late. Good idea, bad execution fits th finale of Enterprise excellently. I hadn't seen this all the way through and although the series as a whole was dreadful, it was picking up in the latter seasons and I wanted to know why the fans hated the finale so much. Then I found out...


It's 'a valentine for the fans' according to Brannon Braga. It's set during the late series Next Generation ep 'Pegasus' (featuring John Locke in the original episode) and the Enterprise era is visited in a holodeck simulation. A good idea for an episode, but for a finale? A little odd. Captain Archer doesn't end his ships life with a grand mission, but a personal favour to help his friend Shran get his children back. The problems started there. The idea was to have Riker struggle with a decision and the holodeck simulation would help him make it. It's such a shame that the story he was following had nothing to do with the events of Pegasus, that he and Deana Troi looked visibly fourteen years older than they should be, they killed off a major character in such a dreadful way, and other than some dialogue nothing was worth watching.


On the positive side theres a fire fight which is one of the best directed action scenes I've seen in a Star Trek show.


Then theres Life on Mars series 2...


I'm only four episodes in but I'm loving the series just as much as the first. The dynamic between Gene Hunt and Sam Tyler has become more comfortable and they've learned to work with each other. Bonus. The personal conflicts are still going on but as he's becoming more comfortable being in 1973 they seem to be a much happier unit.


The second episode with Harry Woolfe was my favourite thus far, with the team joining in on Woolfe's personal vendetta against a local gangster type which leads Sam to believe Woolfe, Hunts mentor, is behind few raids. With meeting his own mentor from the future, and later eps with a suspected IRA attack there seems to be more racism tackled which isn't a bad thing. I have a personal hatred towards shows that just ignore it.


I'm also liking that they showed Sam was wrong early in episode 3 and he had to deal with that instead of being Mr Perfect (not Curt Henning) throughout, which helps drive in the point from the first episode in series one that he's forgotten how to follow his instinct.


Looking forward to the next disc when I get home :)

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I went to see Doubt last night and I really, really liked it. It's one of those films (like Closer, for example) that stays really close to its roots as a play so it's all really compact and talky. Basically nothing happens on-screen or even in the space of the narrative, but it's so well-written and soooooooo ridiculously well-acted - honestly, I was taken aback several times - that it still manages to be utterly compelling from start to finish.


The only thing I left slightly surprised by was Viola Davis' Oscar nomination/buzz. It's a perfect performance, really, for what it is - she has one scene - but I don't agree with what I've seen from some quarters saying it's a show-stealer or that the movie hinges on it. We're talking Streep and Seymour-Hoffman here.


Anyway...top movie. I felt completely satisfied with having paid

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Friday The 13th (remake)





Remakes off films can be tricky, usually they never live up to the originals. This film i can say happily is a very good effort !


The film starts off where the original finishes, with Jason's mother losing her head only this time Jason watches the whole thing.. Moving on a few years and a group of teenagers at searching for a large amount of weed.. Jason with cloth round his head gets involved and slauters them all..


again its moves on 6 weeks where a brother is looking for his sister.. and the fun really begins..


If not the most original of films, which has been copied many many times over the years this "slasher" is pretty fantastic, most of the teenagers i wanted to die, i was rooting for Jason after all :laugh:


Gory deaths, including a very clever Boil in the bag one ;) Its funny in places and Jason does indeed get the infamous hockey mask in the end. plus it wouldn't be a Jason film without drug, alcohol and naked flesh, far to many fake boobs though :angry:


Derek Mears played Jason very well, more quick and musculer. Plus watch out for the little homages to the origanal films .. such as a wheelchair in the tunnels and the scene with a Pamala Voohees shrine and cleverly you never get to see Jason sans mask, only very brief glimoses.


A enjoyable 94 Min's

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Something something Moonacre


Kiddies fantasy film with princesses, unicorns and other typical stuff. Very Bridges of Terabithia.


Two things stood out. Firstly, Tim Curry has gotten fat, and looks terrible for it. I love Tim Curry, especially in Legend, but it was hard to feel that love here.


Secondly, I'm convinced the director is a paedo. Several times in the film we get treated to a close up of, or a shot where the focal point is clearly, the 14 year old lead actress's cleavage.

Except in the scene where she'd fleeing through the forest in her underwear, where her head is out of the top of the frame, and the camera just centers on her arse.


After a while it became really unconfortable. Particularly at the end where she's underwater and the screen is just filled with her tits.

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