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Shriek! If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth


My expectations were beyond low for this film but my curiosity was too much for me not to watch this. I'd wanted to see it for a while and when I saw it in a 3 for

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EquilibriumAnother awesome Christian Bale flick. Ive never been in the mood to watch it before (too many comparisons with the bloody Matrix series). Really good though, the premise is excellent... plus Im sure there is some deep, hidden critique on society somewhere in there! Weird thing is it looks a bit dated and its not that old... may be that was the plan?

Equilibrium is strongly influenced by George Orwell's 1984" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", you should read them if you ever get the chance as they're both excellent books. There's a film version of 1984, but it's not very good.
Yeah, Ive read 1984, some relation to Equilibrium. Never read Brave New World but heard of it. Will have to seek it out, cheers :)Ive just rented P2, supposed to be awesome and scary. Will try and watch it later n report back!
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Watched Equilibrium last night after dismissing it as a Matrix wannabe, though it really wasn't and Christian Bale was fantastic in it. Step Brothers isn't that funny at all and if it wasn't for John C Reilly then it would of been an hour and a half of Will Ferrell being unfunny.

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Watched Get Smart last night. Didn't expect much from it, but i ended up loving it, very funny and action scenes were cool. I've now found a big love for Anne Hathaway from the movie. Christ she's hot. Steve Carrel was great as was The Rock (I refuse to call him Duane Johnson dammit...he'll always be The Rock)Also went to see Eden Lake today aswell, it was utterly terrible. The acting, the story everything about it. It's one of the worst films I've seen over the past few years. I get the point that "the message it was trying to send out about today's yoot". But no, it failed on every level. Utterly horrendous waste of money and time. It's films like this that make me support piracy.

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Good without being excellent. A couple of really nasty moments that if you take in the whole film look slightly out of place (still welcome though!). Dont rate the lead guy in it, fairly wooden especially when he is supposed to be 'mad' in the film. Im sure everyone will appreciate the lead gal in it though...

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Was interested in seeing this since Mrs Houchen told me about the graphic novel. I loved the film, the animation is fantastic. There are too many soulless animations out there in recent years so it was refreshing to see such emotion conveyed in a simplistic animated style. The film never patronised, never overdid it on tugging the heartstrings and had quite a few laugh out loud moments that I wasn't expecting in a film about an Iranian girl growing up under war and oppression.


Apparently the missus said there is more in the film than in the graphic novel but I'll still have to give it a read.

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Im really looking forward to watching Taken next week.. the trailer looks pretty damn good.Also.. I cant believe I hadnt even heard of 'Righteous Kill' with De Niro and Pacino until now! Has anyone seen this yet?

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Went to see a preview of Tropic Thunder last night. It was good, but I gotta say it was mostly disappointing. It just felt like it should've been funnier. Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise were very good and funny but past those 2 there wasnt too much laugh out loud stuff. I've never really rated Ben Stiller and he doesnt offer much acting wise in this, Jack Black and Steve Coogan I felt were under used. Its worth a watch, but not what it could've been.

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Also.. I cant believe I hadnt even heard of 'Righteous Kill' with De Niro and Pacino until now! Has anyone seen this yet?

I've heard about nothing but Righteous Kill for the past couple of weeks. My friend has decided that she's a massive Al Pacino fan. In the past fortnight she's borrowed from me/bought and watched: Dog Day Afternoon, Scarface, Scent of a woman, The Godfather Trilogy, The Devil's Advocate, Carlito's Way, Any Given Sunday, And Justice for All and Heat. Plenty more still to come as well. We have been mocking her mercilessly because she went to the premier to meet Pacino and was literally (and I mean literally) bouncing around her flat with uncontrollable excitement from the moment she decided to go til last Sunday. "Al, I've loved you since The Godfather, two weeks ago". Ahem.On the plus side, she did get within touching distance of Pacino and DeNiro. If you're going to a premiere to be a star-spotter/autograph hunter, you couldn't pick many better ones than that. She has an enormour Righteous Kill poster with their signatures on it now, and I'm somewhat envious of that. Oh yeah, she also had an incident with 50 Cent (he's in the movie too, I think he's a nightclub owner or something?). She held up her poster for him to sign. He responded by holding his hand out. In a moment of madness, she gazed into his eyes, put her hand in his hand and just stared at him for twenty seconds or so. Eventually, Mr. Cent, looking befuddled, simply said "Uh? Pen?" Frozen with the embarrassment of it all, she didn't produce a pen and thus didn't get a signature. Still, she's not a big fan of his anyway, just easily starstruck I guess. Heheheh.Looking forward to seeing the film, though I still need to see Hellboy 2 first.
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