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Get Shorty

A good film, which is entertaining, has a good story, is funny, and has some clever and witty dialogue. There is also a good cast and good acting (John Travolta in particular is very good).



Be Cool

A very entertaining film, which is funny, and has an interesting story. The film also has a good cast, some good cameos, and good acting performances from most of the cast throughout. Not as good as Get Shorty, but is enjoyable viewing on its own merits.




An entertaining movie, which is funny, has a good young cast, a good soundtrack, some pretty women, and even lesbian-tones throughout. The film is short (only an 84-minute duration) and pretty pointless on the whole, but is an enjoyable enough spoof of spy movies.





A very good film, which is very entertaining, has an interesting story, good fight & action scenes, some dark humour, good special effects, a really fun final fight, a good ending, and on the whole is just great fun to watch. It is also very bloody, violent, and full of zombies, swords, and big guns (what more could you want?)!

Draws influences from the films of George A Romero, Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson.


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MI:3Everything about it was 'quite good', but no better. All the actors and performers were adequate, it looked impressive and the storyline was easy to follow. However it just gave me a "why bother?" opinion leaving the film. There's no twists or turns, nothing to make you think, no outstanding plotline to carry the film, and no emotional involvement with the characters.

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MI:3Everything about it was 'quite good', but no better. All the actors and performers were adequate, it looked impressive and the storyline was easy to follow.

disagree...i thought the two main performers were excellent...especially Philip Seymour Hoffman who fucking owned it (but wasnt in it enough!)
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that has whetted my appetite for the planned third film in the works.

It'll never happen.
I'd love to see a GB3 but it's been far too long now, the original actors are too old and the last thing I ever want to see is a hip, young, charisma-free Hollywod cast replacing the original actors.
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Kill Bill 2

Although I liked this film, it was some of Tarantino's poorest scripting. Sure it gives a nod to the cheesy Kung Fu films of the seventies, and revels in the violence like the first fim (to a lesser degre), but the development of the characters takes away the mystique that made the first film so brillant. The ending is anti-clamatic, and over-drawn, and although the final twists rejevunate interest in the characters it does not follow up. On the plus side, Michael Madsen is goddamn good as Bill's brother, and Uma pulls off the bride right to the very end. The violence is moralless and inspired, and very entertaining. My advice would be: buy the first Kill Bill, rent the second.


I give it 6/10

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"Police Story" with the Jackie Chan.


Awesome film. The dubbed voice sounds a bit dodgy like but other than that a tremendous film, and I recommend you find it quick smart.


Also has the best stunts I think I've ever seen. Watch out at the end where Chan slides down a pool, fireman style, from the top of a shopping centre right down to the bottom, smashing big panes of glass on the way seperating the floors on the way. Awesome.








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Visitor Q

Prior to viewing Visitor Q, I had heard a great deal about it. Many have claimed that it's possibly the most disturbing film ever made and, since it's by Takasha Miike, I expected something of that nature. However, in that respect, my expectations may have been too high...


The plot concerns Kiyoshi, a failing TV reporter, and his incredibly dysfunctional family. Without really spoiling any of the film, his son, Takuya is being severely bullied and beats his mother, who, in turn, has become a prostitute. Kiyoshi aims to create a documentary on the hopelessness of the youth; ironically, the subjects of his work are his own family, who he has no problem with exploiting. One day, a strange man becomes involved in their family and a series of immensely twisted events and acts transpire.


Visitor Q is extremely fucked up and graphic, but in order for it to be truly disturbing, it would have to presented in a much darker manner than it is. The film is entirely shot on DV, which creates a documentary-like feel. It certainly doesn't strike a chord in the same way that Audition, perhaps Miike's most well-known film, does. Instead, due to the incorporation of dark humour, several moments of Visitor Q are actually very funny.

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For instance, in one scene, Kiyoshi is watching a failed attempt at a documentary. When he asked a bunch of youths about their lives, they shoved the microphone up his ass and mocked him.
However, in most cases, you'll probably only appreciate this aspect of the film if you're not overly squeamish.


Beneath its extraordinarily bizarre imagery and instances of over-the-top violence, Visitor Q features an abundance of symbolism and touches on several important social themes. If you're open-minded, definitely give this film a look.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Ashton Kutcher IS Peter Venkman!

Ashton isn't even fit to play Louis Tully.
this did, however, get me thinking on who would be connected to the project, if it were to be made now with a younger cast. i can't help but think ben stiller and owen wilson would have something to do with it...-c-
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