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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Audition: The very bloodthirsty Japanese horror flick.



Basic story is this lonely widower tries to find a new wife. He gets women to audition for this role (why?!?!). One of the woman goes Loco in Acapulco and ends up torturing the fuck out of him in the end, culminating in his foot being cut off and acupunction needle being stuck in his eyes. I like these grisly type of films but even I found the last thirty minutes to be just a tad bloodthirsty. (**/*****)






Has Bill Murray and Harold Ramis. Ramis has the best looking white man's afro I think I've ever seen. I was half sleeping when I watched this. Looked decent (***/*****)


National Lampoons European Vacation:




With Chevy Chase. I remember liking this years ago. I hated it now. This conversation, taken from IMDB.com always raises a giggle with me.


Stewardess: Can I get you anything to drink?

Clark Griswold: Honey? I guess I'll have a Coke.

Stewardess: Do you want that in the can?

Clark Griswold: No, I'll have it right here.


Awesome stuff.



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Reservoir DogsSuperb movie, with some fantastically memorable dialogue. The best of it being, for me, the scene in which Mr Pink ( Steve Buscemi ) goes on a rant about tipping. He actually makes sense with a bit of it. 'Tip these guys, but dont tip these guys.'. On the whole, it's a really good story and film.

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A decent film with an interesting plot and some fantastic action. With elements of humour, gore, great direction and cinematography and martial arts-influenced fight scenes, this is definitely a fun flick. It does, however, have its flaws, such as some questionable acting and the somewhat irrelevant sub-plot. Although it can't touch most other foreign films that I've seen, Versus is still very entertaining. Plus, it has zombies with guns and swords! :D

Edited by Van_Dammer
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As a person who has barely watched a Western in my life, I was not expecting to be engulfed by this film as I was. It's sentimental yet gritty, with a superb soundtrack creating an atmosphere which is incomprehensible. The characters and writing is pure gold, with Clint Eastwood, Richard Harris and Morgan Freeman at their best. The violence and language, plus the setting pulls off the cowboy feel to it seamlessly, and you are left with a really really perfect film.



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UnforgivenAs a person who has barely watched a Western in my life, I was not expecting to be engulfed by this film as I was. It's sentimental yet gritty, with a superb soundtrack creating an atmosphere which is incomprehensible. The characters and writing is pure gold, with Clint Eastwood, Richard Harris and Morgan Freeman at their best. The violence and language, plus the setting pulls off the cowboy feel to it seamlessly, and you are left with a really really perfect film.9/10

I'm not much on westerns either.This movie is absolutely awesome though. By this time, nearly everything Eastwood was doing was pure gold.
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Seen "Junior". The one with Arnie in it.Basic story is is that Arnie's character gets a womans egg stuck inside of him, and he gets knocked up. He then has the baby, scientists then try and get to him but they fail. Good I thought.(****/*****)

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