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Guest DJM

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Juno - My brother stuck it on and watching the first couple of minutes I was going to do something else with my time but stuck it out and it's quite an enjoyable film. A 16 year old girl, Juno, get's pregnant after sleeping with her best friend, bleaker, and decides she doesn't want the baby. At first she decides she will have an abortion but decides against and agrees to have the baby for a couple. They are polar oppposites and ending up splitting near the end but the woman still get's the baby and Juno and Bleaker decide they are more than best friends.It's like a cross between a romantic film and a less tardy version of Napolean Dynamite.

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Saw Sweeny Tood this weekend.


Much like D-d-d-d-daz I found the sailor boy to be beyond annoying. However apart from him I thorughly enjoyed every second of this film and I could happily have sat there another hour and seen more. Timothy Spawl was brilliant, as was Rickman, Depp, HBC and everyone else. The Style of the film was out of this world and even though the story was obvious there were still a few things in there that kept you completely hooked. At times I almost felt I was in the theatre watching some incredible play it was that vivid.


I was caught up and swept along with the story, and the anticipation I had for him making his chair and the mechanism.... well by the time it got to it I was begging for it to happen and the first victim........ and to be honest that death was both hilarious and gruesome.


I thought it was a fantastic film, if you didn't know who Depp was and watched Pirates followed by Sweeny I really wonder if you'd even recognise the actors.... He's fab, I'd consider gaying up for him. :p


Very very good film. And normally I find musicals annoying, unless they are Greese.... or Rocky Horror show.

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Saw Sweeny Tood this weekend.Much like D-d-d-d-daz I found the sailor boy to be beyond annoying. However apart from him I thorughly enjoyed every second of this film and I could happily have sat there another hour and seen more. Timothy Spawl was brilliant, as was Rickman, Depp, HBC and everyone else. The Style of the film was out of this world and even though the story was obvious there were still a few things in there that kept you completely hooked. At times I almost felt I was in the theatre watching some incredible play it was that vivid.I was caught up and swept along with the story, and the anticipation I had for him making his chair and the mechanism.... well by the time it got to it I was begging for it to happen and the first victim........ and to be honest that death was both hilarious and gruesome.I thought it was a fantastic film, if you didn't know who Depp was and watched Pirates followed by Sweeny I really wonder if you'd even recognise the actors.... He's fab, I'd consider gaying up for him. :pVery very good film. And normally I find musicals annoying, unless they are Greese.... or Rocky Horror show.

Now Rocky Horror show that is a good 'un :cool: I saw it for the first time last year and just recently saw Tommy which is completely barmy but a classic all the same!
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White NoiseThis film includes Michael Keaton as John Rivers looking through hours and hours of static video tape hoping for something. And as a viewer of the film, you'll probably feel the same way throughout the film.Despite its creepy set up with the idea of EVP (which has been relatively looked over by Hollywood), and at first Michael Keaton appears to be holding the film together. However, a terrible supporting cast (who looked as if they have been to the Over-Acting School Of Acting), and a stinky script which has the pace of a snail sadly write this film off as pretty crappy. Not the Sixth Sense it so badly wants to be.

I actually really enjoyed this. I'm not big into horror/chiller/creepy whatever, and I can see your point about a lacklustre script and bargain bin supporting cast (and I wasn't overly keen on the ending), but there were some nice "jumpy" moments in there, and I've always enjoyed Keaton.Then again, I didn't think The Sixth Sense was the masterpiece it was pimped as. The whole film seemed to be a set up for the "Oh, Bruce Willis is a ghost" swerve, and then everything after that was just a "let's just tie up the loose ends as quickly and unimaginitively as possible".So yeah, White Noise. It's nothing amazing, but it's worth the
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yeh White Noise 2 ain't bad. It's not connected to the first movie, it's just another movie based on a similar phenomenon...it also have Nathan Fillion in it, which is a reason to see it in itself.

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Juno - My brother stuck it on and watching the first couple of minutes I was going to do something else with my time but stuck it out and it's quite an enjoyable film. A 16 year old girl, Juno, get's pregnant after sleeping with her best friend, bleaker, and decides she doesn't want the baby. At first she decides she will have an abortion but decides against and agrees to have the baby for a couple. They are polar oppposites and ending up splitting near the end but the woman still get's the baby and Juno and Bleaker decide they are more than best friends.It's like a cross between a romantic film and a less tardy version of Napolean Dynamite.

SPOILERS U TOOL!thats not a review thats the plot, there's a subtle difference.Watched 3 films on Sat because i was stuck at my parents house because of the weather.Death Sentence - I believe this is based on the actual source novel which was used as the basis for the Charles Bronson film 'Death Wish' although its slightly more restrained then that film. I've never been a big fan of Kevin Bacon, I've liked films hes been in but something about him bugs me, possibly his piggy nose.Anyway film was ok, pretty unspectacular with nothing that really stands.Shoot 'Em Up - Wall to wall gun fights for 90min, A few good ideas but its pretty much a waste of a great cast, There is no real script to speak of, apart from half a dozen or so one Liners, half of which miss the mark. It was pretty much what i expected and nothing more but the gunfights had none of the impact of a film like Leon or The Killer and the editing didn't really help the action.Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix - I've watched all the Potter films but haven't read the books so aren't sure what they cut out plotwise but it all seemed a bit rushed, still a good family film and my mum even stayed awake till the end, a feat that I have only witnessed a handful of times in my life
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Bruce Almighty 5/10( US) 2003

Second viewing. Still a laugh but nothing great


Calvaire/The Ordeal 4/10 (Belgium) 2004

Already talked about this in the horror thread. It's ok but nothing to remember, several rip offs from better films and some very dark comedic moments


Trading Places 10/10 (US) 1983

The 1405th viewing still one of the greatest comedies ever made.


At The Height Of Summer/The Vertical Ray Of The Sun 6/10 (Vietnam)2000

Reminded me a lot of Spring, Summer....in a lot of ways but that's a much better film and you care a lot more for the characters. Stunningly shot and Vietnam looks a beautiful place but the story never grabs you.


The Descent 7/10(UK) 2005

Seeing Creep first took away the effect of seeing the creatures but it was still very good. Intense, very well shot, Natalie Mendoza's stunning and some very nice twists.


Finding Neverland 8/10 (US) 2004

I'm way too macho to talk about this film :blush: Johnny Depp as usual was outstanding, the dream sequences were brilliant and loved every minute of it.


Aimee & Jaguar 6/10 (Germany) 1999

Incredible true life story of a married mother in war torn germany who takes up a lesbian affair with a member of the jewish resistance. Suberbly acted with Maria Schrader looking like she just walked in from a Bogart noir thriller with a stunning performance. I won't say the film as a whole is an incredible watch but it's a heartbreaking story

Kings And Queen/Rois et Reine 6/10 (France) 2005

Two connected stories, one about a single mother about to marry for the third time who visits her father only to find out he will die soon and the second is a story about a neurotic guy who's sister has him put into a psychiatric clinic. It bounces back and forth between comedy and tragedy, the performance's are excellent, the film as a whole is very moving and i'd recommend anyone to see it. It's long at 2hr 45 and you feel every minute but it's very rewarding


Zatoichi 7/10 (Japan) 2003

Finally watched this after having it for months. Not quite as great as i'd hoped but still very good. The ending was a suprise but it worked for me and i now plan on making Kitano the first director who's back catalouge i plan to go through.


Nightwatch 6/10 (Rus) 2005

Reminded me of Kill Bill Vol 1, not in terms of story but i had the same reaction of "oh that looks cool" "That looks incredible" and like that film i don't know wether i really enjoyed it on the first watch. I later watched Kill Bill and did enjoy it the second time maybe the same will happen with this. Suprised some had a problem of being confused with the story, i thought it was easy to follow but i said the same of Hero.


Cronos/ (La Invenci

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Spider-Man - 7/10

Spider-Man 2 - 8/10

Spider-Man 3 - 8/10

Reign Over Me - 8/10

Seraphim Falls - 7/10

Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10

Alpha Dog - 8/10

Fracture - 8/10

The Bourne Identity - 7/10

The Bourne Supremacy - 8/10

The Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

Nightmare Hostel - 2/10

Hillside Cannibals - Horrible/10

Halloween (2007) (Workprint Version) - 4/10

Rush Hour - 7/10

Rush Hour 2 - 8/10

Rush Hour 3 - 6/10

Wrong Turn 2: Dead End - 8/10 (FUN)

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