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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Right at Your Door


Man and wife move into nice house on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Wife works, husband is at home. Wife goes to work, husband hears on radio that bombs have gone off around the city and that toxic ash/gas is floating through town as a result. People are told/forced to stay in their homes and make them airtight, which leaves husband with something of a dilemma. Then more bad things happen that I won't spoil.


I liked it a lot. Fine performances from the two leads and the right amount of "what the hell would I do in this situation?" heartstring tugging going on.




Re-watched this in fancy-pants HD-DVD tonight at a friend's house. Still awesome, and The Immortals are still really fucking cool. I want a wrestler to wear their outfit.


THIS... IS... SPARTA... etc etc.




Good stuff. A little bit aware of its own cleverness but still a good modern take on film-noir with the mildly dislikeable hero and suitably manipulative femme-fatale. She's the whispery persuasive lady from Heroes, and I am in love with her. Emilie de Ravin from Lost is in it also.


The Dark


Welsh mythology, Sean Bean weirding me out by using his real accent and a creepy Sadako-esque Welsh girl from BEYOND THE GRAAAAAAVE. It was OK like, don't go out of your way to see it though. The American director in one of the special features says that Wales is a part of England. Heheh.


The Break-up


Don't ask. It was bleh. Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughan did not convince me as a couple at all, which is hilarious because I then found out that they actually were a couple for a bit. I should clearly read Heat more often. The only funny bit was in the trailer, though his best friend offering to have someone killed was funnyish I guess.




Marky Mark Wahlberg is a retired Sniper who gets roped into all kinds of shenanigans by awesome Danny Glover who is awesome. There's a hilarious scene where Glover first goes to meet him. Marky Mark asks to take a photo of their car because he's considering getting one and wants a picture of the engine. Glover's goons are then SHOCKED when Glover reveals that devious Mark was actually getting a snap of their license plate. Because people in the not-quite-so-fucking-ridiculous real world always go "Hey buddy, nice car, can I take a photo of the engine please, it would make a great wallpaper for my phone". He's a sly one. Rhona Mitra is in it. Last time I saw her she was being raped by an invisible man, though that was a different movie.


The number 23


Jim "Serious roles" Carrey goes nutty after reading a book. It was alright. Carrey's narrating voice is really terrible, but it was an enjoyable enough watch I guess. Wouldn't spend money on it though.




Magnificent stuff. I like Cillian Murphy more with each movie I see him in. Chris Evans stepped up in a role that required some more serious acting from him than I'm used to seeing too. At times scary, funny and dazzlingly pretty, I thoroughly recommend seeing it.




I haven't seen the Japanese original of this, which is odd as I usually watch them before the American version. It was fun enough. The phantoms were cool looking, Kristen Bell should be cast in more things (Ideally every movie that requires a female in any capacity) and it never dragged. The vaguely hip-hoppy guy was cringeworthy though. "Daaayumn, y'all look gooood". Urgh. I watched some of the extras, Kristen Bell swears. I nearly cried.


The Ring 2


As in the sequel to the Naomi Watts American remake, rather than "Ring 2".


This seemed quite redundant as a sequel and featured a story that was basically the same as Dark Water, which completely kills off the fear factor of the Samara/Sadako character. The twist in the first film was that she didn't want to rest peacefully or have a loving family, she was just an evil and malevolent force who only lets you off if you ensure that more people will suffer, so to have her go from that to wanting Naomi Watts to be her 'mommy' was a quite sickening stretch. I defended the first film and thought that it did reasonable justice to the original, but this film was a waste of time.


"Ring 2" and "Ring 0" sit nicely alongside the first movie, whereas this screamed "cash-in" from start to finish.


On the plus side, the short film "Rings" that provides the back story to the opening sequence of the movie was excellent and well worth watching.


The Wicker Man


As in the Nicolas Cage "HOW'D IT GET BURNED??!?!?!?" version.


Laughably bad. The biology teacher from "Popular" getting punched in the face and Nick's "ARGH NOT THE BEES!" were the only parts I enjoyed.

Edited by JLM
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Japanese Horror Hellavator, fantastic, original Japanese horror film with a host of weird and odd characters and some genuinly creepy moments,involving weird characters from a school girl to maniacal deformed prisoners.Also watched Efen Lied, Brutal yet brilliant, Japanese anime about a girl Nyu who is being hunted down by the military and such after going on a killing spree of sickening proportions.Noone is safe in this, even innocent kids are brutally hacked to pieces.Very powerful but very well done story.

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TMNT - i watched this for nostalgic reasons, i had no idea this was an animated movie, i thought it was a movie ala Hulk with real actors but with a CGI set of turtles. I was really fucked watching this so i didnt really appreciate the story, it seemed kinda decent, animation was mint. I may check this again at some point...but where the fuck was Shredder & Krang?


Jack The Ripper - made for TV movie starring Michael Caine, i picked this badboy up for a measly

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TMNT - i watched this for nostalgic reasons, i had no idea this was an animated movie, i thought it was a movie ala Hulk with real actors but with a CGI set of turtles. I was really fucked watching this so i didnt really appreciate the story, it seemed kinda decent, animation was mint. I may check this again at some point...but where the fuck was Shredder & Krang?Jack The Ripper - made for TV movie starring Michael Caine, i picked this badboy up for a measly

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TMNT - i watched this for nostalgic reasons, i had no idea this was an animated movie, i thought it was a movie ala Hulk with real actors but with a CGI set of turtles. I was really fucked watching this so i didnt really appreciate the story, it seemed kinda decent, animation was mint. I may check this again at some point...but where the fuck was Shredder & Krang?Jack The Ripper - made for TV movie starring Michael Caine, i picked this badboy up for a measly

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The HostKorean 'horror' film. I spent most of the first 20 mins of this pissing myself laughing.The rest of it had some real creepy moments but was amusing in parts too.Really weird film. Funny as hell, but weird.The basic plot outline is this:Toxic chemicals dumped into river creates monster.Monster kidnaps little girl.Government investigate monster and a disease it seems to spread.Family try to rescue girl.The visuals at time are brilliant, other times they fall down a bit (the end sequence is a little dissapointing) butdefinately worth watching.

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Japanese Live action version of Prince of Tennis, stunning cgi with the tennis scenes, very fun film though being its the Jap original and i dont think a dubbed version exists, it was hard to tell what the heck was going on being my japanese is really beginners level.

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I saw Stone Cold (not the wrestler) film on GCSE Bitesize! it was awesome because I studied the book and watched that film in English class in year 10 was funny.

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I watched I Want Candy last night. I'm quite a fan of cheesy teen flicks so I think it was always going to be something I'd like. Obviously very far fetched, but very funny. Great cast and some great visual gags. Lacked any real depth or great conversation, but fine for what it is.


I think I'll watch Knocked Up or Superbad tonight, haven't decided which yet.

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Stranger Than Fiction


An IRS auditor (Will Ferrell) suddenly finds himself the subject of narration only he can hear: narration that begins to affect his entire life, from his work, to his love-interest, to his death


This film feels like a Hollyindie (a Hollywood Indie) with a cast that includes Will Ferrel, Maggie Glyenhall, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson and Queen Latifah, yet due to the nature of the plot and they way it is shot feels like an off-beat indie comedy. Its not an obvious choose for Anchorman to take a role in which he has to play a deadpan auditor obsessed with numbers and with a very dark backdrop of plot but it works and he pulls it off.


The film is engaging and entertaining throughout, really make you wonder what is round the corner, even if the narrative is a little stilted at times and although the film is about the narration Ferrell hears, it is rather irratiting.


At first the conclusion appears to be a complete cop-out, but the film is aware enough to argue its case cleverly with the characters to its choice and it does it well, ensuring that a feeling of dissatisfaction isn't felt as the credits roll.


Yeh, its a good film, with a strong cast. Theres plenty of fun and thinking material here.

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I watched the remake of The Producers last night and it was pretty awful i thought. As much as I love Matt Broderick & Mel Brookes this really was a non-starter. There were a few chuckles in it but little more than that which is a damn shame really. Relied on pretty bad stereotypes and I am sure there are some insider showbiz jokes in there somewhere. Uma Thurman has a great song & dance routine which raised a smile and you can't help but like Ulla but at the end of the day, the cast (inc. Will Ferrell whos 'little known facts' about Hitler were one of the bright spots) couldn;t save a pretty dire remake.

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