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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night on Premiere. Great film. I don't think I could watch it again because it's so gut-renching at some points. It manages to hit rock bottom in simple, spectacular style without ever losing you before recovering to deliver the perfect ending.The kid in it is excellent, while Will Smith is just phenomenal. It just works so well. Chris (Snr) is fantastic, yet his moments of despair actually hurt me. It's a long time since I've watched something on the TV and wanted someone to suceed desperately.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night on Premiere. Great film. I don't think I could watch it again because it's so gut-renching at some points. It manages to hit rock bottom in simple, spectacular style without ever losing you before recovering to deliver the perfect ending.The kid in it is excellent, while Will Smith is just phenomenal. It just works so well. Chris (Snr) is fantastic, yet his moments of despair actually hurt me. It's a long time since I've watched something on the TV and wanted someone to suceed desperately.

Couldn't agree more. I have seen this twice now and both times it was absolutely gut-wrenching. Just when you think they are going to get a break something else crops up to get in their way. Great performances from both members of the Smith family.On a side note kudos to the make up artist (or lack of) who makes a normally stunning Thandie Newton look remarkably plain and (almost) unattractive.
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Deep Crimson


This is Mexican director Arturo Ripstein "re-make" of the classic dark comedy The Honeymoon Killers, but chooses to stick closer to it's source material - the real serial 'lonely hearts' killer of the states in the 1940s.


This film is very dark, yet manages to deliever on enough chuckles and moments of the grotesque to keep your interest, with a great performance from Daniel Gim

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Just watched Red Eye starring Cillian Murphy and the lovely Rachel McAdams, also starred the original Hannibal Lecter, Brian Cox (still haven't seen Manhunter) as Rachel's dad. I wasn't expecting much from the film, thought Cillian would be good because he's been awesome in everything i've seen and this was no different. All-in-all I was pleasantly surprised, Cillian stole the film and his two different characters (one the charming bugger and the other a psychopathic killer) were both used in an effectively quick matter. Rachel was also good and the film had a few unexpected funny parts and also was quite suspenseful at times. Good Sunday afternoon viewing, nothing ground-breaking, but an enjoyable, fun, thriller.

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I don't know why, but I really like Nacho Libre.I saw it in the cinema and thought it was shit, but bought the DVD, and thought it was shit. So have recently put it on as I get to bed, ya know, to fall asleep to and stuff, but I always end up watching it and now I love it. Gonna go watch it again now.

Yeah it's good fun :)Not watched it yet but going to watch Kingdom of Heaven on Channel 4 tonight, looks good and I like Gladiator(I'm in in it :) ) so hopefully will enjoy. Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night on Premiere. Great film. I don't think I could watch it again because it's so gut-renching at some points. It manages to hit rock bottom in simple, spectacular style without ever losing you before recovering to deliver the perfect ending.The kid in it is excellent, while Will Smith is just phenomenal. It just works so well. Chris (Snr) is fantastic, yet his moments of despair actually hurt me. It's a long time since I've watched something on the TV and wanted someone to suceed desperately.

I watched it last night again too. Great film. Will Smith has been on top form recently. The scene when they were sleeping in the toilets really got to me.I did a bit of Wiki'ing on Chris Gardner.. and apparently he actually appears in the film. Right at the end, before the 'knock knock' jokes.. Will Smith runs into him on the street.
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JumperThis film should be held up as a fucking EXCELLENT idea. That lacked so much direction.The film starts well, young guy discovering his powers kinda thing that's usually quite cool in this type of movie, it goes on and you get the sense of an 'up his own arse' person who's got a special power, in a way I think if someone did discover they had a super power, they'd actually be this way sadly rather than just going and helping everyone, he helps himself, ignoring things he could help out with. Though they don't really focus on it they flash past it.His power is simply the ability to teleport himself and anything he is in contact with anywhere, pretty cool but they actually never really explain it properly and you're left to guess (or they seemingly make it up) Enter the 'nemesis' the Paladin's who scour the world looking for others who can do this and killing 'em off.Then the rest of the movie focuses on the two groups trying to evade and track the other down, thrown in is a high school sweetheart, a sidekick and some nice scenery.My problem with this movie is that it just doesn't ever spend time developing people. There's some great dialogue in there but it's almost as if they take the choice lines and leave out the meat of the story. Samuel L Jackson's hair is possibly the most daft thing I've ever seen (in parts you can see where you can get your fingers under it) and the bad guys just don't ever seem evil enough (even when plunging a blade into a captured Jumper). Christiensen ALMOST pulls off a really good 'guy who doesn't give a crap' into 'someone that does' really well and I got the sense that if he'd been allowed to run with it he could've made you care about his character.As it is you've got a film that stutters, stops and starts, gives you glimpses into something great and then pulls away to something else. Oh and the 'payoff' will make you groan. really, really groan.So. File this one under "could've been so much more", a real missed oppourtunity.

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Not watched it yet but going to watch Kingdom of Heaven on Channel 4 tonight, looks good and I like Gladiator(I'm in in it :) ) so hopefully will enjoy.

I taped it to see when there's nothing much on but saw a fun film off The Disney Channel with my son today called Wendy Wu. It's nothing sophisticated but there's action and a bit of humour and it's good if you like a little bit of Kung Fu :thumbsup:
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So as of late i've been a bit addicted at buying cheap dvd's from play.com which is bad for my wallet as it all adds up, but will mean i'm contributing more in here i suppose!Watched series 1+2 of Spaced- Funny tv show that, as far as i know went under the radar of all of my friends and most prople i know to be honest. For those who dont know, it stars Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, and was directed by Edgar Wright, all pre Shaun of the Dead of course. The series is based around characters Daisy and Tim pretending to be a couple so that they can rent a flat together, keeping it a secret from their landlady Marsha, although this isnt the basis for the whole series, just the concept. Very off the wall and at time seems like a real life version of Family guy in the way there are random flashbacks and such regarding things that have no bearing to the plot, but these are few and far between. Quirky characters and some great jokes in there too along with many references to films like Star Wars, Human Traffic and Jurrasic Park.The Invisi-gun-battle moment had me rolling on the floor laughing, as did Dwayne Benzy saying "why dont you piss off back to Romford where you belong" for obvious reasons. I miss it, although wouldnt want a new series as they tied up everything well in the last episode. 8/10Rush Hour- I remember loving this film when I was younger so at 3.99 or whatever on Play.com I thought I couldnt possibly say no. Alot of fun, nothing groundbreaking and sure as hell wont win any awards, but is exactly what you want for a no brainer action movie. I read on IMDB trivia that Chris Tucker improvises all of his lines near enough, and knowing that little nugget of info and watching it again, you can really tell...still not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing. Good fight sequences and a solid enough plot for what it is. 7/10Jurrasic Park- Probably one of my favourite films ever. What gained my attention watching it in 2008 is how well the special effects and CGI, IMO have stood the test of time. Sure they arent AS polished as modern times but seeings as it was made in 1993, its amazing how fantastic all the dinosaurs look. I absolutely love the plot and even the whole premise as to how they were able to bring the dinosaurs back to life in the first place i think is awesome as it actually seems plausable. The Raptors for me, still remain as one of the most badass villains in any film made to this date and truley make you feel glad that its not you thats being hunted by them. The ending with the T-rex still has me marking out now like i did when i first watched the film in the cinema. I remember watching it with my mum and dad and being convinced that the T-rex was the hero in the story and having them explain to me that it was simply it's nature to attack the Raptors. But fuck that and fuck them, T-rex saved the day and you all know it! 8/10.

Edited by Romford_Hoop
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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night on Premiere. Great film. I don't think I could watch it again because it's so gut-renching at some points. It manages to hit rock bottom in simple, spectacular style without ever losing you before recovering to deliver the perfect ending.The kid in it is excellent, while Will Smith is just phenomenal. It just works so well. Chris (Snr) is fantastic, yet his moments of despair actually hurt me. It's a long time since I've watched something on the TV and wanted someone to suceed desperately.

I found the main problem I had with the film was that at no point did I doubt that it would all turn out roses in the end, it was just a case of seeing how they got there. As such, it all seemed a bit predictable - everything just kept getting worse and worse until he turned his life around through hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. Good film but meh.Anyway, bought Reign Over Me last week after reading about on here and really enjoyed it. Perhaps not as much as others did but my girlfriend enjoyed it much more than me, so that's pretty good :)It was part of the 3 for Edited by elegia
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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night on Premiere. Great film. I don't think I could watch it again because it's so gut-renching at some points. It manages to hit rock bottom in simple, spectacular style without ever losing you before recovering to deliver the perfect ending.The kid in it is excellent, while Will Smith is just phenomenal. It just works so well. Chris (Snr) is fantastic, yet his moments of despair actually hurt me. It's a long time since I've watched something on the TV and wanted someone to suceed desperately.

I found the main problem I had with the film was that at no point did I doubt that it would all turn out roses in the end, it was just a case of seeing how they got there. As such, it all seemed a bit predictable - everything just kept getting worse and worse until he turned his life around through hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. Good film but meh.Anyway, bought Reign Over Me last week after reading about on here and really enjoyed it. Perhaps not as much as others did but my girlfriend enjoyed it much more than me, so that's pretty good :)It was part of the 3 for
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I saw Mr. Woodcock the other day.


I've wanted to see this since I first saw adverts for it ages back, as I was just enamoured with the premise - Billy Bob Thornton plays a gym teacher who torments Stiffler as a child and then somehow years later ends up hooking up with Stifler's mum and making his life hell again and hilarity theoretically ensues...


I thought it couldn't fail as I had just seen School for Scoundrels in which Billy Bob played a hardass in a comedy and really enjoyed it, and I've always been a fan of Sean Williams Scott's sidekick tomfoolery.


Man it fucking sucked. Really awful, by the numbers shit. And not even by good numbers. This film really had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Definitely one to avoid. Not only did the jokes suck, but there was very few of them. The characters were really 1 dimensional and they were all comedy characters you will have seen done before, but better. And... well fuck it. I can't even be bothered to write anymore. You get the point.

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I found the main problem I had with the film was that at no point did I doubt that it would all turn out roses in the end, it was just a case of seeing how they got there. As such, it all seemed a bit predictable - everything just kept getting worse and worse until he turned his life around through hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. Good film but meh.

I don't think that's a valid criticism really. I can't think of any film I've ever watched where the happy ending was ever in doubt.
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I attended the Press screening of The Game Plan on Sunday which is another of those films where the happy ending is never in doubt. The Rock is pretty good in it though.Last night I went to the screenign of Semi Pro the new Will Ferrell film about the ABA. I thought it was going to be another Blades of Glory, but it turned out to be really very funny. Not as good as Anchorman but still laugh out loud funny in places. Worth a look.

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