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Dark Tales of Japan

A selection of 5 short stories from five Japanese directors (including Takashi Shimizu(writer & director of The Grudge movies) & Norio Tsuruta(director of Ring 0)). The first story - The Spiderwoman

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Guest donnie darko

Manic:a violent teenager (Joeseph Gordon-Levitt) is forced to go and live in a mental instituion for fucked up kids has trouble dealing with his own problems whilst seeing for himself the pain of friends and enemies around him all of whom are receiving group councelling (by Don Cheadle). Reasonably good story, brilliant acting. The camera work takes some getting used to - up close digital camera that doesn't stop moving. Well worth checking out.

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battle royale: I heard about it, but when I finally got round to seeing it it was different to what I'd imagined. Although, some of the dialogue was unintentionally hilarious ("you're so cool") I just put that down to the bad translating and over all it was a good movie. It was violent, but unlike a lot of other films of its kind, it had messages in it and wasn't just a bunch of teens killing each other for the skae of it. Probably the creepiest part was the girl who had just survived BR smiling and holding her doll at the start. Cursed: This is a really lame werewolf movie directed by Wes Craven. Christina Ricci looks embarressed just to be in it. You can see the twist coming a mile off and it's not scary at all.

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"Pretty in Pink" with Molly Ringwald and an obviously very drunk Andrew McCarthy.One of the most overrated films of the eighties. The ended was awful. She should have went with Duckie!! Oh well.(*/*****)

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battle royale: I heard about it, but when I finally got round to seeing it it was different to what I'd imagined. Although, some of the dialogue was unintentionally hilarious ("you're so cool") I just put that down to the bad translating and over all it was a good movie.

I always thought that was the point, using dialogue schoolkids would use. One of my favourite parts is the dramatic music being played, and the girl is there, some dude is like "I always wanted to pump you", she's like "you should have said - I always liked you!", is the typical teen who-fancies-who dilemma with alot of them being shy.
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Johnny Depp's performance in this is mind blowing, perhaps one of his best roles yet. The setting of the 1960s canabis drug circles is really intriguing, as it has been underplayed in Hollywood and is very fresh and interesting, however that only lasts 45 minutes. Then after a jail sentence, Jung (Depp) becomes a dealer in Coke, and we are shown the same 1970s coke business gangster film we have all seen before. Albeit, it is done well, and it is easy/ enjoyable to watch , it does not cross any new boundaries and chooses to sit on the comfortable side of the fence, with heart wrenching scenes rather than situations which questions the viewers morals. However, it is a strong film, with a strong cast and is enjoyable to watch.



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Just watched Crash on DVD. The multi-narrative one, not the one where people cop off to car crashes. Don't have time to write a considered or in depth review.I enjoyed it. Some bits felt a little sensational (particularly with the hispanic locksmith and his daughter. Touching but also a little hard to believe). The ending was too long, but tied up the storyline threads.Good film overall.

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"Amadeus" by Milos Forman. Multiple Oscar winner in 1984.I didn't think I'd like this at all but the performances drag me into watching it all. Awesome film. F. Murray Abraham is brilliant in it as Sallieri, the jealous composer.(****/*****)

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Kill Bill volume 1 and 2: I really like these movies. The fight scenes are breathtaking, the script is funny and I prefer them to Tarintino's other films. If pressed, I'll say volume one is better than volume two as part one has the better fight scenes and part two has a few too many conversations that drag on. When are the special edition dvd's going to be released anyway?

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JSA - Joint Security AreaChan-Wook Park's 'breakthrough' movie. JSA follows the story of an investigation into the deathof 2 North Korean soldiers in the DMZ peace village where enemies stare at each other across asmall divide. At first it seems a cut and dried case, but of course things are never as they seemand as the investigation goes on a story of human nature, friendship and ultimately tragic circumstances unfolds.This isn't a bad film, it's heartwarming in places, sad in others, makes you want to go stand at theborder and scream "come on you idiots make up!" at times. MY only problems with the film is thatthe 'in english' acting is awful, and the end of the film just seems unlikely to me. I just can't envisagethat kind of thing happening but hey.It was enjoyable enough.Sympathy for Lady Vengence.The story of Lee Gemm-Ja a woman sent to prison for 13 years for kidnapping and killing a 6 year old boy. The film starts with her leaving prison respected as being an "angel" but she soon showsher true colours as an avenging spirit using inmates she has helped in prison to aid her in her questfor revenge against the man who put her in that situation.Can't really give away much more of the story. But if you're expecting a bloody tale of revenge,it's really not that gory, the story though is powerful although the end is a bit strange and I wasexpecting a few more twists that didn't materialise and a few bizzare situations threw me off a bit but it was an enjoyable movie. Nowhere near as groundbreaking as OldBoy. But a good movieif you're a fan of Chan-Wook Park.

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Survive Style 5+

A great film, which is very entertaining, very original, has an interesting plot (five different stories which become intertwined was the movie progresses), is funny, and has some surprisingly good emotion & meaning towards the end. The film is also full of great looking sets, has a good soundtrack, and a good & interesting cast (Tadanobu Asano, Sonny Chiba, Vinnie Jones). Some parts of the film are hit-and-miss and feel unnecessary, but on the whole the movie is great fun and very entertaining & enjoyable viewing

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add me to the Napoleon Dynamite hate club - i watched it, didnt laugh once, the film had no real plot - it was just awful. flogged it and the bloke who bought it off me wondered why it was so cheap lol, he thought it was wank too.

my parents watched it (bad idea) and they didnt get it, i dunno why i love the film...i think it's the fact that its so simple and the characters are fucking brillaint, its a film that gets funnier everytime you see it.
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