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Guest DJM

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As everyone's discussing Cineworld, I feel I should discuss my issues with them, minor though they are.I'd love to take advantage of their Unlimited ticket, as the price is great and I'd really makethe most of it. However, the nearest to me is jsut to far away to make the transport costs to get there not worth it.

how is the fact you dont live that near a cineworld their fault?
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Saw Quantam of Solace screening lat nigt and while it is superb, it is unbelievably short (Around 100 mins) for a Bond Film and it feels like one of the Bourne Films. But still while not quite as good as Casino Royale, it is a great fun movie.

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It's supposed to be a mess.

Did you like the last one? From what I understand, it's more of the same, with the balance skewed more towards the action and less to the characterisation, which makes sense as the effectively introduced the new Bond in Casino Royale.One thing that's always struck me as an issue with Bond is the insistence of having a new director each time. I know that John Glen kind of dragged the franchise down the loo in the 80s, but it would have made perfect sense to allow Martin Campbell to run with it this time. He made a good attempt at re-starting the franchise with Goldeneye, but his good work was quickly undone. Let's hope the same doesn't happen to what he did in Casino Royale.
I did like the last one, and I understand this one isn't more of the same. Supposedly the action feels much less real and harsh than last time and it tries too hard to outdo the Bourne series.
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I don't go to the cinema nearly as often since leaving Uni (two housemates with Orange phones, Orange Wednesdays, oh yes), but I still make the trip if it's something I think will be worth seeing in cinema quality with the immersive sound and gigantic screen. The prices are crazy but I still see it as an option because we have a couple of cinemas extremely near by and it's still a relatively cheap evening out. Also it suits weekday evenings better than most activities because you only have to commit to a couple of hours. Also it's an excuse to get a Cherry Garcia milkshake. Hells yeah.


I'm with LaGoosh on the checking phones thing. Honestly I struggle if people watching a film at home are constantly checking for texts and missed calls, so in the cinema it drives me insane. It's extremely unlikely that during those two hours you'll receive a text or phonecall so earth-shatteringly important that it can't wait. If you're in a situation where you might, then don't go to the fucking cinema. If it's an emergency, they're unlikely to text. If it's a call that you absolutely have to take because this person would never call if it wasn't important, then sure, answer it and take it outside. Other than that extreme circumstance, put it on silent and leave it in your friggin pocket.


I'm largely with people on the general hatred of the general public and their ability to spoil my enjoyment of nearly everything. However, if you do get the right audience then they can really enhance your enjoyment of a movie. Saw 3 was poop but I was riotously entertained by both a girl I went with and a random lady sat the other side of me who were clearly suffering the sort of trauma that scars for life during the autopsy scene. Oh, and the audience turning on"The Happening at the same time as the rest of us and laughing out loud at all the unintentional comedy made it bearable to sit through it.


I told of my two worst cinema experiences in another thread on the subject: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=93113&hl=stargate


But what the hell, I might as well bust them out again while we're on the subject. They're both from my childhood:


1) A "special" child sitting next to me with his carer. First he asked me "is this your ice cream?" referring to the little tub of ice cream with many glorious trimmings that I was clutching. I informed him that it was. Everything seemed to be fine for a couple of minutes, until he decided that he wanted to taste it, so he stuck two fingers in it and had a taste, before smearing the remainder on his face and trying to do the same to me. Horrifying.


2) Seeing Stargate. Everyone was thoroughly bored because it was a steaming pile of shit. So my evil older brother decided to go to the toilet, then sneak back into the cinema on his hands and knees, crawl down behind my seat and proceed to scare the living shit out of me at the appropriate moment with a shout of "I AM RAA!!!" and some violent shoulder grabbing. Later that night he also fashioned a surreal Anubis outfit using various tea towels and hair dryer attachments. All of which were better than the movie.


I miss Virgin Cinemas and I miss having a local Warner Brothers cinema. Vue and Odeon don't quite measure up in my experience and they're my main options at the minute.

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As everyone's discussing Cineworld, I feel I should discuss my issues with them, minor though they are.I'd love to take advantage of their Unlimited ticket, as the price is great and I'd really makethe most of it. However, the nearest to me is jsut to far away to make the transport costs to get there not worth it.

how is the fact you dont live that near a cineworld their fault?
They should have the common courtesy to move their establishment closer to wherever I choose to live...(okay, so I wrote the first bit, realised I didn't really have any arguments against them, and couldn't be arsed to delete the first paragraph)To give me posting again a little bit of value, I'll share some recently viewed films.I watched Evan Almighty at the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Despite my love of Steve Carrell, I was expecting a cheap cash in and the lack of expectation probably helped me enjoy the film more. While obviously not as good as Bruce Almighty, it was still funny in parts and had it's touching moments.I've had a lot of films saved on my SKY box that I thought 'fuck it, I'll never get round to watching them' and deleted, but I did watch the beginging of 'Vault of Horror' which was very dated, the begining of 'Oldboy' which was weird but I'd like to watch the trilogy from the start, and 'The Faculty' which was brilliant and quite clever, despite what sounded a stupid premise.I've borowed Casino Royale, as I saw the start of it last week and loved it, and I've got Creep to watch from E4 last night, which I've wanted to see for ages.I love the time around Hallowe'en, as there's always a ton of great horror films on!
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It's supposed to be a mess.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that our numerical friend will find the explosions and running around to be just fine and dandy, plots are overated you know. :)
you know me too well joe.I'm interested enough to see where they take the story on from the royale ending but yeah explosions and shit will occupy me...
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'The Faculty' which was brilliant and quite clever, despite what sounded a stupid premise.

The Faculty is great fun and a bit underrated I think. Robert Patrick is creepy as hell, most of the actors do a good job and the whole thing is well executed despite the aforementioned silly premise. Also, it was where I first fell in love with Famke Janssen.And Josh Hartnett. :love:
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he begining of 'Oldboy' which was weird but I'd like to watch the trilogy from the start, and 'The Faculty' which was brilliant and quite clever

I don't think it matters what order you watch them in, but I'd definatly eave Oldboy 'till last. I watched it first and the other two weren't as good. Well, in my opinion anyway :)I watched Dive from Clausens Peir or something like that starring Dawn from Buffy and the doctor fellow from Serenity. Terrible, terrible movie. The lead is so young looking that I found it hard to find her believable as someone ready to get married, the splot was so rushed that the characters in New York were close to pointless, the ending was rushed and pretty futile going against any common human logic."I have to get over my pain by sacrificing my life in order to pity my ex fiancee" was pathetic. The chemistry between Dawn and Serenity guy was non existent making the only good part of the story a little shit and to be perfectly honest the only reason I watched to the end is because Dawn grew up to be a pretty tasty woman who took her clothes off a bit.Also... finally got around to seeing Batman Begins. I liked it, it was good... but I had the 'Jay and Silent Bob' effect of thinking 'fuck this training pish, wheres Batman?', maybe down to never having him explained like that before. Batman is always around form the beginning so that took a bit of getting used to.Though he's terrible at keeping secrets, telling Joey from the Creek as soon as she asked and itching to tell Morgan Freeman. The scene where Freeman/Fox told him he didn't want to know just reminded me of Jackie Brown where Ordell is itching to start bragging to Max Cherry about who is is and what he does.
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he begining of 'Oldboy' which was weird but I'd like to watch the trilogy from the start, and 'The Faculty' which was brilliant and quite clever

I don't think it matters what order you watch them in, but I'd definatly eave Oldboy 'till last. I watched it first and the other two weren't as good. Well, in my opinion anyway :)
I'd recommend watching them in order. Mr. Vengeance is fantastic in its own right and a great lead-in to OldBoy, and once you've seen OldBoy you'll realise that very few other films (or none, in my opinion) are going to top it, which I always thought was the mind set they had when making Lady Vengeance which is why it's got more comedy in it and is a lot weirder, and that'll allow you to enjoy Lady Vengeance without thinking about how much better OldBoy was. If that makes sense... :blush: Edited by Adam Gard
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Halloween 4 - with Halloween coming up i thought i'd bang in some horror movies. This movie was for the fans after the backlash of the Myers-less Halloween 3. There's no messing here, they just tried to go as close to the original as possible. In some ways it works, it's an ok slasher, some of it makes no sense whatsoever but who cares, Michael Myers kills a whole heap of people. Alot of people hate on the sequels to horror classics and cry 'cash in' (which is 100% true), but i aint one of them.

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Am I the only person who hates every Halloween film but the third installment?

Halloween 3 wasn't a proper Halloween film and you know it.
It was still a fun horror romp in its own right.I like pretty much all the Halloween films, especially the first two. Part 5, H2O and Resurrection definately aren't as strong as the others, but I'd take them any day over Rob Zombies remake. I'd rather watch Resurrection 1000 more times before I watch the remake again.Watched Oldboy for the first time last night. Brilliance.
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