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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Last night I watched Naked Gun 2 1/2 - The Smell Of Fear, and despite the fact you can already tell the franchise is heading for the toilet, there are still enough belly laughs to keep you through its short running time. Kennedy, Neilson and alsa Simpson are great as the three lead men, and the set up is about as obvious as a herd of elephants - but thats how these films work.


I honestly believe that one day these kind of flicks will be looked back on with the same sort of warmth as the Marx films.

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Watched Into The Wild two nights ago - After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life


It's currently ranked 186# in the IMDB's top 250 and it's a damn good film. Great acting and storyline. I didn't know it was based on a true story so seeing the picture of the actual guy at the end made it feel even more special. Worth watching so download it or rent it!


Also watched 30 Days of Night which is a pretty fun vampire film with Ashton Kutcher. Nothing spectacular but it's smart of the vampire gang to go to a place where they have 30 days of sun free fun. That added to the atmosphere and tension quite a lot. Cool that they didn't speak English too.


I agree with the people who say they enjoyed No Country For Old Men but felt that the ending was crappy. Shame as everything up to the last 20 minutes or so was very good.

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Yeah can we have a round of applause for TB?There's absolutely nothing crap about the ending to NCFOM.I watched Sweeney Todd last night and found it entertaining enough, if a little overlong. I'd never watch it again but I was expecting to hate it, and found myself surprisingly entertained. Depp needed that role after doing almost nothing noteworthy this decade. I really liked Helena Bonham Carter, and felt she shook off any naysayers who said she only got the part because she's fucking Tim Burton. I also find her strangely attractive, always have. The acting was good all round, and the bit parts, Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall and Sacha Baron Cohen all have their chance to shine. A good, but forgettable two hours.Watched The Fountain again tonight. If you haven't seen it, shame on you.I also watched Hallam Foe, which is new on dvd. It stars Jamie Bell as a rooftop climbing nutcase who falls for Sophia Myles as she reminds him of his dead mother. To be honest, I didn't see the point in this film at all. The characters are unlikable, Foe is clearly a fucking nutter and it goes nowhere but wants you to think it's made some big statement about growing up and dealing with loss. Painfully average.

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I agree with Mr Seven, Sweeney Todd was a thing you'll see once, deliberate, then never want to see again. I watched The Fountain again because TWBB is calling. PT Anderson is wonderful, but 7 knows that anyway, so does anyone who wants to slate him based on non Cinema opinions, they are also wrong.

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I watched Brewsters Millions last night. One of those films that I've always meant to watch, but never got around too. I quite liked the story, but didn't find it very funny. A bit like Planes, Trains and Automobiles, really. Cared enough about the characters to stay with them and hope the succeeded, but it was never quite as amusing as I hoped.

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