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Guest DJM

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Just bought and watched Vantage Point and very much enjoyed it.I've gone back and read the points that a few of you made about it at the time, and understand them to some degree, but I think this is the kind of movie where you just need to switch off and not think about things so much. Yes, the ending was a bit stupid, but while watching it, it didn't occur to me that anything was wrong, it was only after reading here that I see it as a little bit off.The Gun/PDA thing didn't really bother me at all and neither did the flashback formula! I've read a lot of criticism on digital spy about the time line but I think people fail to understand that although it is the same 23 minutes being repeated through different viewpoints. the flashbacks are not 23 minutes long and so do have gaps in them, hence the timings seeming to be off when they actually aren't.I also didn't see the Matthew Fox twist coming until it happened which pleased me!Anyway, in summary: I enjoyed it, feel the DVD purchase was well worth my 12 student pounds. I will watch it again, and at 1 90 minute run time, this is going to join Phone Booth as one of my "quick and easy" ways to pass a few hours! I would recommended it, but only to people who are prepared to suspend their disbelief and not think about things too much.8/10

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Just bought and watched Vantage Point and very much enjoyed it.8/10

Fair enough.I can usually suspend my disbelief pretty well with movies, but there was just too much about vantage point that got my goat. I wouldn't give it more than 4/10 because some of the scenes are quite fun but the stuff like the long, long, long car chase that end up 2 mins from the bloody square or the gimpy legged man running with a camera in his hands easily keeping pace with a panicking criminal just annoyed me.And I've only watched it once but I still remember how annoying they were.
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If I didn't have such an unhealthy love for Forest Whitaker and his googly eye, I think I might have been a bit harder on Vantage Point. Even he was given some of that stupid needless dialogue that creeps into every god damn movie. "He shouldn't be up there! There shouldn't be anybody up there! Why's there somebody up there? What's he doing up there? AUDIENCE, BE CONCERNED, SOMETHING UNTOWARD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN." Thanks.


Oh yeah, and The Dark Knight. Still love it to death and may even go and see it a third time, but on the second viewing I remember just how much I hate the shitty "reactions of ordinary people to kerrazy events" scenes that seem to be in every movie with an action sequence ever. During the big SWAT team chase dealy, not only to the SWAT team have tonnes of pointless garbage to spout (as pointed out quite succinctly by Monsieur Seven), but they also have that bit where the two kids are pretending to shoot guns out of the back window of their car. Then a big explosion actually happens in front of them as they do it and they look high-lariously startled. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR.


It wasn't funny when the pigeon did it in Moonraker, it still isn't funny now. Please stop it.

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i really liked Pathology...it's a dark sinister little thriller. I watched it without knowing anything about it, enjoyed it then went and read some reviews...Empire gave it * (one star) which doesn't really surprise me (the mag shits on almost all horror/thrillers unless its made by some hot shot director). It's a movie that def. encouraged me not to read reviews until after i've watched a movie. it's not a classic by any means, but it's a good movie.




The Exorcist - first time i've seen this in years. The Exorcist is one of them movies that suffers from it's reputation imo, with the whole possession scene's which have been ripped off to death and spoofed in no end of things. I also think it's a movie where i think everyone has actually seen the possession parts and not actually seen the whole movie, which sucks 'cause the movie is rightfully recognized amongst movie fans as a classic. i'm pretty much drawn to any horror movies involving religious themes, i don't know why i just am...and this is pretty much the grandaddy of that scene.


It's also sucks to go on imdb and look at the message board in which every other topic is a 'this movie didn't scare me' macho post by some cunt...sad.


The Exorcist II - The Heretic - fuck it, i banged in the sequel too. This pretty much in terms of style and content is the complete opposite of the first one, which i thought was kinda cool. It just takes the basis of the first one and explores it...it's a little silly, but i just liked the way it expands the whole mythology of the exorcist. I can only imagine the shit this got when it was released. Looking at it now though i think it's a pretty cool movie.


Oh and there's something about Linda Blair, i just wanna stick one in her (in the sequel, by the way).

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"Wanted"Let's say you have 1000 points to make a film. You've got to spend these points on plot, actors, special effects and the like. Something like "The Matrix" spread these points around pretty evenly. "Wanted" spends about 800 on Angelina Jolie, 180 on the special effects and the rest was just wasted. Not bad, as much as pointless, confusing and desperate to be its more famous film sibling.

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Ken Park: This is a really graphic and indeed another realistic offering from Larry Clark of the American working class teenager.


To those who've seen it you'll know how, (I don't know if sick is the word) let's say graphic this really is.

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I finally saw the second Futurama film, The Beast with a Billion Backs.It was pretty damn disappointing. Don't get me wrong, there were lots of good laughs.. but the story sucked. Especially from when Yivo started getting more heavily involved and generally towards the end the whole film dragged.Nothing on Bender's Big Score, which I have watched multiple times... I doubt I'll be going back to this one any time soon.I also re-watched 300 the other day.. McNulty is Theron! Haha...

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Watched The Terminal again. Didn't remember it being so 'comedic', it was alright, but the half hearted attempts to turn into some sort of coincidence comedy ruined it for me. I think if they'd made it slightly more serious, or at least made Nixon's characters more serious it'd would of been a better film.

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Spent the evening with housemate who suggested we watch some films he downloaded.Never Back Down: Ok if you want to turn off and watch jock american teens smash each others face in and some of the training/dojo sequences are ok but overall... meh.Meet the Spartans: Please tell me no-one found this funny... I left the room after ten/fifthteen minutes and I am still wondering why this was santioned.

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Spent the evening with housemate who suggested we watch some films he downloaded.Never Back Down: Ok if you want to turn off and watch jock american teens smash each others face in and some of the training/dojo sequences are ok but overall... meh.Meet the Spartans: Please tell me no-one found this funny... I left the room after ten/fifthteen minutes and I am still wondering why this was santioned.

Thank the makers of Scary Movie.They started a great fad which turned into shit.Oh and I'd recommend you all check out Ken Park or other Larry Clark movies like Kids, Bully or Wassup Rockers. For those who aren't very familiar with his work, he's a very controversial director who makes movies that show the lives of working class teenagers. He's so controversial as he doesn't shy away from showing the true images of sex and drugs that teenagers indulge upon on sometimes a daily basis. I have to be honest, Ken Park is one of his more graphic films so if you're easily shocked or easily disgusted then start with Kids. It'll still sicken you but will prepare you for his other films. Edited by Steveo2007
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