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Guest DJM

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SNAKES ON A PLANEJust tremendous fun and I like that in a film, it knows it's cheesy and it knows how to be so bad that it's good and that's what I wanted to see, Samuel L. Jackson delivered some of his lines so perfectly they had me wetting myself, he was the perfect lead guy for this sort of film and there's a thin line which isn't crossed during this film which if it had been crossed, it would have been a bad film. But, man it was just so fun.Those snakes were nasty.

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The Watcher


There's something insanely watchable about Keanu Reeves. That's the only reason I was into this movie. The whole thing was just one big letdown. You could have predicted almost everything that happens after the first 20 minutes. You'd also probably get all of those predictions right. Maybe not all right away, but everything was just so badly signposted, from the close calls right to their eventual meeting, and right to his last intended victim, and how that would have turned out.


It's safe to say that I didn't enjoy this movie much.

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Naruto Season 1Class Anime, greatly drawn, well presented and some great sceneswith Naruto training to become a ninja, cant wait for the second series DVD to come out!

Been downloading this from the good people at Dattebayo since it started in Japan, and I love the series but I've got to say the last 50 or so episodes of filler (ie, episodes where the anime producers conjure up their own storylines that don't appear in the Manga so that they don't catch up to it and run out of material) have started to test my patience in a major way. I'm told the story picks up again with episode 200, I can only hope that this is true. The DVDs you have, are they the dubbed American episodes? I was interested to try that but after 198 episodes of subtitles and the characters sounding a certain way I'm not sure I could handle irritating American voice acting.
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The Wicker Man (2006)


Umm, it was pretty dire. Everything from the idiotic timeline to stuff not being in the movie that was on the trailer. The performances too, are pish. I'm a big of a Nicholas Cage fan, but I have no idea what he was on here. Ellen Burstyn is actually the only saving grace of this movie. She puts on a pretty scary show.

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The DVDs you have, are they the dubbed American episodes? I was interested to try that but after 198 episodes of subtitles and the characters sounding a certain way I'm not sure I could handle irritating American voice acting.

Iv got the UK dvds and some japanese version dvds of Naruto, Naturally i only ever watch itwith the japanese language and english subtitles because in every japanese or asian anime, film ect,the dubbing is of the most awful quality so i prefer to watch in the original language and the subs.Love the show and have just watched the 5 episode with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke on their travels,protecting a guy from any attacker, loved the scene with Naruto stabbing himself with the knifeand going completley insane after :). Such a funny show, everyone has to see this!
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i thought it was pretty good, not the greatest guy richie film ever. but it was pretty damn good. ray liota is just the boyo :thumbsup:

Edited by SCARFACE
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Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - modern western directed and starring Tommy Lee Jones...this was fucking badass, its about a cowboy (jones) trying to fulfill his friends dying wish. His mate, a mexican fella gets wrongly shot by border control, the cops cover it up so Jones goes into business on his own, finds the killer and teaches him a pretty stern lesson in forgivness. Everything about this is great, especially the two leads (jones and barry pepper), a sad yet uplifting story, there's some pretty disturbing stuff in there too. This is one of them great films that get released which no one watches except the people who take a proper interest in movies. Do yourself a favour, check it!

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Finally got round to watching Stephen King's "It".


It was as good as I remember it. Trailed off in the middle a bit, and the big spider at the end running away was a bit shitty.


Do you know that one of the kids, who is in a few movies Sky Movies are showing recently, such as "Ladybugs", topped himself in 2003. This bloke...






Film gets (****/*****) easily.

Edited by bAzTNM
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Holy Shit I never know he diedalso I never know he was in the never ending storyanyway just watched Meet the fockers and the 30 year old virgin. Meet the fockers I found crap but 30 year old virgin was pretty good (not really much of a new comedy fan i like the old stuff like life of brain,meaning of life,naked gun,etc)I like horror a lot more so I picked up a cheap shitty copy of the hills have eyes (the new one) which i am going to watch now. I saw a advert for a movie called Pluse it looked pretty cool and seems to be getting some good and bad reviews in the U.S anyone seen it at all

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Blue Streak - definatly one of my favourite Martin Lawrence films (behind Nothing To Lose & Bad Boys)...Lawrence definatly picks to do some duff films but this was one was pretty cool, the story is pretty ridculous and unbelievable but its makes for some entertaining viewing. My film is at it's funniest when Dave Chappelle is in it, him and Lawrence make for a funny duo. It would be cool to see em do another film together. Props to Luke Wilson as the clueless new police guy, he's great in this.


Sgt. Bilko - im completely unfamiliar with the old tv show so i cant compare but the movie is complete stupidity, great fun to watch...as with all films like this, alot of the jokes fall flat on first viewing i guess you'd laugh at different things each time you'd view it. Ive probably only seen 3-4 Steve Martin movies, i must view more.

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