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Guest DJM

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The PromotionSeann William Scott and John C. McGinley in a gentle comedy tale of two men going for a promotion at a supermarket. Just nice and gentle and peaceful for a Sunday night when you can't be bothered with anything more before work.

I watched this a couple of nights ago and thought, bar one scene (paper bag), it was abysmal. For a comedy I found it had an exceptionally small number of jokes. I'm assuming the audience was supposed to be amused by the rivalry between Stiffler and Ferrel-Lite however... there wasn't really any rivalry. At points the two seemed like good friends and the extent of their struggle appeared to be minor actions or words that, at worst, would put the other in a mildly awkward situation.The supporting characters were as routine as possible - the mouthy gang in the parking lot, the "wacky" banjo-playing fag next door, the down-trodden manager (the fire walk fall was too embarrassing), the bland straight wives (with added appalling Scottish accent), the smarmy board members.. it was all too predictable. On top of this Stiffler's acting was at points beyond horrible which only added to the overall effect of turd.My main gripe however was the basic lack of story. So little happened! The small incidents that did occur were played in such an understated fashion by the cast that it was nigh on impossible to gain an interest. Combine that with the overall lack of laughs and the utter non-ending (it was like they ran out of money and wrapped it up in a day) and The Promotion quickly establishes itself as one of the most boring movies I think I've ever seen. And what the fuck was up with the foreign slapping tit? That just bugged the hell out of me. Fuck this movie.On an equally downbeat note I watched Superhero Movie last night. It really was a bad cinematic weekend in my house. Though Leslie Nielson still made me chuckle a couple of times so there was a small, 90 second consolation.P.S. - not aiming this at you FM, I just really disliked this stinking flick.
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:yinyang: Watched The Strangers on Friday, it's ok but the ending was really flat it felt like i'd walked out of the film and then came back in at the end and missed something in between. It seems like they couldn't think of a really good ending for the film and instead opted for one more cheap scare which you could see coming a mile off.
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Watched a couple of films yesterday, had them for ages but been waiting to get around to seeing them:


Run, Fatboy, Run

I really enjoyed this. It wasn't laugh out loud funny, but it was amusing. The casting is good, particularly the beautiful Thandie Newton and Simon Pegg, although quite how he'd ever get her in the first place is a wonder. Dylan Moran is great, as he often is. The story is a slight twist on your average rom-com, but has some really good dialogue, especially the balcony scene with Pegg and Newton where he lets her know why he let her go, which is really touching. The actual run is a bit too hollywood but the end is good. It's a happy ending, not a sappy ending.


Walk The Line

I thought this was excellent. Love the story, love the music and love the actors. Reece Witherspoon was amazing and very, very sexy. Phoenix is really good as Johnny Cash too. Having not read JC's autobiography yet, it's difficult to know how much of it is real and how much is pure theatre, but regardless, it was a good story that was well told. It didn't paint JC in the best light, but I suspect that if you told the story of 99% of our idols, you'd get the same impression.

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The PromotionSeann William Scott and John C. McGinley in a gentle comedy tale of two men going for a promotion at a supermarket. Just nice and gentle and peaceful for a Sunday night when you can't be bothered with anything more before work.

I watched this a couple of nights ago and thought, bar one scene (paper bag), it was abysmal. For a comedy I found it had an exceptionally small number of jokes. I'm assuming the audience was supposed to be amused by the rivalry between Stiffler and Ferrel-Lite however... there wasn't really any rivalry. At points the two seemed like good friends and the extent of their struggle appeared to be minor actions or words that, at worst, would put the other in a mildly awkward situation.The supporting characters were as routine as possible - the mouthy gang in the parking lot, the "wacky" banjo-playing fag next door, the down-trodden manager (the fire walk fall was too embarrassing), the bland straight wives (with added appalling Scottish accent), the smarmy board members.. it was all too predictable. On top of this Stiffler's acting was at points beyond horrible which only added to the overall effect of turd.My main gripe however was the basic lack of story. So little happened! The small incidents that did occur were played in such an understated fashion by the cast that it was nigh on impossible to gain an interest. Combine that with the overall lack of laughs and the utter non-ending (it was like they ran out of money and wrapped it up in a day) and The Promotion quickly establishes itself as one of the most boring movies I think I've ever seen. And what the fuck was up with the foreign slapping tit? That just bugged the hell out of me. Fuck this movie.On an equally downbeat note I watched Superhero Movie last night. It really was a bad cinematic weekend in my house. Though Leslie Nielson still made me chuckle a couple of times so there was a small, 90 second consolation.P.S. - not aiming this at you FM, I just really disliked this stinking flick.
You deserve whatever you get for voluntarily watching "Superhero Movie" :)Fair points, really. I liked the odd foreign slapping fella, I thought it was a pleasantly silly moment. And I think the two mains aren't proper rivals - sometimes they're friends, sometimes they try and screw each other over. It reminded me in part of "Rushmore", where the two stars try and screw each other over but you can tell their hearts aren't quite in it. Where you see lack of focus, I see "real life". The Scottish accent was appalling, no argument on that score, and Jenna Fischer's part was underwritten. Why have such a brilliantly talented comic actress in there and just use her to be nice to Stifler? But I enjoyed the gentle pace of it and the way it ended by not really ending - again, it was more realistic than most films where everything gets tied up neatly by the end. I dunno, I just dug it. But your opinion is equally valid, of course.
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saw Step Brothers over the weekend. Whilst as a film is rubbish, it is goddamn funny. Its just a series of very funny stupid things and really gets by on the comic strength of Will Ferrell and John C Reilly, who are both brilliant. Great watch for a laugh.

yeh i agree, i saw the film on saturday afternoon and it cracked me up.
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Exorcist III - Legion - finally finished watching the Exorcist series. This was the 2nd sequel and was directed by the man who wrote the original (William Peter Blatty), who incidentally despised the original sequel. This movie pretty much has nothing to do with the Exorcist, it's based on Blatty's novel Legion and is basically a serial killer-detective movie, there's a brief mention too the exorcism but that's it (an actual exorcism scene was tagged on at the end after being demanded by the studio and is pretty stupid). This was a very good movie, it's definatly been hurt by the fact that is carries the Exorcism tag. But watch this with an open mind and expect something a little different and you'll probably get a kick out of it.


The Exorcist series is probably my favorie series of horror movie, i've said before any horror that involves religion just appeals to me for some reason. It's a pretty diverse series.


Resident Evil Extinction - never been in a rush to watch this, but i picked it up for

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I certainly didn't mind The Butterfly Effect. It's laughable at points, but I didn't care too much.I watched Vacancy, Speed Racer and Hancock over the last couple of days.Vacancy wasn't good at all. Mainly because the bad guys were incompetent morons who weren't sinister in the slightest and the lead characters, while not suffering from horror movie idiocy, were annoying. I quite liked the idea behind the movie, but that's just about it.Hancock was good, but the second half of the movie felt like over an hour's worth of plot crammed into almost 40 minutes. Can't say I was too pleased with that side of things. It was still entertaining though.Speed Racer was just great, great fun to watch. A bit distracting at first because of how colourful it is, but once I got past that, I loved it.

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anyone thats seen the butterfly effect..is it worth checking out?

its well worth a viewing. The Butterfly Effect is a strange film in that it's not amazing, but alot of people consider it their fav. film (especially girls)...go on myspace/facebook or whatever and a hell of a lot of girls list it as one of their favorite movies, fucking weird.
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anyone thats seen the butterfly effect..is it worth checking out?

its well worth a viewing. The Butterfly Effect is a strange film in that it's not amazing, but alot of people consider it their fav. film (especially girls)...go on myspace/facebook or whatever and a hell of a lot of girls list it as one of their favorite movies, fucking weird.
Make sure you get the good ending though!
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anyone thats seen the butterfly effect..is it worth checking out?

its well worth a viewing. The Butterfly Effect is a strange film in that it's not amazing, but alot of people consider it their fav. film (especially girls)...go on myspace/facebook or whatever and a hell of a lot of girls list it as one of their favorite movies, fucking weird.
Make sure you get the good ending though!
I saw it with my missus a couple of years ago on Channel 4 and we both really liked it.Saw Anger Management with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler yesterday - had me in stitches :p
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