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Guest DJM

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watched `Land of the Lost` last night with will farrell


as a child of sunday morning tv programs i`ve seen most of the `lost in space` `planet of the apes` and `time tunnel` style programs, and been a fan of them, so when `Land of the Lost` started my heart gave a little jump when it dawned on me that this film was a throwback to them all!


its a good film. will farrell is will farrell. the special effects are great, not even good but great! the story leaves alot to be desired but that doesnt matter as its a 60`s sci-fi nod. BUT what stops this film being utterly amazing is the really crap script. its truely awful. the comedy isnt that funny, the sci-fi isnt that sci-fi and will farrell is will farrell.


an amazing looking and feeling film, let down by (at times) a truely woefull script and set comedy pieces.

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Just watched the original Transformers movie. What a load of shit.


are you talking about the first Michael Bay one or the 80's animated one?

The animated one. I hate to say it, but Bay's is a masterpiece by comparison.

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Just watched the original Transformers movie. What a load of shit.


are you talking about the first Michael Bay one or the 80's animated one?

The animated one. I hate to say it, but Bay's is a masterpiece by comparison.

There are a lot of people who would be quite willing to disagree.


Not me, however, I loved Bays adaptation.

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I thought Bay's first one was just okay. It only looks like a masterpiece when compared to the 80s version because the latter is utter shit.


Blasphemy. And even if you didn't like it, to say Bay's is any good is equally blasphemous.*









*International Medical Organisation.

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I watched No Country for Old Men yesterday and was disappointed. It was ok until the main guy got killed, then went rapidly down hill from there. I'm still somewhat baffled by the end. Avoid this movie at all costs! *


Watched Paul Blart: Mall Cop the other day and found it hilarious. Light hearted funny movie. ****


Yeah! Who needs the unique, intelligent, engrossing and thought provoking No Country For Old Men when we can have Paul Blart: Mall Cop! LOLZ TEH FAT GUY FALLZ OVA!!!!111!


You are a terrible human being.


Normally I'd say that you were wrong and that everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the merits of different movies but to slate NCFOM and then give a big thumbs up to PB:MC takes some beating in the stupid stakes.


I didn't slate it as such, I just didn't enjoy it, simple as. I understand they are 2 completely different types of films and wasn't comparing them. Just referring to one I did like and one that I didn't. It's nice to be laid into on here once in a while, it makes you feel at home.

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I thought Bay's first one was just okay. It only looks like a masterpiece when compared to the 80s version because the latter is utter shit.


Blasphemy. And even if you didn't like it, to say Bay's is any good is equally blasphemous.*









*International Medical Organisation.

I don't like Michael Bay's films, but I thought his first Transformers was okay as in just passable. The follow-up was really, really dire though. But even then Transformers 2 seems incredible in comparison to the 80s movie, which is a total mess.


I'm honestly curious, why is the original animated Transformers film so adored? Is it just out of nostalgia?

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No. It was awesome at the time, and we didn't have nostalgia when I was a kid.


Bascially, epic film, classic good vs evil, Transformers are cool, many classic characters get mercilessly slaughtered lulling you into "anything can happen in this movie", tremendous soundtrack.

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Bascially, epic film, classic good vs evil, Transformers are cool, many classic characters get mercilessly slaughtered lulling you into "anything can happen in this movie", tremendous soundtrack.



They Kill Fucking Optimus Prime and Megatron and Starscream ffs.. epic event of teh decade tbh ( i know it was all about the toy sales, but still)..


desoite people saying its shit. No nostaglia, its genuinely a good film, it pulls on the heart strings, has a plucky young hero pit against the possible end of everything as we know it... and a cracking sound track (Stan Bush him of Bloodsport, KickBoxer Soundtrack fame. Vince Di Coia, him of Rocky IV soundtrack fame... what more do you want.. Weird Al Yankovic.. yep he's there too!)


The American cut in the Ultimate edition sucks donkey balls with its supermanesquer titles

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Just watched Cloverfield. Quality little monster movie, really enjoyed it. I especially liked how they kept it really short and didn't bother speculating over where that terrible thing was from - they could have done with that in The Mist. The style was fine too, I didn't find it too disorientating. The only thing I didn't like was the noises those little things made - who thought that was a good idea?!


8 trips to Coney Island out of 10.

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