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Guest DJM

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Watched the Incredible Hulk in its entirety last night.I've only managed to watch parts before last night and the movie is pretty great and it's good to see they've hinted towards the Leader being created, which would obviously go towards the second movies villain.

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Funny Games U.S (2007) - Had this at home from Lovefilm for weeks, finally got round to watching it last night. This film really affected me, in the times of Hostel, Saw et al it's surprising when a film uses violence so sparingly, mostly off screen & is much more effective thanks to impressive turns by the 4 leads. I haven't seen the original but believe it's pretty much a shot-for-shot remake? I was hoping that when I got into work this morning someone else would've seen this as it's the first time in ages when I've seen a film it's the first thing on my mind the following morning.

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sat on my arse all weekend watching old movies with a friend.. some we watched were suburban commando, the wizard, lords of dogtown, night of the living dead (salvini remake), & snakes on a plane.

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I've been having a Hank Azaria (Apu and Moe from The Simpsons) weekend. I watched Dogdeball Saturday, which is a film i find funny solely for Ben Stillers ridiculous performance. Then last night i watched Run Fat Boy Run for the first time, and i really enjoyed it. Dylan Moran is a genius as a supporting actor in all these films. Then i stayed up and watched Shattered Glass, which i think is a good film based on a really interesting story. Actually can someone clear something up for me, with Run Fat Boy Run was that directed by David Schwimmer from Friends? I'm sure i saw his name in the credits and it would make sense (Pegg and Schwimmer did some little film a while ago) but if it's true then i might have to rethink my whole "There is nothing good about Friends, or the actors in Friends or their lives" theory. Still, i like it. Azaria is a classic surpressed asshole.

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with Run Fat Boy Run was that directed by David Schwimmer from Friends?

Yes, it was.

but if it's true then i might have to rethink my whole "There is nothing good about Friends, or the actors in Friends or their lives" theory. Still, i like it. Azaria is a classic surpressed asshole.

And he played a classic suppressed geek in Friends. ;)
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I finally got around to watching Juno. Good film... considering it was written by a stripper/blogger it really showed up a lot of seasoned writers.

Yeah I'd certainly take real, authentic dialogue like "honest to blog" over say, the Coens. Fuck Juno, overrated soulless shit. I watched Lars And The Real Girl last night. Ever since I saw The Believer I knew Ryan Gosling was going to be something special, and although he's yet to set the world alight, and although I have yet to see Half Nelson, he's absolutely brilliant in this. For those that don't know, he plays the eponymous Lars, seemingly childlike and very much introverted. He lives in a garage next to his brother and his pregnant wife, and has major problems interacting with people, so he orders a "love doll" from the internet and proceeds to harbour a delusion that it's real, giving it a detailed backstory and creating a life for it, perhaps as a crutch for his own damaged mind. What's most interesting about the premise is that it could so easily have been played for cheap laughs or smutty humour, and the film walks a very thin tightrope, with the danger of crossing over to ridiculous and uncomfortable territory all too prominent. However it's a genuinely affecting and sweet story, and although it will take some suspension of disbelief in how everybody around Lars plays along for his benefit, it's ultimately a very heartwarming tale. The acting is impressive all around, especially Paul Schneider and Emily Mortimer as Lars' brother and sister-in-law, but it's Gosling's performance that will stay with you. It would be very easy to be shut off by his actions, and he is initially difficult to warm to, but by the end of the film I was completely entranced by him. Check it out.
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i've had Lars And The Real Girl for awhile but im yet to see it.i've been trying to pimp Ryan Gosling to my mates for awhile but they don't seem interested :( he's one of the most promising young actors in hollywood without doubt. He's picking some pretty interesting roles too. Seven i def. recommend Half Nelson, it's a disjointed and powerful performance. I keep meaning to watch The Notebook too.

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i liked Juno too, i guess the dialogue is a little unrealistic (unless thats how highschool kids talk in america now?) but i thought it was a pretty sweet and funny movie. Add in the fact that i wanna have an infatuation with Ellen Page and you could say i very much enjoyed it.

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You want to have an infatuation? What's stopping you? Maybe it's her unbearable smugness or general cuntish features? God that film made my blood boil. Oh look it's a kooky indie song! Oh look, it's another one! Woo this soundtrack like, understands me man.

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While I am slightly intrigued to check out Juno to see what the fuss is all about (though it looks like the type of movie I fucking hate) I just can't bear Ellen Page in anything after watching Hard Candy, one of the worst movies ever. Seeing her reminds me of that utterly miserable and painful 90 minutes of my life which could have been better spent shitting in my hands and rubbing it in my eyes.

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What I liked about Juno... her parents played their roles well and didn't over play everything, it didn't drag on, Jennifer Garner was actually good for once, Michael Cera played George Michael Bluth again, Jason Bateman is awesome. What I didn't like, oh erm, this outta sort it out:

Mr. Seven Posted Today, 09:56 PM You want to have an infatuation? What's stopping you? Maybe it's her unbearable smugness or general cuntish features? God that film made my blood boil. Oh look it's a kooky indie song! Oh look, it's another one! Woo this soundtrack like, understands me man.

Ellen Page totally ruined the whole film for me. She was shite in Hard Candy and even wose than this. When she was cracking onto Bateman I wanted Garner to come home and crack her in the cunt for being such a boyish know it all pain the fucking arse. I have a burger for a phone aint I not mainstream. Fuck off.Overall though, not a bad flick :)I watched Dude Wheres my Car last night. Wasnt as good sober. Watched Mean Streets last week, that was brilliant as ever. Though always makes me wonder why De Niro went onto greatness whilst Harvey Keitel (sans anything he did with Tarrantino) just turned up in paycheck movies. Yes, I know that DeNiro went this way too.
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The Quiet Family 9/10


A fantastically dark and hilarious film that i'm going to end up watching over and over again.


Don't read anything about it just watch it.


Oh and Lars and The Real Girl and Hard Candy are both fine films. I should probably watch Juno soon (had it for about 4 months) but LaGoosh kind of summed my thoughts up with "the type of movie I fucking hate" then again Napoleon Dynamite ended up being great so who knows

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