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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I watched the Super Mario Brothers film in Poland. It was weirdly dubbed though - some Polish guy just talking over the top of the film rather than a script with different people for different characters. I remember seeing this film in the cinema though. It's still shit. I also watched Walker - Texas Ranger in the same style.

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Why you were in Poland is none of my business. I was just curious as to why you watched the Super Mario Brothers movie of all things, and even more curious as to why you'd watch an already bad film with what sounds like a bad dubbing job over the top?Comedy value? Endurance test? Boredom? Or do you actually speak Polish? That would help a little, but it still wouldn't explain the choice of movie. I'm intrigued - but that may just be the intriguinol I took this morning.

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Well, I was on holiday. It was on TV on Sunday evening. I'd been shopping and was killing a couple of hours before going out for some dinner. It was on TV and I just thought "Oh, I remember this. I'll watch 5 minutes.." before having a shower. And I ended up watching most of it. The only English-speaking channel on the TV was BBC Worldwide so I decided to watch this instead. I did also catch the Polish version of Deal or No Deal too. Now that was slightly weird.And where can I get some of that intriguinol? Sounds... erm... intriguing?

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DuelThis is an early Spielberg flick about a guy being chased across rural midwest America by a guy in an oil tanker. Basic concept, but with enough Spielberg to make it work?Not quite. At first, it's really good and interesting but the action is monotonous and repetitive, although the image of the tanker is geniunely creepy throughout.Having said that, Spielberg's direction is spot on throughout. Interesting camera work and beautiful angles scatter the film and the photography of the landscape lends to the gripping finale.Think of the slowest slow burning film you've ever seen and imagine it in slow motion - that is what Duel is like.I would not really recomend this to any but the Spielberg enthuasists. Its a shame really as I was really looking forward to watching this.

I really liked Duel, I didn't think it was particularly slow, its too short to be. The constant focus on Monsieur-skinny-driver-whats-his-face really works because you're generously offorded the rather morbid pleasure of seeing him gradually crumble piece by piece the longer he's outside of his comfort zone (the office). And I forget, but I like to think the truck's ALIVE and doesn't have a driver because it just seems so cool that way.Just watched Walkabout, and it was wonderful, I feel all peaceful inside. I really, really don't wanna know how old Jenny Agutter was when it was filmed though. :unsure:
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Watched the worst film ever last night "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" with a young Renee (cute first name) Zellweger and Matthew McConaghey. Basically a very cheap remake of the first one.A horrible, steaming turd.(*/*****)

I remember when I was about 13, I rented this out thinking it was the original. How disapointed I was. The plot doesn't seem to make sense and it is shoot so darkly you can hardly make out what is happening half the time, if my memory serves me correctly.
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I remember my English teacher telling me something similar, that 'nice' should never be used because it doesn't mean anything.


Watched Annie Hall again before I went to bed last night, it gets better every time I watch it.

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DJM's reviews wind me up...everything's 'good'. I remember by PE teacher telling us that when your doing essays and commenting on performance never to use the word 'good'.

Never take grammatical advice from PE teachers. They are PE teachers for a reason. Depending on the context of the word 'good', it can be used effectively. But I see your point.Maybe if you had backed your argument up with some evidence it would have made you look insightful rather than pathetic.
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DJM's reviews wind me up...everything's 'good'. I remember by PE teacher telling us that when your doing essays and commenting on performance never to use the word 'good'.

A very good post with some very good and interesting ideas. Slow in parts, but very enjoyable for the most part.
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It is a masterpiece. It is a work of genius. It may well be the film of the year. You completely missed the point by the sounds of things.

Could you give me some idea why you found it to be a masterpiece or a work of genius?
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It is a masterpiece. It is a work of genius. It may well be the film of the year. You completely missed the point by the sounds of things.

Could you give me some idea why you found it to be a masterpiece or a work of genius?
Why bother? You completely didn't get the film. I'm not going to explain it for you.
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