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Zack and Miri Make A Porno


I liked it...but...it still felt too much in the vain of Jersey Girl, with just the odd Kevin Smith of old thrown in to make it more edgy. I know its too much too ask for something like Mallrats or Vulgar, but I guess the guy has just mellowed out and doesnt care for the indy crowd that bought into Drawing Flies and Clerks anymore (and hey, with the cash hes making, why should he!)


About to watch Tropic Thunder now, will be interested to see how the fun looking trailers equate to a good constantly funny film...

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I think Kev's just trying to distance himself and prove he can work outside the View Askeewniverse and still be successful.


But yeah, I'd like another Mallrats or Chasing Amy tbh.

Oh, please dont get me wrong, I know the guys gotta move along, and fuck knows, theres enough pieces of Viewaskew goodness just sitting in my DVD collection, , all I'm saying is, the only bits that I really laughed at in ZAMMAP (hehe) were the first half of the film, the closest to say the direction of Mallrats after that it went into mushy and soppy direction. It was great to see Mewes in great health though! Another thing Jay and Silent Bob have been done to death, Strike Back was the final nail in their coffin, Clerks 2 was it getting lowered into the ground, all I asking is Smith tries and retains the same style of his first few films but without those guys.


Or maybe thats just not in him.

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Another thing Jay and Silent Bob have been done to death, Strike Back was the final nail in their coffin, Clerks 2 was it getting lowered into the ground, all I asking is Smith tries and retains the same style of his first few films but without those guys.


Or maybe thats just not in him.


It probably isn't. Think of the line in Strikes Back, 'You gotta grow'. Not only creatively but he's obviously growing up and there'd be a lot of changes in that. Professionally I don't think anyone would want to be seen as a one trick pony, he maybe wants to make his movies more successful than the Askewniverse was and the RomCom formats the way to go.


I haven't seen the film yet though, so I can't judge on that...

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The big fat ass just need to get back to working on comics, some of the best Clerks stuff was in the comics, that added more history to the Viewaskew Universe.


For any Kevin Smith fans, you really need to catch Vulgar, its the story of the clown in the Viewaskew logo.


...and hey, the Viewaskew shop was a cool place to visit :D

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Smith has gotten so awful that I'm ashamed to say I used to be a fan.

I felt like that around the release and viewing of Clerks 2. Jersey Girl was bad,filth,crap. Now granted I thought for the first half of Zack and Miri... that it was at least a half decent return to his old standards, but still making the commercial films he wants to make now (end of the day, I guess the guy has to pay the bills, and have so much more left over than the rest of us) As I said, I really didnt mind Zack and Miri, I liked it, didnt pay for it, had a few drinks while watching it with the missus and had a decent night in.


But any old Kevin Smith fan that says they can no longer enjoy his work, I fully understand where they come from. Still remember the Kevin Smith marathons we used too have, I think that idea would be laughed out now if any of us mentioned that.

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Tropic Thunder


Turns out the trailer I mentioned before I watch it...turned out to have all the best bits in it, hate films like this. Very lacklustre film, that probably only appeals to the people that dont want to be challenged or want some stupid scene to go on, and on, and onnnnn about.


Pineapple Express is next.

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Tropic Thunder


Turns out the trailer I mentioned before I watch it...turned out to have all the best bits in it, hate films like this. Very lacklustre film

See, I thought that the trailer made the film look like a pile of arse. Granted I can't abide the bargain bin version of Chris Farley that is Jack Black, and I think Ben Stiller's a one trick pony, but even so it looked weak.

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For any Kevin Smith fans, you really need to catch Vulgar, its the story of the clown in the Viewaskew logo.

Oddly enough, I watched it for the first time in about 3 years on Monday. My girlfriend popped it on and ten minutes into it asked what it was about.


Not telling her and watching her reaction to that scene was a great thing.

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For any Kevin Smith fans, you really need to catch Vulgar, its the story of the clown in the Viewaskew logo.

Oddly enough, I watched it for the first time in about 3 years on Monday. My girlfriend popped it on and ten minutes into it asked what it was about.


Not telling her and watching her reaction to that scene was a great thing.

Its a great little film, and one that is seriously overlooked in regards to Kevin Smith films.


Just as long as people dont start buying Drawing Flies to discover older Kevin Smith films :laugh:

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I got Vulgar and Drawing Flies way back after I first saw Dogma and was thinking Smith and Jason Lee could do no wrong.


Fast forward to after seeing An Evening With Kevin Smith 2 and Clerks 2 and I'm almost at the same embarrassed stage that Mr Seven is at.

Having said that, the reviews saying ZAMMAP is more of a cross between older Smith and recent Apatow, I have pretty high expectations for it and a mate who has just seen An Evening With Kevin Smith 3 says it is excellent, almost as good as the first one.


So maybe he's getting back on track.

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I got Vulgar and Drawing Flies way back after I first saw Dogma and was thinking Smith and Jason Lee could do no wrong.


Fast forward to after seeing An Evening With Kevin Smith 2 and Clerks 2 and I'm almost at the same embarrassed stage that Mr Seven is at.

Having said that, the reviews saying ZAMMAP is more of a cross between older Smith and recent Apatow, I have pretty high expectations for it and a mate who has just seen An Evening With Kevin Smith 3 says it is excellent, almost as good as the first one.


So maybe he's getting back on track.

I think everything he's done since the original Clerks is a case of diminishing returns. Mallrats was a bad tribute to 80s teen films, "Chasing Amy" was rubbish and predictable, "Dogma"...well, it had an interesting idea but was boring, accepted religion way too readily and more importantly not funny. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was the best thing he'd done since Clerks, but even that was a fairly pale imitation.


I think, with Clerks, what would've happened if Smith had been allowed to keep his original ending - where Dante gets shot. I can't help but think it'd have been lost in the shuffle of other indie films being made around the same time - one or two people on forums like this would mention it from time to time and wonder what he was up to, but his original idea ruined the ending of "Clerks" and would have probably sabotaged his career. I think him since then has been a case of no-one being around to tell him some of his ideas are rubbish.

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